Wednesday, April 30, 2008

thermotron we are serious

yes we are serious about "sales" the customer is always right .. if it leads to a sale..

we are a "production" company! and we can produse your next test chamber..

DON't settle for USED.. buy new...

Don'T buy re--con-di-tioned.. purchase New technology!!

the latest is the greatest!!">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355">

Monday, April 21, 2008

Training is easy!!

Train-ing can be easy.. If u listen to the concerns of the Sucktomer.. Just be Positive!!,

and remember they are the reason U are Here!!

jim rule-_offs former employee

How are you? Are you still residing in Michigan?

With this weather I can't see why any of us stick it out -

oh yeah the $$$$.

This industry is so well paid we can't afford to leave. You know better than that.

Things started to go slow 1 year ago and really got bad after Sept. 11.

We've been holding our own but there is more used equipment on the market than the last 15 years combined.

All of the start-up and telecommunication companies that were buying fast and furious last year are gone or at least selling this year.

So it's another chapter in industry.

It is too bad about all of our colleagues that are being displaced but I guess it has to effect us as well as the rest of the country. In some cases changing industries is actually a favor.

Jim Roelofs is here but kicking back a little, we have tried to give him more responsibility several times and he says "No thanks".

He's reached that stage where he realizes responsibility has more drawbacks that positives and is real comfortable where he is - smart.

It amazes me how things repeat themselves and if you just pay attention to history you have a pretty good idea of what's going to happen next.

Hope things are well with you .

Friday, April 11, 2008

Letts ASK Mitch Kerr

Subject: mitch kerr
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 15:40:13 -0500

Show Full Headers Back To [SENT]


Hello, as a reminder, no offence intended...i really was wondering if u know of any people in this business with good character.

That's what i liked about working as a teacher, people actually had good character.

But obviously i should have put in for a out side sales position... maybe the one bill arvo (detroit) had as out side... or maybe inside .. obviously it is an easy job.. (in my dreams huh)

In california thermotron sales was "get the customer drunk and find out how much money they really had to spend.

and Gregory v johnson spent 3 years lying to his co-workers and stealing and embezzling, he and tom bannish drummed out every one in that office...and he walked away with over 50,000 dollars of profits..

Then ENSECO with randy Bunn fired him in less than 6 months.. for robbery thief and embezzlement ,, and he couldn't do anything but change soloniods!! the FINE job of tom bannish and his training methods.. and the other SENIOR field service engineer DEAN TRipp..

Why you ask... well.... if Tom patterson can't (and bill arvo couldn't, but hil could) identify the different liars and thieves and embezzlers of your own company and the others that u have worked with... How in the world do you identify the bull the customer might say and your competition?

When Bill bench told me to lie and deceive the customer the customer at the navel station in San Diego, I said to Bill I realize my job to you is to get the customer to sign off... but unfortunity this group is not as dumb as you hoped for: (maybe the famious john dane at all temp engineering .. got that unit to work.. Bill Bench couldn't do , and i never worked with a ffield engineer at thermotron..

So you tell me what lies they will believe and I will transmit that info, Heck that old sales man who sold the job at Russles Technicial Products was useless..

All he could do was say” well it will work at some of the specifications, but we just don’t know which ones...

But i guess the rule is the technician they sent is dumb and we will send someone smarter.

Obviously getting the customer to sign off is parliament, but there was no team work for this at russles or at thermo Ron.

When Thermotron sent Hil to Litton on a bad project, the custiomer came to me and said .. Great now they are sending people to lie to me and tell me i don't know what i ordered and saw.

Not at all different from thermo Ron... except at thermotron there was daily thieft and embezzlement.

Heck I found it so puzzling... that I asked the managemt there if they were a money laundering operation for the Mafa and what they budgeted for it.

All these years later I still have not found another company that encouraged lying cheating, stealing, robbery theft and embezzlement, and as banish demonstrated libeling and slandering his co-workers, and drumming them out...

Funny last April i interviewed for a job in new jersey with Environmental specilities and wayne one of the co-owners said they had lost an( 800,000) eight hundred thousand dollar order because they couldn't meet the ship date.

I said that is a shame because Dan O'Keff at thermotron says just lie to the customer and tell them what they want to hear because everyone has a slipping ship date, everyone lies to the customer anyway.(But I couldn't get excited about living in new jersey)

So I apologize if this is not common knowledge...

When u walk into a whore house in Los Vegas... most every body is a whore... even the patrons...

Good people with good character is actually hard to find..
or we can just pretend.

So Mitch ... do U know of any GOOD people in the environmental chamber business??

just courous, THE BLADE... Ha Ha Ha

If this is good thing i wrote a thesis on this and kept a journal with memos from thermotron.. I have taught on this a few times also.

So in all your wide years of experience do you know of any companies where good people work there??

Herman Miller in Holland seems to have a good rap.. but their management appears to be accountable and upstanding.. gee it even made the news paper a month ago..and it might be true?

Hmmm... Like the war Iraq with George bush and Dick chenny, opps... we got bad info on the W of MD... and no one gets fired for doing a bad job... it must be loyalty.

good news ?? baD neWS

i belive u 2 thermotron

What is a thermotron field service TECHNICIAN


What is a thermotron field service TECHNICIAN


How to be a Good service Technician thermotrom

What is a thermotron field service TECHNICIAN


some times it takes 2

it's the good cop... baaaddd cop

Thursday, April 10, 2008

1 (one) can only hope

HOpe it works OuT

all U need is thermotron friends

thermotron and U friends all U need

it's just a game at thermotrom

Ohhhh commm onnnn it's just a game at thermotron

fred ploont says... geeee i only work a few hours a day.. so i make as much as mitch kerr and john dane... we alll worked together in LA!!!

and they are no better then MEEEEE

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

holland whores thermotron

holland michigan whores
Mood: loud
Topic: thermotron


Webster's Dictionary defines "placebo" as "a medication prescribed more for the mental relief of a patient than for the actual effect on his disorder, or something tending to soothe."

The doctors tell us that if we know we are being treated with a placebo, it does not work. In our minds we must think that it is a real medication and has the strength or power to heal. If the patient believes this, then the treatment has been known to work wonders in many cases that otherwise could not have been treated.

Placebo treatment is, in fact, nothing of substance, but in the mind of the patient it is real. In order for this kind of treatment to work, the doctor must convince the patient of the work of the medication.

My friend, I declare unto you that this is the exact "treatment" that most "mouth-professing" Christians are using today. The doctor administering this "medication" is Satan himself. He gives the "patent" a sugar-coated religion, a shallow experience, and whispers half-truths into his ears.

He then tells the "patient" that it is real and that it is all the "patent" needs. The "patent", having been taken in by Satan, believes this and goes on his merry way declaring to all that he has been born again, his salvation is real, and this experience is all that he needs.

Doctor Satan will allow his "patient" to continue to go to church and will allow him to take part in any church, that is, singing, leading in prayer, teaching Sunday School, and even preaching.

He will allow the "patient" to make any kind of statement in connection with his "mouth-professing" religion, even to the point of the saving power of Jesus.

Yes, he will allow the "patient" to do all and say all with one exception. That exception is that the "patient" will not be allowed to live the life that he confesses with his mouth ...

Monday, April 7, 2008

see the truth maybe??

thermotron ask mark strain?

thermotron ask mark strain???
hey guy... when i was there.. and tom bannish was bragging that "they are ALL currupt" and DON't U wanT to Go INto ManaGement?

mark strain came to me and said"toM BaNNish is the MOst HONest guy he has ever met!!!

it sad to think that is hoW currUPt CALifornia is..A strain on the brain

Time-out urged for student athletes with concussion

August 13, 2008
Lauran Neergaard
The Associated Press
(Aug 13, 2008)

Your brain needs more of a time-out than just missing the next game to recover from a concussion. New research suggests student athletes who are too active -- not just on the field, but at home and school -- may hinder their recovery.

ask mark on all the people that were drummed out and came thru the LA oFFice when he was THere.

oh the backstabbers in LA under tom bannach used to call 'mark"

..MR strain on the BRAIN..

dean tripp told me that when mark QUIT thermotron.. he was doing himself a "favor" because tom bannish was finding to more and more difficult to have to "lie" for him..

this was because tom bannish taught mark and the other employee's that it is OK to "lie" to the customer and co-workers.. "SURE we'ss get back 2 U!!..

he went to TRW .. and the other guy there in the LA/conoga park area who didn't go to work at TRW .. he went to dallas TX office to replace Dick Alverson.. who quit..
and then a year later .. they "DRUMMED OUT HIM" they hired 2 field service technicians to replace him..

and told the New guys.. that they were to make it HARD for him!! and drum him out..

this is thermotron management in operation!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

holy roller holland michigan style/

are u a rOMAN .. and Lost .. CAtholIC

ther are NEW and for revelant sInS, 31 hail mary's