Thursday, May 28, 2009

lips pressed up against.. his ASS.. i can't understand what Uuu are saying

thomas bannach... and roger cannady.. and dave waterfield... and thomas patterson.

all ... said ... Geee Daniel J okeefe .. is a HARD -- GUY-- TO00-- WORK--4--

patterson said the correct response was always...." Y E S Sir !!!!"

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

U..uuuuu caNnnn Beeee some body.. at thermotron

Ya when thomas bannach.. was a manager there.. and on the west coast..

There was a complicated calibration needed on a annual contract with Litton industries.. with their "TURN-KEY" application..

This was quartly MIL spec on Specrial Dynamics vibration equipment.. coupled with thermotron vibration shakers..

Ther was only 1 (one) technician qualified .. and trained at Boeing Military airplane company.. and at spectrical dynamics in San Diago..qualified..

even Doug Mahn .. the vibration engineer.. was useless...

Their solution to save ($26,000) twenty six thousand dollars for part of that annual calibration was to ..brate.. the employee..and harass him.. into.. compliance

so that employee.. said .. sorry.. i forgot.. every thing .. i learned in college and the technical school..

....thomas bannach... said to that employee. .


THAT EMPLOYEE SAID " well Mr. manager... "You lie to me and my co-workers.. and cheat and defraud them behind their backs.. " it seems that this company thermotron is way tooooooo CURRUPT 4 ME !!!!"

Thomas Bannach "replied "oh .. com on this company cares about Uuuu.."

and besides ,.... Alll Holland Michigan companies LIKE THIS are CURRUPT !!!

THE Technician said " i quess you must be a whore" and your price is plain to see!!

and as Gregory V Johnson said to that co-worker " You are a fool to try to live an honest life" BECAUSE IT DOES NOT MATTER.. what Uuuu say or do 2 any one..

and Uuuu are supposted to LIE to the customer,.. it does not matter if the equipment works or not..

Uuuu are supposted to "CONVINCE" them that it is "OK"..

talk to hil.. sysbesma... he will tell u additional stories..

as LITTON INDUSTRIES said about Hil.. now thermotron is sending people to lie to me and "BLOW SMOKE -UP-MY-ASS---"!!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Ya there are many ways to be an ass-hole... or a dick head, oh that's Mr. dick.. Head ..2 ..Uuuu

Ya there are many ways to be an ass-hole... or a dick head

training provided... by the company... Uuuu Keep.. !!! Gee ya .. think???

NOT ...2.... OFTEN...

Ask ...Mitch Kerr.. at all temp... engineering

yes ...Uuuu can beeeee a weiner !!!!

that's california.... 4... ya.. that... or ... maybe... a queer....

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

embezzlement is easy.. a little bit at a time



On Friday, November 21, from 9:00-11:00 a.m. at the City of holland Community Room at 777 blind eye Avenue , training will be held to educate local businesses and non-profits on how they can prevent and detect embezzlement.

The training is being hosted by the County District Attorney’s Office, the Police Department and the Chamber of Commerce.

The recent rash of embezzlements in our community has prompted these agencies to put this training together.

This free training will focus on:

· How to avoid hiring someone who has embezzled before;

· Setting up procedures to protect your business from financial loss;

· How to detect embezzlement;

· What to do if you suspect embezzlement;

· What you can expect from law enforcement and the criminal justice system.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Truth # 329-6437 When the enemy is ignorance

journey through darkness

her*mit 1. a person who lives by himself in a lonely or secluded spot, often from religious motives; recluse 2. a spiced cookie made with nuts and raisins.
Cookies? Well anyway, during the last year, the Pacific Mountain Pilgrimage set up shop in an imaginary Tibetan Buddhist hermit's cave. The goal was to be come isolated from civilization and to focus on matters of divine importance. To seek enlightenment. Noble intentions, right? That lasted about a week or so.

It gets [expletive] boring living in the [expletive] middle of [expletive] nowhere! Hey, we tried! Unfortunately, we'd signed a lease with no transfer clause.

Not to mention that we had to pay for the whole year right up front.

What are you going to do?

The landlord is a lawyer too.

Truth # 329-6437:

When the enemy is ignorance,
the warrior must be a teacher.

What do you do when the lights come on and you're living in a insane asylum?

What do you do when you can see the Horror right in front of your eyes, day in and day out?

What do you do when you're the Jew who doesn't just march with the herd into the waiting freight cars.

When you're the Jew who says Bullshit! Getting on the train is crazy! People say: "Oy, Hymie, don't make an ass out of yourself.

It's just a work camp. Get on the damn train!"

Excerpt from the book " The compassionate Beast: What science is
Discovering About the Humane Side of Humankind"

But it wasn't' all your people. It was some of them. There were people like Balwina Piecuch.

Heedless of the danger to themselves, they had rescued Jews. As he spoke, Oliner realized how one-sided his lectures--and his own view--had been. There was a good side to human nature; he had to study it.

Oliner began reading about people who had rescued Jews in Nazi-occupied Europe. As a social scientist, he wanted to understand what had created the altruistic nature of these people. In 1982 , a grant from the American Jewish Committee enabled him to launch a study of the surviving rescuers.
He and his staff also interviewed 200 people from the same areas and of the same age, class and background who had done nothing to save the Jews. Then they analyzed the differences between the two groups. Among the findings, which cast light on how compassion can be built into human nature are:

*People who rescued the Jews were not particularly adventurous or self-confident; nor were they more religious than the "bystanders," as Oliner calls those who did nothing.

But they were more empathetic, more caring and had a much greater sense of responsibility for others. How did the rescuers become compassionate? In part, by having lived among people who were not of their own faith and background, they had learned to see others as fellow human beings.

*The most important influences were parental: How the rescuers had been disciplined as children was crucial. The bystanders were more likely to have been beaten and abused by their parents. The rescuers parents, on the other hand, used reason to discipline, thereby instilling values as well as compassion.

*Parents behavior toward others was major influence.

Kind, caring parents were the model for kind, caring children.

Oliner discovered that 500,000 Christians had risked their lives to save a million Jews from death. His work ;had other rewards: The research, intimates say helped heal Oliner. Rabbi Harold Schulweis, a close friend, says: "He found the spark of decency in human beings."

At 60, Samuel Oliner is now a man at peace with the past and hopeful for the future, He says "The notion that we are each other's keepers is gaining. Maybe we've reached a point where another Holocaust is unimaginable.

He pauses, then adds: "It's because of the people who cared that I'm here. There are such people in the world--and we can teach our children to be like them.."

Letters to the Editor:

Dear Pacific Northwest Pilgrimage,

It was very good to hear from you. We received your letter and the poems but to tell the truth, I had a very difficult time trying to understand it. I was able to glean a few things:

1) That you are planning on relocating .

2) That you're very negative on people. I think that negativity is a trap that it is [sic] very easy to fall into as we get older.

I caution you to strive against it. People are not as bad as you paint them, even in corporate America.

A G.

Dear A G.

Whew! Shit! Here's the guy who turned me on to books like "Pigs in the Parlor, Signs wonders and Response (three days of darkness), Prophecies by Wladyslaw Biernacki, or Constance Cumbey The hidden dangers of the rainbow, and of course The Poem of the Man-God........ Now he's telling me that corporate life is normal.

What many companies are noted for are:

the wrong people in the right jobs, supra-talented people in the supra-menial jobs, and the one-dimensional types in the multiple-dimensional jobs.

Management is summed up simply as "a matter of making sure everybody knows who's boss."

Authority that can not command respect by leadership dynamic or credentials or expertise often shifts to authoritarianism out of a "fear of being found out"

Where abilities are lacking, insecurities evident in relationships to that, and the complexities of the organizational function too difficult to cope with, the leader often will resort to authoritarian postures in order to save what he can.

Because for him to admit to limitations or incapacities for "corporate' problems is but to contradict the image.

The shape of an organization is a direct result of the administrative weakeners or strengths that were brought into it, and GOD will not perfect that which has been ignored, especially when the cure is readily accessible at the local business college.

AND when the holland boy.. manager.. says he has more respect for people who are not educated in college...


On top of that of course is the already defined authoritarian syndrome which becomes more and more rigid as the ability to cope with corporation complexities becomes less and less.

Weakness of rank and fine can be worked out and perfected but only as there is capable leadership knowledge enough and self-experiential enough to detect them.

In an organization if you ask people how the company values them, most workers will comment along this general line:

"It's a job."

or "i don't think I'm really that important".

All of which says that they have learned to accommodate themselves to their "value" as set by the company, or director, either directly or indirectly, which is that they are merely piece workers hung together on restrictive codes.

If mediocrity is to be explained at all it has to stem from the empty "value system" of taboos and internal behavioral circumspections.

An organization whose "value system" spins around negatives will find the group spitting into the the wind rather than with it.

When they say... gee i hop this company stays in business long enought o i can get some retire ment out of it..

or gee... i like the regular check!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

what does a holland michigan whore look like ? can U tell the difference ?

Ya thomas bannach .. is a true beliver in Hmmm... ???

Dean Tripp one of his bosse's .. said tommy boy... would do what is ever EASEST !!

Morals and Ethical behavior ... did not carry much weight !!

Hil Sysbesma was hear to say... that He had the same problem as tommy boy..

in that He wanted to lie .. cheat and defraud people when ever necessary...

but he still wanted people to like him...

Yes these are true examples of why ... the Dutch and Christian reformed churches.. are know as


they smile to your face... and then they..

"bear false wittness against their neighbor"

MY taxes.. and thermotron .. pay..check

I took my first job out of college in 1986. I went to work for Thermotron Industries in Holland, Michigan.

Thermotron was (and is) a manufacturer of environmental test chambers. The idea is that if you want to make sure a product works under specific conditions (temperatures, humidity, vibrations, and so on), you test it first in one of these chambers.

Soon after starting I was privileged to experience the first of many “why government is worthless” rants by a native West Michigander.

I forget who it was or why he was doing it, but it likely had something to do with payday and deductions. It was good theater.

He was quite passionate — lots of “stupid wastes of money” and “stay the hell out of my life” and “killing the working man.”

I enjoyed it, but later it struck as a bit hypocritical.

You see at the time the country was in the middle of a massive military build up — huge amounts of taxpayer money (and future debt) were being poured into modernizing the armed forces.

Defense contractors ramped up to meet the need and were keen to make sure the stuff they were manufacturing actually worked.

Ipso facto, approximately 75% of Thermotron sales were to defense contractors, which meant a greater portion of each employees’ paycheck was provided by (and not taken by) Uncle Sam. Ah, the circle of life.

So I want to be clear about my point in this week’s comic.

I am not a neo-Reagnite who believes that all government is inherently bad. If the past six months have demonstrated nothing else, it has proven without doubt that any large organization can be equally adept at wasting money: banks, insurance companies, automobile manufacturers, branches of the military, and of course the federal government.

What we should want, what we should expect — what we deserve — is some accountability from them. We can’t wish them all away — the void would simply be filled by other large organizations. (Ever read “Animal Farm”?) To get accountability there is got to be some checks and balances, some auditing, some tweaking, some informed reporting — a lot messier than “stay the hell out of my life,” but potentially more fruitful.

Oh. My point: West Michigan is getting hosed by the federal government. And if we can’t get some accountability, how about some free pie?

what bullshit Do U believe..????

ask the people at thermotron what they thought of Roger Cannary and his skills..

or maybe Dave Waterfield, he would walk around saying "well i heard about Uuu..!"

at least tom patterson knew he was getting lied too.. when he was there...

BUT ... as he said.."he didn't want to say anything BAD about the liars and thieves"

I have never worked with a BIGGER group of liars thieves and embezzlers .. then when he was at THERMOTRON.. i can't imagine why Daniel J O'keefe FIRED him..

When roger AND THOMAS bANNACH was asked by a co-worker.. "why he allowed people to embezzle?" he got flustered..

n said.. do U think i just sign these work orders?.

. Yes.. SIR !!..... U do.

HE and thomas bannach then .. sent out a nasty.. letter .. to that employee..

(ya arn't allowed to ask questions about thief and embezzlement)

ask gregory v johnson about the embezzlement rate... he bragged that he was not as big of thief as hil sysybesma..

Carmichael, CA
Citrus Heights, CA

Roger Cannady E-learning, Multimedia Developer at NMHG Inc

Greenville, North Carolina Area
Send InMail Add Roger to your network

Current E-learning, Multimedia Developer at NMHG Inc
Past President at Cannady & Associates

National Service Manager at Thermotron

Pilot at USAF
Education Craig AFB, AL
University of Missouri-Rolla
Webster Groves High School

Bob _less WILEY ... the 1st National Service Manager