Tuesday, March 31, 2009

GUESS HE WASN'T A s u r v i v o r !!!!

bannach the blasphimer has been working with such equipment for over 35 years.

normanly it only takes a year and a half of training at Ferris state University to perform this fun--c--tion..

Tom started at Thermotron (Holland, Michigan, where he currently resides) in 1968.

During that time he drummed out many of his co-workers and after druming out jeff shulti who was the mid-west manager .. ( talk 2 tom patterson or dick alverson)

TOM rose to West Coast Service Man-a-ger/dispatcher (lier and slander) where he defrauded over 90% of his co-workers and drummed them out..

He encouraged everyone to be dishonest and deceiteful, and embezzles a little bit every day.. and he bragged that every one would believe his lies..

He encourged employee's to get "close" 2 other co-workers.. because every one is a man-a-ger.. and a snitch..

as Mitch Kerr said.. at all temp engineering.. "those Holland Michigan whores .. are Looking for the "dirt" on U..

dean tripp in framington new mexico

a long time thermotron employee as dean may tell you they (thermotron)like people who steal and lie..thay way they are( 1 of them ) and they then have something to (hold over them)

Fred Plont said about tom bannach "He left the west coast in "SHAMBLES"

then to corporate Training Supervisor, responsible for the technical training of 0 (zero) service engineers BUT SERVICE TECHNICIANS.. .

tom would say about his co workers when he worked on the west coast..i couldn't even spell en-gin-e-er and nOw i iS oNe !!

Now actually tom bannach was not responsible for anything.. because he ALWAYS BLAMED IT ON SOMEONE ELSE !!

Ace wasn’t too happy with that

If U asked tom for help on the west coast his reply was

1. no one else askes me questions ( why are U)??

2. I don't know

3. That's your job..

4. It is your job to train the less skilled employee.

5. It's ok to lie to the customer.(ASK HARRY GRACE about that (one of the many replacements) and the last field service engineer that thomas bannach hired for the San Jose office, before they closed it.. ! lack of training .. lack of support..

But Harry Grace.. told the staff there .. that thomas bannach..

was "back-stabbing" the employee's in the office..when he was there..

(or maybe dan deperts out of seattle .. he lasted almost 1 year)

Virgina Norris was the 5th sales support person who.. left that office during Thomas bannach's "reign".. she was there almost 6 months.. and was told .. her co-workers were going to be "drummed out"

Thomas Bannach Bragged.. that " GUESS HE WASN'T A survivor"

Survivor Micronesia, wasn't it?

ya he is a good example why Holland Michigan .. Dutch and Christian .. Church goer's are view as West Michigan Hycroprits..

each.. generation .. trains and perverts the next.. "family group"

ya the "clan" has training on wickedness..

Age: 66

Associated names:



Watch out... Never, never, never.. trust a bannach...

they are lyers, cheats, slanders, thieves.. and embezzlers..

Hil sys-best-man..who is with tenny now.(he says he has the same "problem" )

Jerry Sinzaks wife ( the nurse) told me thermotron likes to give Out TITLES

Instead of money for raises.

Gregory V Johnson really liked thomas Bannach because as "tom's" false wittness and thief and liar" he was able to steal and rob his co-workers.. and the customer..tom let him have his way..

Hil sy-best-man ... told how .. he had thomas bannach

"around his little finger"

he said "who ever tells bannach the pervert what ever he wants to hear is RIGHT, and it dosen't matter if it is true or not!!

he was a thermotron PET!

gregory v johnson .. bragged how much he embezzled .. and that he was not as big of thief as hil .. tom bannash's holland buddy.. and they went to each others church..

Now hil .. bragges that embezzlement and the like is not stealing ..

it's called :WORKING THE SYSTEM"hil sys-best-ma was another one of the clans..

who would lie to deceive his co-workers and lead them astray.. to help

"build a case against them"

When Hil .. hired a guy to replacement Mike Gillio, (who tom drummed out).. that replacement lasted about 1 month..

HIL.. said WELLL I TOLD the new guy THAT THERE WAS A LOT OF "on the job training

hil is another .. with TRAINING IN .. .. lying and embezzlement ..

get close 2 him.. for advanced training..

ya he will teach U than ... selll U out !!!

if U don't know what a Holland Michigan Whore looks like... visit Thermotron Ind..

and take a look at Daniel J O'keefe .. He is the "Ring Master" 4 this circus

Monday, March 30, 2009

Geeee i al--ways.. wanted 2 B a maN-da-ger, nOw i is ..1..How to manage your manager

How to manage your manager

NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - It's only Wednesday and you can't wait for the weekend. The boss is driving you crazy. You don't know if you can make it through the day without an outburst. You feel lost in the corporate maze. Abandoned by your boss. Out of control of your career. Or maybe he's breathing down your neck so often you could scream.

Sound all too familiar? You're not alone: 43 percent of workers say they do not feel valued by their employers, according to CareerBuilder.com. In today's five tips, learn how to manage your boss to make your career work for you.

1. Ask: what's the problem?
Get down to the nitty gritty. What exactly is it about your boss that drives you crazy? Is she a micromanager? According to Katherine Spencer Lee, the executive director of staffing firm, Robert Half Technology, this type of boss is controlling, overly involved, and needs to develop more confidence in you.

Your solution is to prove you're capable. Start asking for complete control over small tasks to prove you're able and keep asking for more.

Maybe your boss is a non-manager? You know: the kind that's indecisive, hesitant, and vague. You need to guide this type of boss. Instead of giving open-ended questions, offer answer choices. Be specific with your requests.

For example, "I'd like to meet with you at 9 am on Thursday to discuss the way we do Q-reports, I have some ideas about how we can become more efficient." When he is vague, ask for clarification.

If your boss is an unreasonable manager that overloads you with work, ask him what his priorities are and for options to deal with what you can't handle. Maybe even ask for a part-timer's help.

Monday, March 16, 2009

thermotron field service training

2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.

3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

ASK fred plont..Don't come around here no more!!


before ENSECO environmental chamber went out of business in santa clara california.. with the MIGHTY FINE MANAGEMENT FROM RANDY BUNN.. spoke with him.. and FRED Plont told him that thermotron former employee's that were not thieves and embezzlers... would not fit in..

ya fred plont.. he needs to go to prison.. just so he can figure out that robbery thief and embezzlement is wrong...

but sexton / espect tried to hire him in michigan.. as a service ?/ salesman..
because he had worked at thermotron in ann arbor area/detroit

but he said no.. it was toooo easy ... lying and cheating at thermotron