Monday, March 31, 2008

jungle FEVER

Jungle fever
heats the air,
pimps and prostitutes

Savages dancing
in the streets;
it's that jungle fever
it's the savage beat.

There's no training
just watch T. V..
see the horror on the
T. V.. screen

The clever lies
and hidden deceit
the enemy
is every-one you meet

Savage fever
in the streets
buy some smoke..
Ya, dance the beat.

Empty eyes,
hollow hearts,
sell your soul,
till the emptyness starts.

Sweat-stained stink,
dirty sheets,
making love
to anyone she meets;

Empty eyes,
hardened hearts
sell your body
until emptyness starts.

Jungle fever,
Jungle heat,
the price is money,
what's sold is meat.

Sell your soul
to feel fine,
and hope tomorrow that you ain't alive.

urban life

Jungle fever,
savage beat,
buy some pussy,
Ya, buy some meat.

It doesn't matter
what you do
what's good is bad
what's bad is you.

Jungle madness
mindless glares,
drugs for feeling,
but drugs don't care;

Sell your soul
to feel fine
embrace the darkness
an lose your mind

City prisons,
people hidden
who never cared;

Locked in--to -- houses
locked out,
the care

It's a savage fever

It's in the cities
across the land
A time of darkness
when evil expands

Hate the light
love twisted truth
what's ever easy
must be good for you

Look around
it's everywhere
it's so Damn thick
you can cut the air

Painted smiles..
empty eyes
evil loves
it's many disguises

It's just a game
there are no rules
if you care
they call you a fool

What's good is bad
what's bad is cool.
The eye's go empty
as the heart grows cruel

The New Age of darkness
hidden deceit;
money is power
and people are meat.

Sell your soul
to feel fine;
and hope tomorrow
that you ain't alive
you ain't alive

Ain't alive
you just ain't alive
you ain't alive
ain't alive


Cp wrt-84-92

Thursday, March 27, 2008

california former employee

This management team not only kept the employees uninformed, and misinformed, but they kept each other misinformed,

just tell me the good things happening (or the potential dirt on the underlings) I don't want to hear about problems.

The alcoholic salesman once painted a story that dramatized this distortion. If for instance a salesman was with as customer and jumped into their lap, kissed them on the lips shit all over themselves and the customer. By the time the story was filtered to the president it could likely be changed to " Well the salesman had some Mexican food for lunch and it gave him gas; when he was with the customer he farted a couple times.

It was necessary to learn the skill of
"memo documentation" ( at one point this
escalated to something akin to memo wars) this manager became a habitual liar and denied anything and everything; it became
necessary to document events to anticipate his lack of support in the effort minimize future problems. As stated above it became necessary to write memo's to document any type of problem. This manager who was in a different office instead of keeping (remote) employees better informed, covertly told his (cronies) accomplice's to let him know if a memo's were being sent. Of course !!

Ah yes, your humble narrator went out to California on a Pilgrimage. Searching for holy cities, magicians, wild women, and new flavors of the "Wow "Vibes.

California, the Golden State.
At the time, it sort of seemed like an omen. Intuition told me that I would find " Truth "
in California.

Nobody dies of old age there. Everyone dies prematurely on the highways, and you never know when, Any minute of any hour some brake lights could blink, tires squeal, and the semi on your rear bumper flattens you into a gruesome road-kill in two seconds flat. It could happen tonight. You live like a hunted beast.

Everyone has their day to die on the thruway bleeding, you get your own honorary traffic jam as gawkers creep by admiring your splashed guts. And the traffic jam blocks the ambulance two miles back.
Everyone is famous for
a half an hour.
It's like a bizarre pagan sacrifice to the Goddess of Asphalt.

No one escapes the hot black alter!

My dashboard was a good luck temple .... four inches deep in St. Christopher statues, rabbit's feet, four leaf clovers, spirit whistles, eagle feathers, glass pyramids, magic crystals, satchels of voodoo herbs, and photos of Jesus Christ, Budda, Confucius, and Ollie North.

YOU NEED more than AAA.

California the land of promise.

As i drove along those roads I saw it for what it was .......


" Pou-Fu Loves Sally "

"Iluminado + Sally "

" Abdulla Owns Sally "

The thugs hang out every where.
Nubile wenches. Boom boxes, Budweiser,
and Zig-Zag bomers. Litter everywhere..

Yes, the couple years I spent in California......thinking that this was " IT " was as much fun as an ............incurable case of
jumbo Ho Chi Mihn crab lice.

Did I find the Truth??

Boy, did I !!! I cruised right by
the bright red signs.

All caution to the wind.

The Management method employed was to erode the employees confidence in their work; find some petty reason or fault, real or imaginary, create situations where the employee may have to lie. Put them under pressure so they would fail then management could supposedly
This provided justification for the employee to LIE FOR The Manager;

This effort was to keep the employees:
confused and there for under control, and with the group lying for the Manager

get up in the morining

service training

How to get along and bee nice!!

proverbs 23:23

23:23 Buy the truth and sell it not, also wisdom and instruction and understanding

When you find the truth it cost you something so now don’t sell it for it is a foundation upon which rests wisdom, every thing else.

The world will want to buy your truth and sell you theirs.

25:14 Who so boasteth himself of a false gift is like clouds and wind without rain.

Like any thing else a lie is a lie a deception is a lie and a false gift is a misrepresentation of a blessing.

It is the appearance of something but it is an illusion

former employee (thermo WHO)

good people don't work here( for too long)
You see there really are Companies where:

"Good people don't Work here".

Half truths, misconceptions, and accusations are an effective way to control and manage people. Keep them at each other's throat (cut throat environment), keep them suspicious, keep them confused, and guarded.

The organizational structure at some companies require that "key" management personnel be skilled in the art of deceit. Deception, manipulation and its associated "skills" can be a highly desired style or "Expertise
"; but If you are not on "their" team it can be very dangerous.
When a weasel factory (snake pit) company finds a NON "YES" man, who can't do or say anything they demand because ethical or personal values; they are then no longer a "good" organizational fit, because loyalty counts for everything. Every one is"a manager" means it's ok to defraud, libel and slander co-workers because every one does it, just lie and deny it and blame it on someone else.

This thesis describes some of the covert management styles that are used in the effort to keep the workers under-control, divided and "quiet"; and its subsequent corrupt influence of the ethical morals in the Dutch Reformed Religion.

Are Companies Run By Crooks?? Of Course!! The type of individual who would "not fit into this organization" is a person who is: moral, ethical or open , honest, and genuine .

What's Good is Bad, What's Bad is Good, Who ever does the Most , does the Worst; Who ever does the Least , does the Best... These are real techniques applied at some companies. The people I worked with in Holland Michigan were "professional" church going liars,thieves & crooks, it was just part of the job description. Ethics or morality were not allowed in the work place.

Where personal loyalty is the most important commodity.

People, reality and or sound business practices take the
"back seat". Or simply put:

"If you are swimming with shark's! You had better make sure
" you are a shark " "or" "you are" going to be lunch !!!

People do the deeds of their Character that dominate their personality or satisfy their comfort. Most of will do what ever is the easiest, change, responsibility, learning can be to difficult, it takes commitment, it takes effort, it can be scary, and there may not be any
" money " in it. So why bother? For many one's "Job" is the most important item in life so in corporate life it becomes necessary to be a go-along-get-along kind-of-guy, following the values of that company

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

i lied for U club

{The Good-Old-Boys-Club}

He typified the management style there;
the rule for management was simple.

"It's OK to lie to a little bit"
if it keeps him or us out of trouble.
It was sometimes an adventure talking to "Old Bob" you see he had this pregnant profile and when he would talk to someone he would preface the conversation with:

" Well ya, know I've been in this business for twenty-eight years now "

[as he would rub his hands up and down his fat belly]

"and the environmental business has been very-very-good-to-me, I've seen a lot of things, blah, blah. blah."

dishonest thermotron former employee


Have no dealings with dishonest people.
Neither their promises nor their friendship
are worth having.

Their promises are like gusts of wind,
and they do not know the meaning of friendship.

The dishonest cannot offer their honor as a bond,
because they have none to pledge;
and without a bond,
there can be no forfeit.

The name written under an agreement
counts for more than all the
legal phrases which precede it


memo man holland man

*The most important influences were parental:

How the rescuers had been disciplined as children was crucial.

The bystanders were more likely to have been beaten and abused by their parents.

The rescuers parents, on the other hand, used reason to discipline, thereby instilling values as well as compassion.

*Parents behavior toward others was major influence. Kind, caring parents were the model for kind, caring children.

Oliner discovered that 500,000 Christians had risked their lives to save a million Jews from death. His work ;had other rewards: The research, intimates say helped heal Oliner. Rabbi Harold Schulweis, a close friend, says: "He found the spark of decency in human beings." At 60, Samuel Oliner is now a man at peace with the past and hopeful for the future, He says "The notion that we are each other's keepers is gaining. Maybe we've reached a point where another Holocaust is unimaginable. He pauses, then adds: "It's because of the people who cared that I'm here. There are such people in the world--and we can teach our children to be like them.."

Letters to the Editor:

Dear Pacific Northwest Pilgrimage,

It was very good to hear from you. We received your letter and the poems but to tell the truth, I had a very difficult time trying to understand it. I was able to glean a few things:

1) That you are planning on relocating .

2) That you're very negative on people. I think that negativity is a trap that it is [sic] very easy to fall into as we get older. I caution you to strive against it. People are not as bad as you paint them, even in corporate America.
A G.

Dear A G.

Whew! Shit! Here's the guy who turned me on to books like "Pigs in the Parlor, Signs wonders and Response (three days of darkness), Prophecies by Wladyslaw Biernacki, or Constance Cumbey The hidden dangers of the rainbow, and of course The Poem of the Man-God........ Now he's telling me that corporate life is normal.

What many companies are noted for are:

the wrong people in the right jobs,

supra-talented people in the supra-menial jobs,

and the one-dimensional types in the multiple-dimensional jobs.

Management is summed up simply as

"a matter of making sure everybody knows who's boss."

Authority that can not command respect by leadership dynamic or credentials or expertise often shifts to authoritarianism

out of a "fear of being found out"

Where abilities are lacking, insecurities evident in relationships to that,

and the complexities of the organizational function too difficult to cope with, the leader often will resort to authoritarian postures in order to save what he can.

Because for him to admit to limitations or incapacities for "corporate' problems is but to contradict the image.

The shape of an organization is a direct result of the administrative weakeners or strengths that were brought into it, and GOD will not perfect that which has been ignored, especially when the cure is readily accessible at the local business college.
On top of that of course is the already defined authoritarian syndrome which becomes more and more rigid as the ability to cope with corporation complexities becomes less and less.
Weakness of rank and fine can be worked out and perfected but only as there is capable leadership knowledge enough and self-experiential enough to detect them.

In an organization if you ask people how the company values them, most workers will comment along this general line: "It's a job." or "i don't think I'm really that important".

All of which says that they have learned to accommodate themselves to their "value" as set by the company, or director, either directly or indirectly, which is that they are merely piece workers hung together on restrictive codes.

If mediocrity is to be explained at all it has to stem from the empty "value system" of taboos and internal behavioral circumspections.

An organization whose "value system" spins around negatives will find the group spitting into the the wind rather than with it.

Christian workers perhaps more then their secular counterpart are sensitive to the emergence of "false values" based on contradictory images.

They have come to expect much more,.

When these false values continue to go unchecked, they whittle away at the respect until the organization becomes the subject of mean, caustic jokes.


He loves paper, lots of paper
see him shuffle all day long.
He loves memo's writing memo's
that say the things that should be done.

He's got a style, and uses techniques
that a nine year old boy knows;
because he loves memo's pretty memo's
but don't ask him what to do

Don't ask him what he's doing
because he doesn't understand
He loves memo's, pretty memo's
those letters he can comprehend

He looks good on paper
Yes paper is what he knows
His clothing is from the "50's"
and Sears Roebuck is the brand.

He loves memo's lots of memo's
don't ask him what he knows
He doesn't want to hear you
and tries not to let it show

Don't tell him what is happening
He is a spineless deceitful man
Show him memo's lots of memo's
that's all he understands

1-15-1984 PST*O

church philosophers /it's just an opinion

The church philosophers of the time, - for example the French philosopher, René Descartes (1596-1650) - employed what we have come to call the deductive method of thinking. But for a new breed of thinkers, a different approach was being adopted.10 Fearless men were stating that for knowledge to be valid it must be the result of experience; the natural world we live in must be approached by building, on, thoroughly tested theories, theories that fit in with our real life experiences; these theories were built up by employing an induction method of thinking.


The Fundamental Question (the study, or the investigation, of it, is known as epistemology), is, how does one come to know what he knows. While man might well come delivered with certain primitive urges, plainly needed for a start: the question is, does the process of learning operate in the same way; or, is it, simply the full development of innate urges? Or, does man have free will, and while having an innate capacity to receive data, is guided by his past experiences; proceeding in life on a trial and error basis, a basis, in fact, on which all science proceeds.
In answer to the question of how man comes to know what he knows (the study of epistemology) we see that two theories have come about. There is the rationalist view, led by Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, and others; who sought to integrate a belief in the existence of certain innate ideas with an acceptance of the value of data received by experience. Empiricism (expounded by Hobbes, Hume, Locke) denied the existence of innate ideas altogether, maintaining that all knowledge comes from human experience. Kant and numerous people since have attempted to combine the two views.

Dualism is the belief that reality, subsists, both in thought and in matter. It is important in your intellectual dealings with others to recognize a dualist. He or she is a type of person who believes there does exist, a universe, beyond that in which one exists. A "dualist" believes in this world and in the next; he lives in this one and aspires to another. His line of thought comes from the misty dark ages, when everything be a mystery. As I have said, only gradually did man come to grips with the nature of the universe, of which he is part; culminating in Darwin's evolutionary and comprehensive vision. Seemingly taking his cue from Spinoza, Darwin, in his monistic vision, showed that reality is a unitary and continuous process with no dualistic split between soul and body, between matter and mind, between life and not-life. There is no cleavage between natural and supernatural. All phenomena, observed and unobserved, are of one universe; they are all natural to it.11

It was during this time, too, that religious dissenters were picking the church's lock which it had -- on what, and what was not, the correct mode of thinking. Wycliffe (1320-84) of England was one of the first dissenters (the church, as an official act, in 1415, ordered that his bones be dug up and burned.) Martin Luther (1483-1546), an ex-monk, of Germany, was another who attacked the church. Instead of disputing in Latin, as was the fashion in those days, Luther took up the new weapon of the printed word and scattered his views in a contemporary language, in his case the language used by the ordinary people of Germany. It is with these religious dissenters that we see in history the opening of an age which continues to this day: an age of multiplying ideas and weakening faith.


Yet today, there exists among us, mystics:
"You that will have all solid, and a world of pig-lead, deceive yourselves grossly. You believe yourselves rooted and grounded on adamant, and yet if we uncover the last facts of our knowledge, you are spinning like bubbles on a river, you know not whither or whence, and you are bottomed and capped and wrapped in delusions."12
And so what are we to make of all this; does there exist a Grand Force? How are we to describe it? What attributes do we lend to it? One conclusion we might immediately come to: This Grand Force "is indifferent to progressive development, it has no aims, no goal to reach. Its main motive is to continue striving, to continue living, so to speak. Somehow or other, however, it does bring progress in its wake."13

former employee / The knowledge of the truth

§ "The knowledge of the truth."
§ "The patient philosopher, who is cautious in his positions, dubious of his data, slow in his conclusions, must fail at once. He would be investigating while he should attack, inquiring while he should speak. He could not act upon a chance; the moment of action would be gone. A sanguine and speedy intellect, ready to acquire, by its very idea all but excludes the examining, scrupulous, hesitating intellect which reflects." (Biographical Studies, p. 62.)
§ "In every cry of every Man ... The mind-forg'd manacles I hear." (Songs of Experience, 1794.)
§ "Philosophy is the cultivation of the mental faculties; it roots out vices and prepares the mind to receive proper seed."
§ "Philosophy recovers itself when it ceases to be a device for dealing with the problems of philosophers and becomes a method, cultivated by philosophers, for dealing with the problems of man."
§ "The first step towards a philosophy is incredulity."
§ "To say that the time for philosophy has not yet come or that it is passed and gone is like saying that the time for happiness has not yet come or that it is passed and gone."
§ "Philosophy goes no further than probabilities, and in every assertion keeps a doubt in reserve." (Calvanism, 1877.)
Goldsmith, Oliver (1731-1774):-
§ "Philosophy is a good horse in the stable, but an arrant jade on a journey."
§ "Leisure is the mother of philosophy." (Leviathan.)
§ "There is one disadvantage which the man of philosophical habits of mind suffers, as compared with the man of action. While he is taking an enlarged and rational view of the matter before him, he lets his chance slip through his fingers." (The Professor of the Breakfast Table.)
§ "There is no method of reasoning more common, and yet none more blamable, than, in philosophical disputes, to endeavor the refutation of any hypothesis, by a pretense of its dangerous consequences to religion and morality." (An Enquiry Concerning the Human Understanding.)
§ "Philosophical decisions are nothing but the reflections of common life, methodized and corrected." (An Enquiry ...)
§ "Do not charms fly, At the mere touch of cold philosophy?"
§ "Philosophy will clip an angel's wings."
Keyser, Cassius J.:-
§ "The term philosophy signifies that which philosophers are doing... The meaning of the term is a function of two variables - time and clime." (As quoted in Mencken's Dictionary.)
§ "The ancient philosophy was a treadmill, not a path. It was made up of revolving questions, of controversies which were always beginning again. It was a contrivance for having much exertion and no progress." (In Macaulay's essay on, "Lord Bacon.")
§ "To philosophize is nothing else than to prepare oneself for death."
§ "Philosophy is such as impertinently litigious lady that a man had as good be engaged in lawsuits as to have to do with her." (In a letter to Edmund Halley, June 20, 1687)
§ "Good health or bad makes our philosophy."
§ "Philosophy triumphs easily over past, and over future evils, but present evils triumph over philosophy."
§ "That man is the product of causes which had no provision of the end they were achieving; that his origin, his growth, his hopes, his gears, his loves and his beliefs, are but the outcome of accidental collocations of atoms; that no fire, no heroism, no intensity of thought and feeling, can preserve individual life beyond the grave; that all the labors of the ages, all devotions, all the inspiration, all the noonday brightness of human genius, are destined to extinction in the vast death of the solar system, and that the whole temple of Man's achievement must inevitably be buried beneath the debris of a universe in ruins - all these things, if not beyond dispute, are, yet so nearly certain, that no philosophy which rejects them can hope to stand. Only within the scaffolding of these truths, only on the firm foundation of unyielding despair can the soul's habitation henceforth be safely built."
§ "Optimism and pessimism, as cosmic philosophies, show the same naive humanism: the great world, so far as we know it from the philosophy of nature, is neither good nor bad, and is not concerned to make us either happy or unhappy. All such philosophies spring from self-importance, and are best corrected by a little astronomy." (What I Believe.)
§ "Adversity's sweet milk - philosophy." (Romeo and Juliet.)
§ "There are more things in Heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." (Hamlet.)
§ "The unexamined life is not worth living."
Voltaire (Philosophic Dictionary):-
§ "Without philosophy we should be little above the animals."

bille clintion, i lied 2 U maybe/ it's my job

Monday, March 24, 2008

thermotron and your replacement

your replacement has been hired/ field sales- field service engineer
your replacement has been hired!!!



Technical Writer Thermotron Industries Inc
Holland, MI 49423 View Map Mar 12

Thermotron Industries is the leading manufacturer of Test Chambers that simulate weather and atmospheric conditions. Our Customers are high tech and use our equipment to test their products against ha ... more

Field Service Technician Thermotron Industries Inc
Baltimore, MD 21201 View Map Mar 06
Thermotron Industries is leading the industry with our Test Chambers and Equipment. If you want to take your service career to the next level, this is an opportunity FOR YOU! Thermotron is looking for ... more

Field Sales : Capital Equipment Thermotron Industries Inc
Houston, TX 77002 View Map Feb 14

Thermotron Industries is the leading global manufacturer of Test Chambers and related Electronic Test equipment. Our Equipment simulates harsh environment using temperature, humidity, altitude, vibrat ... more

it's good being president

you are right all the time

thermotron former employee

thermotron drummed out ??
Leviticus 19:11 (New International Version)

11 " 'Do not steal. " 'Do not lie. " 'Do not deceive one another.

Its reall amazing the number of people that have been drummed out at thermotron.

when tOM bANNISH was their he was always trying to find dirt on his co workers

and he bragged to that every one would go along with his lies and fraud.

he would call people up on the phone and tell them to make it hard on other co workers and harress them

and then lie about it

but thermotron is not the only environmental chamber company that drums people out

when i worked for Russles Technicial Products.. I asked Bill Bench about a few people that were getting a bad rap and a hard time .. if THEY WERE BEING DRUMMED OUT??

Bill acted like it was Normal .. and he said..


When John tenbrink was at Thermotron and Espec i asked Tom Patterson about it..

and he just LAUGHTED .. he considered it normal to be in field service and be drunk on the job when he worked for thermotron and bob less wiley..

then said

" when people complained about them being drunk on the job .. then They were the ones who got in trouble !! NOT the drunks..

yes drumming people out in NORMAL and takes TRAINING..

when i asked human resourses about it at thermotron.. ..

the common answer .. is .. WEELLLL they had some PPPrrOOblems !!

ya i guess...

Leviticus 19:11 (New International Version)

11 " 'Do not steal. " 'Do not lie. " 'Do not deceive one another.

James 1:5 (New International Version)
New International Version (NIV)
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society

5 If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.

Monday, March 17, 2008

false wittness

Leviticus 6:5 (New International Version)
New International Version (NIV)
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society
5 or whatever it was he swore falsely about.
He must make restitution in full, add a fifth of the value to it and give it all to the owner on the day he presents his guilt offering.

James 1:5 (New International Version)
New International Version (NIV)
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society

5 If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.

thermotron drummed out ??

Exodus 22:1 (New International Version)

Exodus 22

Protection of Property 1 "If a man steals an ox or a sheep and slaughters it or sells it, he must pay back five head of cattle for the ox and four sheep for the sheep.

Leviticus 19:11 (New International Version)

11 " 'Do not steal. " 'Do not lie. " 'Do not deceive one another.

Exodus 22:7 (New International Version)

7 "If a man gives his neighbor silver or goods for safekeeping and they are stolen from the neighbor's house, the thief, if he is caught, must pay back double.

Exodus 22:8 (New International Version)

8 But if the thief is not found, the owner of the house must appear before the judges [a] to determine whether he has laid his hands on the other man's property.

Zechariah 5:3 (New International Version)

3 And he said to me, "This is the curse that is going out over the whole land; for according to what it says on one side, every thief will be banished, and according to what it says on the other, everyone who swears falsely will be banished.

Exodus 22:8 Or before God ; also in verse

Exodus 22:3 (New International Version)
New International Version (NIV)
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society

3 but if it happens [a] after sunrise, he is guilty of bloodshed. "A thief must certainly make restitution, but if he has nothing, he must be sold to pay for his theft.

Leviticus 6:5or whatever it was he swore falsely about. He must make restitution in full, add a fifth of the value to it and give it all to the owner on the day he presents his guilt offering.

Leviticus 5:16 (New International Version)
New International Version (NIV)
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society

]16 He must make restitution for what he has failed to do in regard to the holy things, add a fifth of the value to that and give it all to the priest, who will make atonement for him with the ram as a guilt offering, and he will be forgiven.

Exodus 22:11 (New International Version)
New International Version (NIV)
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society

11 the issue between them will be settled by the taking of an oath before the LORD that the neighbor did not lay hands on the other person's property. The owner is to accept this, and no restitution is required.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

bob wiley thermotron

Thursday, December 27, 2007

old bob wiley
You are right!!

Well i certainly have seen a lot of tricks in how to work the system in this chamber business..
now the kid i worked with in california .. robbed and embezzled about 50 thousand dollars..
When i Got the the Boeing job with Bob Wiley in charge.. john tenbrink demenstrated that Old

Bob is as smart as a fox..

it was ok be be drunk on the job and falsefy your working hours.. and dave drumham called his co-workers "Backstabbers"
if they didn't agree with him..

Gregory v johnson had ... as hil sysbesma said .. " he had tom bannish around his little finger"..

He said who ever tell tom bannish what ever lies he wants to hear is right..
and tom Bannich encouraged deceit and dishonesty.. with his "Every one is the Manager"

when i asked TB what he ment by that he said .. "Well that's the problem"
(TB really is a disease)

and as he demenstrated when he comes to town there is a new level of curruption..and fraud
gregory v johnson he started his carreer by being the neighbor hood thief and bugler.. he showed me all the housed he robbed when we were in Pasandia visiting his mother..

Tom bannash loved his lies..he was his pet false wittness

But Enseco Fired him within 6 months.. for robbery.. embezzelment etc..

Mitch Kerr form all temp engineering told me that the word was out and that gregory V wouldn't get any work in that valley any more.

He also told me how therMoTron had not payed them for about 50,000 dollars of warrenty work..billed to them..

I told him that with all the different embezzlers and thieves he has worked with .. that does not seem out of character of that company.
greg was typical for a tom bannich pet

it may seem high ..but after Rouloff's removed the salesman bo bjarno.. then the sky was the limit..his 10 thousand a year went to about 20 thousand..

and he spent the last year at thermotron selling realestate, which he should have stayed in.. because it is a job where u just lie to everyone

ya tom bannish drummed out

5 securtaries, the 2 sales man , and my self told .. bannach about it...

also the people in the seattle office and the LA office..


even though there is a federal law against it..

but i learned a big lesson about that management style ..

harrasement, lying, and drumming out people = (equals) basic dis-honesty

You can't tell a Dummy anything .. "That's why they are called Dummies"
As tom bannish said"every one is the manager" ..

which of course means there is no manager.. just lying back stabbers.
and spinless guttless wonders

Heck i asked the upper management what they budgeted for thief and embezzelment, and asked if they were some kind of mafa operation. or were a money laundering operation..

But you are right..
If lying , robbery and embezzelment is still the standard than i would not be a fit..

Cheers.. and happy new year

A man was sitting at a bar whose selling point was that it was on top of the largest skyscraper in town.
Another man walks in and asks the bartender for a Jack Daniel's. He downs it, and then takes a running leap out the window.
Much to everybody's surprise, he floats back up and climbs through the window back into the bar.
The man at the bar is amazed and asks the man how he did it."Easy," says the man. "Outside this window are some very strong wind currents which can carry you back to the window.""Wow," says the man at the bar. "I gotta try this." He takes a running leap out the window and falls to a horrible, bloody, and flat death."Goodness, Superman," says the bartender.

"You can be a real a jerk when you're drunk."

HA HA HA.. as Shelly said in parts

it was just politics !!

(she worked with Ester Hamstra) and jerry sinzack, when i met jerry's wife at the clinic she said

theRmoTron didn't give out raises.. they gave people "titles"

Monday, March 3, 2008

thermotron former employee

Monday, Mar 3, 2008
Posted on Sun, May. 27, 2007
A job lost and perspective gained


Kevin Holt of Gastonia bears little likeness to the chiseled warriors depicted in Army posters.
He's 41, heavyset and has a habit of pushing his eyeglasses to the bridge of his nose.
He's a citizen-soldier.

The former sailor enlisted in the National Guard in July 2004 as a way to supplement his income and heed a call to service.

Last summer, between supervising a chow line at Camp Speicher outside Tikrit, Iraq, and running food convoys, Holt sat at dusty computer keyboards, hunting and pecking the answers to his online college course. He hoped a business degree would help him land a job.

Thermotron Industries, based in Holland, Mich., fired Holt in April 2005, near the height of the Bush administration's call-up of National Guard members and just a week after Holt told the company he was being deployed to Iraq.

Holt serviced Thermotron's environmental test chambers, which expose electronics and other devices to temperature extremes. He covered a patch of the Southeast for the privately held, mid-sized company, making about $54,000 a year.

Holt says Thermotron accused him of trying to bill the company for Yellow Pages advertising he had ordered for his side repair business. BellSouth had mailed the bill to Thermotron by mistake, an error Holt said his boss had resolved more than eight months before.

The married father of two worked seven years for Thermotron, which has a growing defense-contract business. The termination was an about-face for a company that two months before firing him had given Holt another glowing annual evaluation.
Fellow soldiers in the National Guard's 505th Engineer Battalion said they thought the timing of the firing looked fishy. They told him about the law designed to protect civilian jobs of part-time soldiers called to active duty.

Holt tried to get his job back. He filed complaints with state and federal labor departments. He thought his case was a slam-dunk.

Thermotron sent letters in its defense. It produced copies of the Yellow Pages bill it said proved Holt tried to deceive the company. The company denied that a supervisor had told Holt the billing mistake had been resolved.

Holt provided documents but couldn't produce anything showing Thermotron fired him because his military service conflicted with the company's need for a repairman in the Southeast.
Channels prove fruitless

Like thousands of service members, Holt's journey through government channels proved futile."They wanted documents," Holt says of labor officials. "But I was getting ready to go to war."
By November 2005, with Holt in Iraq, state and federal labor officials had sent letters to his house.
The agencies ruled Thermotron fired him "for cause."
Richard Castillo, the U.S. Labor Department's assistant director in Michigan, said Holt could request the agency refer the case to the Justice Department for possible litigation.

But Castillo would recommend "no further action be taken."
Ronald Lampen, Thermotron's vice president of service operations, noted agencies ruled in the company's favor. "Holt's allegations are unfounded and untrue," Lampen told the Observer in a phone call. He refused to answer further questions, then hung up.
A call to a job

Above Kevin Holt's backyard workshop, a massive portrait of Jesus stands watch.
"Bad things will happen to you in life," Holt says. "Ultimately, God is still on the throne. The sun came up this morning. The world will not end."

Last October Holt returned home to hugs, red-white-and-blue bunting around the mailbox ... and a job interview.

Espec North America had heard Holt was no longer with competitor Thermotron. After e-mailing Holt in Iraq, the company agreed to talk with him when he got back.
In November, he became Espec's newest employee.
Going from civilian to soldier, from Gastonia to Tikrit and back, from unemployed to employed in a little over a year has imbued Holt with perspective.

"I grew up a lot during the experience," he says. "I never lost a job before. Never experienced unemployment. I always feared facing that. But the calamity I thought was going to happen, didn't happen."

He enrolled in school again, this time to work on a master's in theology through an online program.
"I feel called," Holt says, "to serve as an Army chaplain."
As a Guard member, Holt says he's willing to return to Iraq or wherever his country needs him.

He also abides by the gospel of Luke, the passage that admonishes "Love your enemies," and "pray for those who mistreat you."

Saturday, March 1, 2008

thermotron senior service enGInEEr TrAInIng

thermotron senior service enGInEEr TrAInIng

Successful candidates for select positions will receive:

Extensive technical training-classroom and hands on with senior Service Engineers.

Every course includes testing.. WE MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND YOUR TRAINING. is to get the customer to sign off on the equipment. Extensive troubleshooting training.

We teach you how to systematically troubleshoot complete systems. call the office , or tell the customer that the guy who does this type of repair is on another job.

No more "guessing" about what is causing a problem. you will be able to diagnose issues using skill and logic. by calling to home office and saying WWWHATTS UUPP!!!

Technical support hotline. We have experienced skilled personnel available for those "tough" challenges. .. call mark lamers, or jerry sinzak.. Stan Van Lear or roger cook,.or bob nash.. or .. oh n oh

Training, Testing and registration for ISO 9001 and A2LA calibration standards.
A mili-voltage sourse.. and 2 resistance boxes..

The correct equipment to handle the job.

Certified electronic calibration equipment, all major refrigeration repair equipment, like refrigeration manofold guages.

.a company van stocked with replacement parts and support supplies. like solonoids, and solid state relays, and TXV's Wow u will be the the bell of the ball

Job Satisfaction. ask fred plont.. or the guys in dallas forth worth..

Dick Alverson was almost a senior , when he watched tom bannish drum out Jeff and his other co-workers

If you have the talent and ability to handle our on the job training programs and apply your new skills,and tell the customer what ever they want to hear.

you will be at the top of your profession. and now can go into SALES

Call up Dean Tripp in Farmington New mexico. as a senior service engineer.. he knows pneumatic controls on chambers.. and chart recorders too.

He will teach u how to go heavy on your travel time and billable time ..and the customer "deserves to get a FREE lunch"

Hil Sysbesma.. Branch Manager in san diago california.. there wasn't a secretary or a sales man. in that office .just him...

and when he quit thermotron dan okeefe .. filed a 1.2 million dollar lawsuit against him..

HE IS AT TENNY NOW .. but maybe he will talk to you..

CAll up ALL TEMP ENGINEERING in san jose.. and talk to bruce butler, mitch kerr,

or the famous "JOHN DANE"

OR if u are out side of sacramento.. call up Gregory v johnson and get some tips on fraud and embezzlement..

or call on tom bannish he got the dirt on eveything just ask him!!

because he just might know something.. we can't let that happen..

It feels good to be the best liar ! Ask ron wiley.. that;s his claim to fame..

or john tenbrinkn who is at Environtronics,

he couldn't get any one to hire him but Bob Wiley..

because bob told john and his inner circle

"That it is OK to lie to him about what is going on"

John worked at ESPEC when sexton was there.. and marty rich got a taste of his senior service skills... but mostly in the bar drinking

or tom bannish, or greg v johnson or fred plont. who says gee isn't every one a liar and a thief?

when ron wiley

(then the west coast manager and dispatchor)

when he sent 3 thermotron field service engineer's to the job site at General Instruments Litton..

they couldn's even fine the "hidden buttons on the controller"

so they couldn't really tell the staff anything about the chamber operation because
they were all getting their field service training.

and the next guy thermotron sent to start up a vibration shaker got his training over the phone..

he was told that the shaker was "round and BLUE"


and a month later he came back to replact it..

Then Thermotron sent a questionair to evualiate their service..

i guess they were wondering if most customers figured it out!!


if they could send someone to explain the operation of this equipment and was told that

"they don't do that any more"


Thermotron Industries is America's largest manufacturer of environmental simulation and stress testing chambers, if u don't count all the other ones

We offer a long standing reputation of providing quality equipment and service to our customers.

Ask Litton Ind. in sunnyvale Ca, Jim MCGrew and staff ..

"Oh great they are blowing smoke up my ass again"

" right no one else has this problem"

"Sure this is the 1st time this has happened"

Now they send down Hil a senior field service engineer to lie to me
and tell me i don't know what i am seeing"

Boeing Wichita KS

" hello thermotron.. "take five minutes and tell me everything u know!"

IN california the customer is surprised if the technician has 6 months experience.

HP and LItton said said hey i thought that your National sales manager jim Roulofs said u have made some changes sense then..

ok i get it.. different faces .. but the same .. management.. and the same lies


thermotron hell

It shocked us to see how their bodies were destroyed.

Worms were coming in and out of their empty eye sockets, mouths, and ears; and were penetrating the skin all through their bodies. This fulfills the word of God written in the book of Isaiah 66:24
"They shall go forth; they shall gaze upon the dead bodies of those who have rebelled against Me; for their worm shall not die, nor shall their fire be quenched; they shall be an abhorrence to all mankind."
Also in Mark 9:44,"Where their worm never ceases and the fire is not put out." We were just horrified at what we were watching. We saw flames about 9 to 12 feet high. Within each flame, there was the soul of a person that has died and went to hell.

The Lord allowed us to see a man who was inside of one of the cauldrons. He was upside down and the flesh on his face was falling in pieces.
He remained watching the Lord intently; and then started to shout and call on the name of Jesus. He said, "Lord have mercy! Lord give me a chance! Lord take me out of this place!"

But the Lord Jesus didn't want to look at him. Jesus simply turned his back on him. When Jesus did this, the man started to curse and blaspheme the Lord.

This man was John Lennon, the member of the satanic music group "The Beatles."

John Lennon was a man who mocked and made fun of the Lord during his life.

He said that the Christianity was going to disappear and Jesus Christ would be forgotten by everyone. However, today this man is in hell and Jesus Christ is alive!! Christianity hasn't disappeared either.

As we started to walk on the edges of that place, the souls extended their hands to us and begged for mercy. They asked Jesus to take them out of there, but the Lord would never even look at them.