Saturday, July 30, 2011

Lies of the devil..."Doctrine Doesn't Matter!"

Lies of the devil...

"Doctrine Doesn't Matter!"

Wheat among the Tares: Matthew 13

For those who feel any church will do

Seven Myths of Denominationalism (150 page book)

Self test: Are You Worshipping God in Spirit and in Truth, OR IN VAIN?

Are All Religious People Headed For The Same Place?

Does It Matter What We Believe As Long As We Are Honest?

Will any religion get me to heaven as long as I am Sincere?

Is Church Membership Essential to my salvation?
Christ Yes! ... The church, No???
Church Creeds: The fuel of religious division

Why Are There So Many Different Churches?
Does your church claim infallibility?
Only The Truth Shall Make You Free!!!

Did you choose your church this way???
What is the original Bible name of the church???

How to Be A Christian Without Joining Any Denominations
Does my pastor meet the Bible's qualifications?

"Holy days"-Origin of Christmas, Easter, Halloween

Mistakes commonly made in telling the story of birth of Christ

Church History:

The history of the church that Jesus Christ established, and the offshoots of that original organization, with particular attention to how these offshoots compare to the biblical description of that original church.

Apostolic Age: (30-100 AD)
Ante Nicene Age: (100-325 AD)

Nicene Age: (325-600 AD)
The middle or Dark Ages: (600-1500 AD)

The reformation age: (1500-1600 AD)
The modern Age: (1600-2000 AD)

Are You Worshipping God in Spirit and in Truth, OR IN VAIN?
Lesson #1: The Purpose Of Our Worship

Lesson #2: Worshipping God In Spirit

Lesson #3: Worship Is Not For Our Entertainment

Lesson #4: Worshipping God In Truth

Lesson #5: Acceptable And Unacceptable Worship

Lesson #6: Vain Worship

Lesson #7: We Must Give Our Best To God

Lesson #8: We Must Only Worship God

Lesson #9: Role Of Women In The Church

Lesson #10: Attendance Of Worship

Lesson #11: Our Dress In Worship

Lesson #12: Prayer

Lesson #13: Our Giving

Lesson #14: The Lord's Supper

Lesson #15: Weekly Observance Of The Lord's Supper

Lesson #16: Singing In Worship (Part 1)

Lesson #17: Singing In Worship (Part 2)

Lesson #18: Singing In Worship (Part 3)

Lesson #19: Singing In Worship (Part 4)

Lesson #20: Preaching In Worship

Lesson #21: There is only one Church

Lesson #22: No salvation outside the Lord's Church

Lesson #23: Summary


Thermotron field service training, "Lie" -2- the customer U--r -N- engineer

Gospel of Thomas Saying 93 Previous - Gospel of Thomas Home - Next


Do not give what is holy to the dogs,

lest they cast it on the dung-heap.

Do not cast the pearls to the swine, lest they make it [ . . . ].

(93) , 'Do not give holy things to dogs, lest they throw them upon the dunghill.

Do not throw pearls to swine lest they [. . .]."

97 [93]. "Give not that which is holy to dogs, in case they throw it onto the dunghill; and cast not pearls to swine, for fear that they should make it [. . .]

Matt 7:6, Did 9:5.

Visitor Comments

Make sure that your gift of importance is given to those that will understand, appreciate and hold holy.

Someone who is not ready and not in an understanding to receive this gift will treat it as garbage and cast it away.
- Luci

I wonder if it doesn't also warn against teaching to people who will twist the holy teachings for their own agenda.
- belle

Look at this in reverse: 93 (also) makes demands on the would-be "teacher;"

the True teacher illuminates the student.

This demands senstivity to the student as they are in the Now, not to where one would have them.

This, of course, is a masterful way of forcing the 'Teacher' to be the student anew.
- E. Grove
Scholarly Quotes

Robert M. Grant and David Noel Freedman write:

"The disciples are to seek and to find; but they are not to make public what they have found.

The holy is not to be given to dogs; pearls are not to be cast to swine (outsiders are dogs and swine,

as the Basilidians taught: Epiphanius, Pan., 24, 5, 2). Gnostics and Christians alike were fond of this mysterious saying (Matthew 7:6).

but Thomas probably does not have this interpretation in mind, at least not here." (The Secret Sayings of Jesus, p. 186)

R. McL. Wilson writes: "As Grant and Freedman note, Gnostics and Christians alike were fond of this saying, and it was applied to secret doctrines, to Baptism, and to the Eucharist.

It has become a proverb, and the explanator additions are suggested by the saying itself, whereas in the Synoptic parables it is the lesson that is dominant, even to the point of producing such 'impossible' illustrations as those of the beam in the eye or the camel passing through the eye of a needle." (Studies in the Gospel of Thomas, p. 67)

Funk and Hoover write:

Gospel of Thomas Saying 93 Previous - Gospel of Thomas Home - Next

Monday, July 25, 2011

hil-da-hypocrite, seasonal santa clause/evil seed

if only -1- could be a Sybesma, or a Bannach

gregory V Johnson stated : "they go to each-others-church, and he competed with who is the biggest lier and embezzler on the West-coast.

ENSECO the next company that hired him, fired him 4 robbery, thief and embezzlement, he was thomas bannash's "pet" at thermotron

“Hypocrisy and distortion are passing currents under the name of religion”

“Those who try to lead the people can only do so by following the mob”
Oscar Wilde quotes (Irish Poet, Novelist, Dramatist and Critic, 1854-1900)

Similar Quotes. About: Leadership quotes, Hypocrisy quotes, Force quotes.

“The true hypocrite is the one who ceases to perceive his deception, the one who lies with sincerity”

“Hypocrisy in anything whatever may deceive the cleverest and most penetrating man, but the least wide-awake of children recognizes it,

and is revolted by it, however ingeniously it may be disguised”

So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just,

And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

"How to fire someone" manager training thermotron

There are no stupid questions, just stupid people.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Baby boomer-thermotron -perverts-embezzlers

I 'v worked with all Baby boomer perverts from thermotron--even dick-head-Daniel J. O'keefe

the big man -- roman catholic -church going pervert- liar -swindler ..

one of his big success stories was swindling employee's out of their contribution of the pension fund.. every-1 -- they didn't like .. got "PINK" slipped, or drummed out!

1. thermotron motto: just lie to the customer "cuz every-one does that"..

2. just lie and defraud your employee's and co-workers.. cuz -- "every-1 does that"

Thursday, July 7, 2011

thermotron -field service training--seminar help

don't strain your brain.. stay on the mark

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Religious training at thermotron NOW- U-Is -- now an enginEEr

Be a holland michigan church going Whore, or a Dutch and Christian Reformed

then get a job at thermotron to get your skills, in manufactoring or sales