Monday, August 25, 2008

The phrase 'drummed out' at thermotron

your replacement is here !!

drum something into someone

to teach something to someone by frequent repetition.

Firefighters rely on training that's drummed into them through repeated exercises.

drum someone out of something:

to force someone to leave a job or organization.

A lot of writers and directors were drummed out of the film business in the 1950s because they were suspected of being communists.

drum up something

to create interest in something. The best way to drum up excitement for a person is to get people to talk about it

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Drummed out of the army


Dismissed from army service to the sound of a drum.


The phrase 'drummed out' is most often used in relation to the, now outmoded, military practice of dismissing disgraced soldiers to the sound of drums.

This drew attention to their plight and acted as a warning to others.

The earliest reference to 'drumming out' comes in a figurative use of the phrase, in Thomas Amory's The life of John Buncle, 1766:

"They ought to be drummed out of society."
Soon after that comes a piece from The Edinburgh Advertiser, (June 1776), which refers to a literal 'drumming out', i.e. with drums:

"Included was a letter to me in very extraordinary language, and a summons to deliver up the town:

the messenger was sent to prison for a few days, and drummed out."

The earliest specific reference to drumming out in a military scenario is Lord Thomas Macaulay's Critical and miscellaneous essays, 1829:

"Another is drummed out of a regiment."

These days we hear little of people being drummed out, apart from in the corny joke 'He was drummed out of the Mafia for cruelty'.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

"serve yourself" training at thermotron

when Hil sysbesma was training.. he would smile and grinn.. N run behind his co-workers back.. and say "Gee i don't know how 2 tell U this.. BUT.!!!.. so N so said this .. and i caught them doing that.. (i helped them do it) 2...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

want 2 B GREAT

WHere is that NEXT leVEL ... Tamera Kennedy ..talks about..

is this Just BULL shit????

how to be GREAT

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

satan worship at thermotron

“As you can see there are no elements of devil worship in the Church of Satan. Such practices are looked upon as being Christian heresies. Believing in the Christian world-view of God vs. the Devil and choosing to side with the Prince of Darkness is pointless to the Satanist as neither exists. [...] To the Satanist, he is his own God. Satan is a symbol of Man living as his prideful, carnal nature dictates. Some Satanists extend this symbol to encompass the evolutionary "force" of entropy that permeates all of nature and provides the drive for survival and propagation inherent in all living things. To the Satanist, Satan is not a conscious entity to be worshipped, rather it is a name for the reservoir of power inside each human to be tapped at will.”
"The Satanic Scriptures" by Peter Gilmore1

Devil Worshipping
These are people who claim to worship The Devil, Lucifer, the Anti-God, The Dark Lord or Satan or whoever. Often they talk of their preferred deity in the same way that Christians talk of their God, i.e., worship Him or die. Frequently Devil Worshippers require that you Sell your soul to the devil in order to "be one of them".

If someone says that are in contact with an entity such as these then you're in ill company. It is Devil Worshipping that make the noises which most people assume is in league with the Church Of Satan - IT IS NOT. Devil Worshippers are immature, unstable and nothing to do with us. There are some more mature groups of people on the internet such as "The Temple of Set" and The "First Church Of Satan" who claim to worship a dark, evil, lord, but even these more established groups do not represent the view of the Church of Satan.

Most the time these people cannot verify or decide who they are actually worshipping. They claim to love the AntiChrist. They are of course admiring characters from The Bible, or more accurately, they are using characters from a variety of religions. It is very rare that they also accept the other deities and myths of the religions that they take the Devil to have originated from.

If these people believe in the Bible it is clear that Satan/The Devil is not a God, but a fallen angel. How can you worship a mere angel, an inferior? As they do not believe in the Bible it must be a different Devil that they worship, but anyone can make up a God and pretend to worship it! Many Devil Worshippers are young (immature?) and know nothing of the Bible so do not realize just how silly they are!

Actively worshipping a being that is defined as bringing you ill fate is not something a fully functioning mind does!

Some of these twisted individuals call themselves Satanists when really they are just scapegoating the religious concept of Satan in order to quell their guilt, or to justify their actions. "Satan made me do it!" - but it has been proven not to hold up in court. Some people _do_ believe it, for the same reason this is called guilt avoidance and is psychologically unhealthy but generally the people involved outgrow this - it is just unfortunate that they often do not care for distinguishing Satanism from Devil Worship.