Tuesday, April 20, 2010

holland michigan Whores.. How to be a slut

Leviticus 5

1 " 'If a person sins because he does not speak up when he hears a public charge to testify regarding something he has seen or learned about, he will be held responsible.

4 " 'Or if a person thoughtlessly takes an oath to do anything, whether good or evil—in any matter one might carelessly swear about—even though he is unaware of it, in any case when he learns of it he will be guilty.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Say .. Good ..BY .2. the the Pervert..

thomas bannach was quoted .. it's ok 2 B "currupt"

Cuz.. they "R" Alllll Currupt !!!

thomas patters... said Daniel J. O'Keef brought a whole new level to the business..

powerful type demon was also revealed to me in human form and these demons looked like ordinary people.

The second most powerful type demon was also revealed to me in human form and these demons looked like ordinary people.

All of those possessing this area of expertise seemed to group together at about the second place of command.

Chief among this group was the demon of greed and contained within this same group were demons of hate, lust, strife, and a few others.

Friday, April 16, 2010

wood ..Jesus the Christ "fit" in at Thermotron


The Pompous Pig

maybe so... as thomas bannach trained his c-workers when he was in management..

It is "OK" 2 lie cheat and steal a little bit every day..

CUZ... every--1--- is like that

As (Dean Tripp) His Manager trained him.. it really dosen't matter if you do a "Good.. job or a Bad job... .. "

\because Bob-less Wiley said ...YOU JOB is 2 get them to sign off on the equipment ..

and tell them "we'll cover it under "WARRENTY"

Monday, April 12, 2010

Getting 2 know . Uuu (field service training)

As Mitch Kerr (former employee) used to say about working at thermotron..

Hit me .. once.. i work here ..

Friday, April 2, 2010

daniel j O'keefe former employee.. introducting daniel j No' keefe.. Booo Whoo sob sob..

yes .. Daniel j No' Keefe's next project might "B"

finding a cure 4 stage "4" Cancer..

welll that's a nobell winner !!