Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Bo Bjarno Fired (Family Guy Deleted Scene) (Monty Python Parody) Air...
Bo Bjarno
Former Thermotron sales man
drummed out and harressed 3 or 4 different employees and drove them out
-- only because
his sales method was get the customer drunk and find out what they really have to spend,
and get your co-workers drunk and find out what they really think--
Dick McKennley replacement Jim Roulofs set him up to be fired..
he was the 4 sales man replacement in 3 1/2 years at that minor branch office--
Now the branch office Hil Sybesma worked at didn't have any one-- but himself--
and he lasted a little longer when he made the grade from service to sales
he lasted 2 years--
Bobby goes nuts: Nut shots-- thomas bannach manager training
Thomas bannach bragged that he could lie and libel and slander his co workers at thermotron
when he was on the west coast-- he like to call his co-workers GAY behind their backs--
and if you had any carry on luggage or travel bags, he would scoff and say you carried a purse..
Oh-- Thomas bannach also promoted stealing and embezzle a little bit every day--
when he was on the west coast-- he like to call his co-workers GAY behind their backs--
and if you had any carry on luggage or travel bags, he would scoff and say you carried a purse..
Oh-- Thomas bannach also promoted stealing and embezzle a little bit every day--
Friday, December 21, 2012
Two arrested after nearly $200K embezzled from Lilac Lanes
get your start in the th wonderful world of embezzling at thermotron
Dave derm used to call his co-workers "squikey" and a back stabber if they exposed the robbery,
fred plont says he was just doing what everone else was doing, and hil sybesma said it just called working the system,
yes it is required to steal a little bei everyday--
the everage when thomas w bannach was there-- was 10 to 20,000 thousand a year..
thermotron dosen't give raises you have to steal your approprate wage increase
ask daniel j okeefe what is budgeted --- he might tell you
then move on to all temp engineering-- with mitch and john-- for the BIG money-- union wage
Embezzlement: Everything You Need to Know
Who, What, Why and How? Detection & Prevention!
by Stephen A. Linker, CPA, DABFA
hil sybesma it's called "working the system"
Back by popular demand, this 3-part series on Embezzlement has been condensed in this month's issue.
"what" exactly is embezzlement?
Get the in-side scoop from Daniel j Okeefe -- former thermotron prezzzz
he has an "Open--Door" policy
Here are some pertinent definitions.
First let us define Fraud.
Black’s Law Dictionary states that fraud is “a generic term, embracing all multifarious means, which human ingenuity can devise, and which are resorted to by one individual to get advantage over another by false suggestions or by suppression of truth, and includes all surprise, trickery, cunning, dissembling, and any unfair way by which another is cheated.”
Next, White Collar Crime – According to Black’s Law Dictionary: Nonviolent, unlawful conduct committed by corporations and individuals including theft or fraud and other violations of trust committed in the course of the offender’s occupation.
Bear in mind that blue-collar workers can also commit so-called white-collar crime. Blue-collar workers have access to non-cash assets, such as supplies, tools, inventory, and equipment.
Now Embezzlement is one type of fraud. According to Black’s Law Dictionary: The fraudulent appropriation of property by one lawfully entrusted with its possession. To “embezzle” means willfully to take, or convert to one’s own use, another’s money or property, of which the wrongdoer acquired possession lawfully, by reason of some office or employment or position of trust.
thermotron ask you r boss what does thermotron "budget" for thief and embesslement??
remember if they deny it-- just smile and say-- sure--- we all know the "facts"
And finally,
Defalcation – A defalcation is an embezzlement. According to Black’s Law Dictionary: A defalcation is an “act of embezzling;… misappropriation of trust funds or money held in any fiduciary capacity. Commonly spoken of officers of corporations or public officials.”
The difference between embezzlement and larceny, popularly called theft, is that larceny is the taking of another’s property without the owner’s consent when the thief did not have lawful possession of the property or a position of trust. So a street criminal who breaks into an office and steals the petty cash is committing larceny, whereas a petty cash clerk who steals the petty cash is committing embezzlement.
The Fraud Triangle
The research on fraud has identified three key factors that determine whether a person will commit fraud. The three factors, which comprise the so-called “fraud triangle,” are: 1- perceived pressure facing the person, 2- perceived opportunity to commit fraud, and 3- the person’s rationalization, or integrity.
All three factors are usually necessary for fraud to result. For example, an unethical person facing financial pressure will have to identify an opportunity to commit fraud to be able to commit it. Similarly, a person facing financial pressure and in a job position that presents an opportunity to commit fraud will not do so if his personal integrity outweighs the other two factors. On the other hand, even the second person might commit the fraud if he rationalizes it, for example, by convincing himself that he is only “borrowing” the money and will pay it back.
So understanding the three elements of the fraud triangle will provide the fraud investigator with more angles from which to investigate. For example, an investigator might determine that several employees in a department had the opportunity to commit fraud there. Investigation of the employees’ personal lives might reveal that only one of them also faced pressures that would motivate committing fraud. However, while it is beneficial to consider pressures and opportunities, rationalizations normally are not a focus of the investigation because they are difficult to identify.
Here is some detail about the three factors.
Some of the West coast embezzlers started by being a neighbor hood house thief--
and they can point out the different houses they have robbed..
REMEMBER at Thermotron they "like it" if you telll them "that" you Lied for them"
Factor 1 – Perceived pressure facing the person
a. Financial
b. Personal habits
c. Work-related feelings
Pressures that might motivate a person to commit fraud may be financial in nature, relate to a personal habit, or stem from work-related feelings. Financial pressures include factors, such as debt arising from high medical bills, overuse of credit cards, divorce, investment losses, or sheer greed. Personal habits such as alcohol, drug, or gambling addiction or an expensive extramarital affair, may result in financial pressures to commit fraud in order to obtain funds to support the habit or pay debts resulting from it. Work-related factors include feelings of resentment because of being overworked, underpaid, or not promoted, that may prompt a person to “get even” with the employer by committing fraud against the employer. Family or peer-group expectations also may motivate a person to commit fraud.
For example, Mrs. T, the bookkeeper, was getting a divorce and needed to amass legal fees for the divorce and the related child custody battle. She also had a gambling habit.
Factor 2 – Perceived opportunity to commit fraud
a. Level of trust is reached
b. Internal controls are weak or nonexistent
Opportunities to commit fraud can arise when an employee or manager reaches a level of trust in an organization or when internal controls are weak or nonexistent. Then the employee or manager will perceive that there is an opportunity to commit fraud, conceal it, and attempt to avoid detection and punishment. While opportunities to commit fraud in an organization may appear limitless, for any one person fraud opportunities are limited to the means available to him. For example, a shipping dockworker would not have the opportunity to manipulate accounts receivable in order to steal cash receipts but might have the opportunity to steal inventory.
Good controls are an important means of limiting the opportunity for embezzlement, but even when controls exist, a person in a high enough level of trust or authority may be able to override the controls in order to commit the embezzlement. For instance, a high level and trusted manager might be able to direct a lower level employee to forgo a control procedure usually performed.
Here are some examples of conditions that can provide an environment for embezzlement in an organization.
a. Inadequate segregation of duties
b. Failure to inform employees about company rules and about the
consequences of violating them
c. Rapid turnover of employees
d. Constantly operating under crisis conditions
e. Absence of mandatory vacations
f. Failure to uniformly and consistently enforce standards and policies
or to punish perpetrators
Here are some examples of conditions that can provide an opportunity for embezzlement by management.
a. Existence of related party transactions
b. Use of many banks
c. Inadequate or inexperienced staffing in the accounting department
d. Weak subordinate personnel
e. Frequent change of auditors or legal counsel
For example, Mrs. T, was the company’s bookkeeper and office manager. No one followed up on her activities. There was no segregation of duties. She performed all of the billing, collecting, disbursing, banking, and recording of all transactions. She was always under a lot of pressure and like a good soldier, never took a vacation. She explained to her boss that she “didn’t need a vacation because there was nowhere to go,” and she said she “loved her work.”
Factor 3 – The person’s rationalization or integrity
a. Management honesty versus dishonesty
Personal integrity might very well be the most important factor in keeping a person from committing embezzlement. There are many cases in which individuals with severe financial or personal pressures and the opportunity to misappropriate assets do not do so because of strong personal moral codes. In a recent survey, auditors ranked “attitude” factors (such as management honesty) as more important than situational factors as indicators of the possibility of embezzlement. Some investigators believe that a strong moral code can prevent individuals from using rationalizations to justify illicit behavior. Some typical rationalizations for misappropriation of assets and management fraud include:
a. I am only borrowing the money and will pay it back.
b. Nobody will get hurt.
c. The company treats me unfairly and owes me.
d. It’s for a good purpose.
e. It’s only temporary, until my financial position improves.
f. Everybody’s doing it.
g. I am not part of a team; I’m just an employee, a peon.
Characteristics of Embezzlers
Thomas bannash may provid some personal data
1 – Demographics are similar (sex, age, religion, and education level).
2 – Personalities are usually not antisocial.
3 – There is not necessarily a past criminal record.
4 – There is usually not a deficient family environment.
5 – There is not necessarily a sporadic job history.
Research into the characteristics of embezzlers shows that they share more demographic characteristics, such as gender, age, religion, and education level with the general population than with other criminals. White-collar criminals do not usually have antisocial personalities, past criminal records, deficient family environments, or sporadic job histories.
Rather, they are usually older than other criminals, past thirty years of age, are married with stable family situations, and have above average educations. Seventy percent of embezzlers are male. The age and gender may be due to the fact that, as one study found, almost one half of all embezzlements are committed by professional and managerial employees. Senior officers and owners commit ten percent of all embezzlements. Until recently it was the older male who has attained that level of trust and authority that provides an opportunity for embezzling. However, the study found that clerical and other employees commit thirty percent of embezzlements. Moreover, as the percentage of females in positions of authority and responsibility over assets increases, it is believed by law enforcement authorities that the percentage of female embezzlers will increase proportionately.
Prevention! Detection!
Here is a list of some types of schemes that can be detected or, hopefully, prevented as follows:
Theft (not all theft is embezzlement), kickbacks, cash skimming , voids/under-rings, swapping checks for cash, alteration of cash receipts and cash disbursements documents, fictitious refunds and discounts, fictitious employees, kiting, lapping, unauthorized bad debt write-offs, fictitious accounts receivable, appropriating inventory for personal use, embezzlement of scrap proceeds, false charges to inventory, fictitious invoices, excess purchasing of property and services, over-billing, duplicate payments, conflicts of interest, overtime abuses, and personal expense reimbursement schemes.
Sometimes combinations of schemes are utilized, for example lapping and unauthorized bad debt write-offs. The combinations are virtually limitless.
Sometimes collusion is present.
If enough people are embezzling together, internal controls are inadequate as a preventive.
Many investigations of embezzlement are based on suspicions about a certain type of misappropriation or about a specific employee. In those cases the investigator can focus on the possible acts that the suspect could perform.
On the other hand, a general concern about embezzlement sometimes arises. Examples of those situations include:
a. A business owner believes assets of the business are depleting with no apparent cause.b. Business partners question why they have incurred significant losses on their investment.c. A company wishes to assess the risk that embezzlement is occurring at a possible acquisition company.d. A bankruptcy trustee wishes to determine whether a bankrupt company’s losses may have resulted from embezzlement.
In those cases, an investigator might perform some procedures to help determine if embezzlement is occurring or has occurred. If it appears likely that misappropriation of assets is occurring, the investigator might be requested to investigate further.
So how do we detect that embezzlement is occurring or has occurred? Theoretically, if there has been no specific allegation of embezzlement, one way to detect it would be to thoroughly investigate all aspects of the business. Of course, this approach would be costly and impractical. The process of detection is intended to help the investigator focus on areas where embezzlement is most likely to occur.
The specific steps in detection are a matter of judgment, based on factors such as which assets are likely to be susceptible, the type of business, and the facts known about the business and its current situation. The process normally involves the following steps:
a. Identify embezzlement exposures.b. Look for symptoms of embezzlement in the exposure areas.c. Consider pressures and motivations to commit embezzlement.
This step might be combined with one of the other two steps.
dentifying specific embezzlement exposures involves looking at factors that make certain assets more vulnerable than others. Internal control weaknesses in certain aspects of the business will become evident as an investigation or analysis progresses.
As to symptoms of embezzlement, different symptoms apply to different types of embezzlement. Examples of embezzlement symptoms include:
a. Analytical symptoms, such as unusual changes in gross profit percentages.b. Employee symptoms, such as unusual changes in an employee’s lifestyle or attitude.c. Tips and complaints, such as comments from employees, customers, or vendors.
I want to note here that the presence of one or more symptoms does not necessarily mean that embezzlement has occurred or is occurring. For example, analytical symptoms or changes in an employee’s lifestyle or attitude might arise for legitimate reasons other than misappropriation of assets. In addition, an employee tip might be a mistake or a scheme to get a coworker in trouble. The investigator should use judgment in evaluating symptoms and considering whether further investigation is warranted.
As to pressures and motivations, embezzlement often involves a pressure or motive to commit the misappropriation and a perceived opportunity to commit it and conceal it. Identifying embezzlement pressures can help the investigator assess the likelihood that embezzlement is occurring and focus on individuals who might have pressures and motives to embezzle.
What is Internal Control? -
Internal control is a process put into place by an entity’s board of directors, management, and other personnel, designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives in categories relating to operations, financial reporting, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
Reviewing Internal Controls - Probably the most important deterrent to embezzlement and other fraud is effective internal control. Strong internal control can prevent or detect most types of misappropriation of assets or fraudulent financial reporting. So a determination of whether embezzlement is occurring generally involves consideration of internal control.
Only some aspects of an entity’s internal control will be relevant in particular investigations. The controls to be reviewed depend upon the organization, the particular embezzlement concerns, and other factors. Controls relating to the safeguarding of assets are designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of an organization’s assets. These are primarily controls over operations but might also be financial reporting controls.
In most small companies, fraud and, in particular, embezzlement can be prevented to a great extent when owners are committed to the internal control process. This includes monitoring the flow of paperwork, subtly noting the activities and attitudes of personnel, and reading and acting on financial reports.
Determining if misappropriation of assets is occurring or has occurred requires writing a program of procedures, which includes reviewing the relevant internal control procedures, identifying weaknesses, listing all of the possible symptoms, noticing which symptoms exist, investigating, and evaluating the information on a step by step basis. The investigation program will change at a particular juncture when necessary, that is, when a lead is not producing results or when a new lead surfaces.
get your start in the th wonderful world of embezzling at thermotron
Dave derm used to call his co-workers "squikey" and a back stabber if they exposed the robbery,
fred plont says he was just doing what everone else was doing, and hil sybesma said it just called working the system,
yes it is required to steal a little bei everyday--
the everage when thomas w bannach was there-- was 10 to 20,000 thousand a year..
thermotron dosen't give raises you have to steal your approprate wage increase
ask daniel j okeefe what is budgeted --- he might tell you
then move on to all temp engineering-- with mitch and john-- for the BIG money-- union wage
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Sunday, October 14, 2012
Thermotron training --Embezzlement: Everything You Need to Know
Who, What, Why and How? Detection & Prevention!
by Stephen A. Linker, CPA, DABFA
hil sybesma it's called "working the system"
Back by popular demand, this 3-part series on Embezzlement has been condensed in this month's issue.
"what" exactly is embezzlement?
Get the in-side scoop from Daniel j Okeefe -- former thermotron prezzzz
he has an "Open--Door" policy
Here are some pertinent definitions.
First let us define Fraud.
Black’s Law Dictionary states that fraud is “a generic term, embracing all multifarious means, which human ingenuity can devise, and which are resorted to by one individual to get advantage over another by false suggestions or by suppression of truth, and includes all surprise, trickery, cunning, dissembling, and any unfair way by which another is cheated.”
Next, White Collar Crime – According to Black’s Law Dictionary: Nonviolent, unlawful conduct committed by corporations and individuals including theft or fraud and other violations of trust committed in the course of the offender’s occupation.
Bear in mind that blue-collar workers can also commit so-called white-collar crime. Blue-collar workers have access to non-cash assets, such as supplies, tools, inventory, and equipment.
Now Embezzlement is one type of fraud. According to Black’s Law Dictionary: The fraudulent appropriation of property by one lawfully entrusted with its possession. To “embezzle” means willfully to take, or convert to one’s own use, another’s money or property, of which the wrongdoer acquired possession lawfully, by reason of some office or employment or position of trust.
thermotron ask you r boss what does thermotron "budget" for thief and embesslement??
remember if they deny it-- just smile and say-- sure--- we all know the "facts"
And finally,
Defalcation – A defalcation is an embezzlement. According to Black’s Law Dictionary: A defalcation is an “act of embezzling;… misappropriation of trust funds or money held in any fiduciary capacity. Commonly spoken of officers of corporations or public officials.”
The difference between embezzlement and larceny, popularly called theft, is that larceny is the taking of another’s property without the owner’s consent when the thief did not have lawful possession of the property or a position of trust. So a street criminal who breaks into an office and steals the petty cash is committing larceny, whereas a petty cash clerk who steals the petty cash is committing embezzlement.
The Fraud Triangle
The research on fraud has identified three key factors that determine whether a person will commit fraud. The three factors, which comprise the so-called “fraud triangle,” are: 1- perceived pressure facing the person, 2- perceived opportunity to commit fraud, and 3- the person’s rationalization, or integrity.
All three factors are usually necessary for fraud to result. For example, an unethical person facing financial pressure will have to identify an opportunity to commit fraud to be able to commit it. Similarly, a person facing financial pressure and in a job position that presents an opportunity to commit fraud will not do so if his personal integrity outweighs the other two factors. On the other hand, even the second person might commit the fraud if he rationalizes it, for example, by convincing himself that he is only “borrowing” the money and will pay it back.
So understanding the three elements of the fraud triangle will provide the fraud investigator with more angles from which to investigate. For example, an investigator might determine that several employees in a department had the opportunity to commit fraud there. Investigation of the employees’ personal lives might reveal that only one of them also faced pressures that would motivate committing fraud. However, while it is beneficial to consider pressures and opportunities, rationalizations normally are not a focus of the investigation because they are difficult to identify.
Here is some detail about the three factors.
Some of the West coast embezzlers started by being a neighbor hood house thief--
and they can point out the different houses they have robbed..
REMEMBER at Thermotron they "like it" if you telll them "that" you Lied for them"
Factor 1 – Perceived pressure facing the person
a. Financial
b. Personal habits
c. Work-related feelings
Pressures that might motivate a person to commit fraud may be financial in nature, relate to a personal habit, or stem from work-related feelings. Financial pressures include factors, such as debt arising from high medical bills, overuse of credit cards, divorce, investment losses, or sheer greed. Personal habits such as alcohol, drug, or gambling addiction or an expensive extramarital affair, may result in financial pressures to commit fraud in order to obtain funds to support the habit or pay debts resulting from it. Work-related factors include feelings of resentment because of being overworked, underpaid, or not promoted, that may prompt a person to “get even” with the employer by committing fraud against the employer. Family or peer-group expectations also may motivate a person to commit fraud.
For example, Mrs. T, the bookkeeper, was getting a divorce and needed to amass legal fees for the divorce and the related child custody battle. She also had a gambling habit.
Factor 2 – Perceived opportunity to commit fraud
a. Level of trust is reached
b. Internal controls are weak or nonexistent
Opportunities to commit fraud can arise when an employee or manager reaches a level of trust in an organization or when internal controls are weak or nonexistent. Then the employee or manager will perceive that there is an opportunity to commit fraud, conceal it, and attempt to avoid detection and punishment. While opportunities to commit fraud in an organization may appear limitless, for any one person fraud opportunities are limited to the means available to him. For example, a shipping dockworker would not have the opportunity to manipulate accounts receivable in order to steal cash receipts but might have the opportunity to steal inventory.
Good controls are an important means of limiting the opportunity for embezzlement, but even when controls exist, a person in a high enough level of trust or authority may be able to override the controls in order to commit the embezzlement. For instance, a high level and trusted manager might be able to direct a lower level employee to forgo a control procedure usually performed.
Here are some examples of conditions that can provide an environment for embezzlement in an organization.
a. Inadequate segregation of duties
b. Failure to inform employees about company rules and about the
consequences of violating them
c. Rapid turnover of employees
d. Constantly operating under crisis conditions
e. Absence of mandatory vacations
f. Failure to uniformly and consistently enforce standards and policies
or to punish perpetrators
Here are some examples of conditions that can provide an opportunity for embezzlement by management.
a. Existence of related party transactions
b. Use of many banks
c. Inadequate or inexperienced staffing in the accounting department
d. Weak subordinate personnel
e. Frequent change of auditors or legal counsel
For example, Mrs. T, was the company’s bookkeeper and office manager. No one followed up on her activities. There was no segregation of duties. She performed all of the billing, collecting, disbursing, banking, and recording of all transactions. She was always under a lot of pressure and like a good soldier, never took a vacation. She explained to her boss that she “didn’t need a vacation because there was nowhere to go,” and she said she “loved her work.”
Factor 3 – The person’s rationalization or integrity
a. Management honesty versus dishonesty
Personal integrity might very well be the most important factor in keeping a person from committing embezzlement. There are many cases in which individuals with severe financial or personal pressures and the opportunity to misappropriate assets do not do so because of strong personal moral codes. In a recent survey, auditors ranked “attitude” factors (such as management honesty) as more important than situational factors as indicators of the possibility of embezzlement. Some investigators believe that a strong moral code can prevent individuals from using rationalizations to justify illicit behavior. Some typical rationalizations for misappropriation of assets and management fraud include:
a. I am only borrowing the money and will pay it back.
b. Nobody will get hurt.
c. The company treats me unfairly and owes me.
d. It’s for a good purpose.
e. It’s only temporary, until my financial position improves.
f. Everybody’s doing it.
g. I am not part of a team; I’m just an employee, a peon.
Characteristics of Embezzlers
Thomas bannash may provid some personal data
1 – Demographics are similar (sex, age, religion, and education level).
2 – Personalities are usually not antisocial.
3 – There is not necessarily a past criminal record.
4 – There is usually not a deficient family environment.
5 – There is not necessarily a sporadic job history.
Research into the characteristics of embezzlers shows that they share more demographic characteristics, such as gender, age, religion, and education level with the general population than with other criminals. White-collar criminals do not usually have antisocial personalities, past criminal records, deficient family environments, or sporadic job histories.
Rather, they are usually older than other criminals, past thirty years of age, are married with stable family situations, and have above average educations. Seventy percent of embezzlers are male. The age and gender may be due to the fact that, as one study found, almost one half of all embezzlements are committed by professional and managerial employees. Senior officers and owners commit ten percent of all embezzlements. Until recently it was the older male who has attained that level of trust and authority that provides an opportunity for embezzling. However, the study found that clerical and other employees commit thirty percent of embezzlements. Moreover, as the percentage of females in positions of authority and responsibility over assets increases, it is believed by law enforcement authorities that the percentage of female embezzlers will increase proportionately.
Prevention! Detection!
Here is a list of some types of schemes that can be detected or, hopefully, prevented as follows:
Theft (not all theft is embezzlement), kickbacks, cash skimming , voids/under-rings, swapping checks for cash, alteration of cash receipts and cash disbursements documents, fictitious refunds and discounts, fictitious employees, kiting, lapping, unauthorized bad debt write-offs, fictitious accounts receivable, appropriating inventory for personal use, embezzlement of scrap proceeds, false charges to inventory, fictitious invoices, excess purchasing of property and services, over-billing, duplicate payments, conflicts of interest, overtime abuses, and personal expense reimbursement schemes.
Sometimes combinations of schemes are utilized, for example lapping and unauthorized bad debt write-offs. The combinations are virtually limitless.
Sometimes collusion is present.
If enough people are embezzling together, internal controls are inadequate as a preventive.
Many investigations of embezzlement are based on suspicions about a certain type of misappropriation or about a specific employee. In those cases the investigator can focus on the possible acts that the suspect could perform.
On the other hand, a general concern about embezzlement sometimes arises. Examples of those situations include:
a. A business owner believes assets of the business are depleting with no apparent cause.b. Business partners question why they have incurred significant losses on their investment.c. A company wishes to assess the risk that embezzlement is occurring at a possible acquisition company.d. A bankruptcy trustee wishes to determine whether a bankrupt company’s losses may have resulted from embezzlement.
In those cases, an investigator might perform some procedures to help determine if embezzlement is occurring or has occurred. If it appears likely that misappropriation of assets is occurring, the investigator might be requested to investigate further.
So how do we detect that embezzlement is occurring or has occurred? Theoretically, if there has been no specific allegation of embezzlement, one way to detect it would be to thoroughly investigate all aspects of the business. Of course, this approach would be costly and impractical. The process of detection is intended to help the investigator focus on areas where embezzlement is most likely to occur.
The specific steps in detection are a matter of judgment, based on factors such as which assets are likely to be susceptible, the type of business, and the facts known about the business and its current situation. The process normally involves the following steps:
a. Identify embezzlement exposures.b. Look for symptoms of embezzlement in the exposure areas.c. Consider pressures and motivations to commit embezzlement.
This step might be combined with one of the other two steps.
dentifying specific embezzlement exposures involves looking at factors that make certain assets more vulnerable than others. Internal control weaknesses in certain aspects of the business will become evident as an investigation or analysis progresses.
As to symptoms of embezzlement, different symptoms apply to different types of embezzlement. Examples of embezzlement symptoms include:
a. Analytical symptoms, such as unusual changes in gross profit percentages.b. Employee symptoms, such as unusual changes in an employee’s lifestyle or attitude.c. Tips and complaints, such as comments from employees, customers, or vendors.
I want to note here that the presence of one or more symptoms does not necessarily mean that embezzlement has occurred or is occurring. For example, analytical symptoms or changes in an employee’s lifestyle or attitude might arise for legitimate reasons other than misappropriation of assets. In addition, an employee tip might be a mistake or a scheme to get a coworker in trouble. The investigator should use judgment in evaluating symptoms and considering whether further investigation is warranted.
As to pressures and motivations, embezzlement often involves a pressure or motive to commit the misappropriation and a perceived opportunity to commit it and conceal it. Identifying embezzlement pressures can help the investigator assess the likelihood that embezzlement is occurring and focus on individuals who might have pressures and motives to embezzle.
What is Internal Control? -
Internal control is a process put into place by an entity’s board of directors, management, and other personnel, designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives in categories relating to operations, financial reporting, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
Reviewing Internal Controls - Probably the most important deterrent to embezzlement and other fraud is effective internal control. Strong internal control can prevent or detect most types of misappropriation of assets or fraudulent financial reporting. So a determination of whether embezzlement is occurring generally involves consideration of internal control.
Only some aspects of an entity’s internal control will be relevant in particular investigations. The controls to be reviewed depend upon the organization, the particular embezzlement concerns, and other factors. Controls relating to the safeguarding of assets are designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of an organization’s assets. These are primarily controls over operations but might also be financial reporting controls.
In most small companies, fraud and, in particular, embezzlement can be prevented to a great extent when owners are committed to the internal control process. This includes monitoring the flow of paperwork, subtly noting the activities and attitudes of personnel, and reading and acting on financial reports.
Determining if misappropriation of assets is occurring or has occurred requires writing a program of procedures, which includes reviewing the relevant internal control procedures, identifying weaknesses, listing all of the possible symptoms, noticing which symptoms exist, investigating, and evaluating the information on a step by step basis. The investigation program will change at a particular juncture when necessary, that is, when a lead is not producing results or when a new lead surfaces.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
thermotron True Confessions: Nothing But the Truth: 2
at thermotron i worked with the most incredible amount of liars thieves, embezzlers and AssHoles.
as Dave water field the roger cannary replacement.. national service manager
said to me.. that office stood out like a "sore thumb" I told him that under tom bannish's supervision... who ever steals the most and does the least WINS..
and as gregory V johnson said .. it does not matter who u rob, and steal .. so long as u blame it on someone else.. at thermotron it does not matter if the equipment works or not.. just get the customer to "sign off" because we are ALL AssHoles.!!
ya thermotron is the only place where i worked where .. being currupt is considered .... OK... every one there PLAY's Church..
get special training with fred plont--
thermotron ass-holes
as Dave water field the roger cannary replacement.. national service manager
said to me.. that office stood out like a "sore thumb" I told him that under tom bannish's supervision... who ever steals the most and does the least WINS..
and as gregory V johnson said .. it does not matter who u rob, and steal .. so long as u blame it on someone else.. at thermotron it does not matter if the equipment works or not.. just get the customer to "sign off" because we are ALL AssHoles.!!
ya thermotron is the only place where i worked where .. being currupt is considered .... OK... every one there PLAY's Church..
get special training with fred plont--
Monday, December 17, 2012
thermotron manager training - Bugs Bunny-- criminal psycopath
ok start here
thermoton -- where it dosen't matter what you do to any one -- so long as you get away with it and blame it on some one else..
learn how to be an accomplished
criminal psychopath--
Thermotron let the games begin

To grow and improve as individuals and as a company.
Thermotron will use the precepts of quality to grow and continuously improve our company and employees to meet or exceed the expectations of our customers.
Thermotron manager training - Bugs Bunny-- be one of the Guys!!
thermoton -- where it dosen't matter what you do to any one -- so long as you get away with it and blame it on some one else..
learn how to be an accomplished
criminal psychopath--
Thermotron let the games begin

To grow and improve as individuals and as a company.
Thermotron will use the precepts of quality to grow and continuously improve our company and employees to meet or exceed the expectations of our customers.
- Quality
- Spirit of cooperation
- Customer Focused
- Safety
- Efficiency
- Continuous Improvement
- Research & Development
- Proven Customer Service Record
- Pride in Our Uniqueness
- Lean Management Structure
- Know Our Core Competencies
- Open Door Policy/Belief in Collaboration
Friday, December 14, 2012
Tamera Kennedy-- thermotron management Kills Two Birds with One Stone -
At thermotron it Motto is "it dosen't mattter what you say or do to any-1-- so long as you get away with it..

This position is a paid internship and full time hours for Summer.
Candidate must be pursuing a bachelor degree in Human Resources
Have a strong knowledge of employment law
Assist with Manufacturing employment process by developing and placing ads, reviewing applications and screen interview candidates. Conduct reference checks on final candidates and schedule drug screens. Maintain records and logs for Worker’s Compensation program.
Coordinate and follow up with employees, carriers and health care providers.
Assists Plant Employee Relation Specialist with the day to day matters involving the hourly work force.
• Place employment ads, review applications and interview manufacturing applicants. Conduct reference checks on final candidates and schedule pre-employment drug screens.
• Maintain records and logs for Worker’s Compensation program. Coordinate between company, employees, health care providers and Worker’s Compensation insurance carriers
• Assist Plant Employee Relation Specialist with the day to day matters involving the hourly work force.
Thermotron Industries is an "Equal Opportunity Employer"
Thermotron Industries is an "Equal Opportunity Employer"

Human Resources Summer Internship
Human ResourcesLocation:
Holland, MI
This position is a paid internship and full time hours for Summer.
Candidate must be pursuing a bachelor degree in Human Resources
Have a strong knowledge of employment law
Assist with Manufacturing employment process by developing and placing ads, reviewing applications and screen interview candidates. Conduct reference checks on final candidates and schedule drug screens. Maintain records and logs for Worker’s Compensation program.
Coordinate and follow up with employees, carriers and health care providers.
Assists Plant Employee Relation Specialist with the day to day matters involving the hourly work force.
• Place employment ads, review applications and interview manufacturing applicants. Conduct reference checks on final candidates and schedule pre-employment drug screens.
• Maintain records and logs for Worker’s Compensation program. Coordinate between company, employees, health care providers and Worker’s Compensation insurance carriers
• Assist Plant Employee Relation Specialist with the day to day matters involving the hourly work force.
Thermotron Industries is an "Equal Opportunity Employer"
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
thermotron management training: If Christianity Never Existed-- thermotron liars and thieves-- have you met Bannach??
Some examples of Mortal sins
are sex outside marriage,
use of Contraceptive sex,
ruining the reputation of a
excessive greed and many other things.
Hi Zandra,
Lets began with your last statement first.
From your background we know that you believe in the bible, so that is where we will start.
First of all, in a fully correct and in a technical sense it is God, not the priest who forgives sins. The role of the priest is to 1. Hear your Confession, determine if you are sincerely repentant and then grant Absolution. [Which I shall explain shortly.]
1. Son: 1 Jn. 1: "If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just, and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us."
All of us are sinners to varying degrees depending on the amount of grace offered, accepted and properly applied by each of us.
2 1 Jn.5:16 "If any one sees his brother committing what is not a mortal sin, he will ask, and God * will give him life for those whose sin is not mortal. There is sin which is mortal; I do not say that one is to pray for that. 17 All wrongdoing is sin, but there is sin which is not mortal." [Thus there is sin that is Mortal!]
Here we are introduced to the very logical concept of "two levels of sin." Less serious that we term "Venial" sins, and VERY serious sins that we call "Mortal" sins. Whilw all sins hurt our relationship with God, hurt ourselves and the community, "Mortal " sin as the name implies are so serious as to completely sever ones relationship with Christ. One remains seperated from God until one Confesses, Repents, receives Absolution and completes the Pennance given. [I'll explain this also shortly.]
3 Jn.20:21-13 "Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I send you." 22* And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit. 23* If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained"
Add to the Mt. 16:19 [Jesus speaking to Peter,who represents the Church, popes, bishops and priest] " 19 I will give you [singular for His Church] the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." [Singular for His Popes, Bishops and priest.]
So clearly there is clear and binding authority for the Sacrament of Confession.
The steps for Confession are:
1 A full and complete personal examination of Conscience, trying to recall all of the sins committed. NOTE: ONLY all of f the Mortal sins need to be confessed, giving the description of each and number of times committed. NOTE: Under the penalty of both spiritual and physical death Confessors are sworn to a vow of complete Secrecy. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES, can a confessor share, discuss, reveal anything heard in the Confessional. PERIOD! Whaqt you confess remains between you and God.
2 The role of the Priest[Confessor] is to hear your Confession, determine if you are really and truly repentant, give some advice on how you might "avoid the near temptation of sin in the furture," Grant Absolution, [with the words of Absolution: "I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit [to which you reply "Amen"] which means "I believe." "Go now YOUR SINS ARE FORGIVEN IN THE NAME OF THE LORD!" No guessing, 100% certainty that Christ has forgiven you! WOW!
![Thumbs Up]()
NOTE, that is the Holy Spirit, not the priest who Forgives you your sins! The Confessor is acting in, through and on behalf of Jesus. Thus the words "I ABSOLVE" not "I forgive" are used.
The Confessor will assign some sort of "Penance" [evidence and offering back to God as a sign of your sorrow and gratitude.] This Penance MUST BE completed before the effects of absolution take effect.
The format is either "always" * "person to Confessor" either behind a veil or at your option "face to face." One should be mindful that it is common to be uncomfortable, and that is part of God's intent. The fact that we MUST!!!!!! Confess our sins, hopefully will be a deterrent to furture sins. Having said this it is important that one Confess all Mortal sins and the number of times committed. The Confessor may ask a few questions in order to determine the degree of "cupability." which effects the seriousness of the sins.
In order for a sin to be "Mortal" in must be
Some examples of Mortal sins
are sex outside marriage,
use of Contraceptive sex,
ruining the reputation of a
excessive greed and many other things.
: Why Confession if Communion takes away sins?
=Zundra -I've never been to confession (yet), can you please tell me what heppens? I might add that of course I am coming from a methodist church, so, formerly we don't believe that a "Priest" can forgive your sins...... |
Lets began with your last statement first.
From your background we know that you believe in the bible, so that is where we will start.
First of all, in a fully correct and in a technical sense it is God, not the priest who forgives sins. The role of the priest is to 1. Hear your Confession, determine if you are sincerely repentant and then grant Absolution. [Which I shall explain shortly.]
1. Son: 1 Jn. 1: "If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just, and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us."
All of us are sinners to varying degrees depending on the amount of grace offered, accepted and properly applied by each of us.
2 1 Jn.5:16 "If any one sees his brother committing what is not a mortal sin, he will ask, and God * will give him life for those whose sin is not mortal. There is sin which is mortal; I do not say that one is to pray for that. 17 All wrongdoing is sin, but there is sin which is not mortal." [Thus there is sin that is Mortal!]
Here we are introduced to the very logical concept of "two levels of sin." Less serious that we term "Venial" sins, and VERY serious sins that we call "Mortal" sins. Whilw all sins hurt our relationship with God, hurt ourselves and the community, "Mortal " sin as the name implies are so serious as to completely sever ones relationship with Christ. One remains seperated from God until one Confesses, Repents, receives Absolution and completes the Pennance given. [I'll explain this also shortly.]
3 Jn.20:21-13 "Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I send you." 22* And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit. 23* If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained"
Add to the Mt. 16:19 [Jesus speaking to Peter,who represents the Church, popes, bishops and priest] " 19 I will give you [singular for His Church] the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." [Singular for His Popes, Bishops and priest.]
So clearly there is clear and binding authority for the Sacrament of Confession.
The steps for Confession are:
1 A full and complete personal examination of Conscience, trying to recall all of the sins committed. NOTE: ONLY all of f the Mortal sins need to be confessed, giving the description of each and number of times committed. NOTE: Under the penalty of both spiritual and physical death Confessors are sworn to a vow of complete Secrecy. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES, can a confessor share, discuss, reveal anything heard in the Confessional. PERIOD! Whaqt you confess remains between you and God.
2 The role of the Priest[Confessor] is to hear your Confession, determine if you are really and truly repentant, give some advice on how you might "avoid the near temptation of sin in the furture," Grant Absolution, [with the words of Absolution: "I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit [to which you reply "Amen"] which means "I believe." "Go now YOUR SINS ARE FORGIVEN IN THE NAME OF THE LORD!" No guessing, 100% certainty that Christ has forgiven you! WOW!
NOTE, that is the Holy Spirit, not the priest who Forgives you your sins! The Confessor is acting in, through and on behalf of Jesus. Thus the words "I ABSOLVE" not "I forgive" are used.
The Confessor will assign some sort of "Penance" [evidence and offering back to God as a sign of your sorrow and gratitude.] This Penance MUST BE completed before the effects of absolution take effect.
The format is either "always" * "person to Confessor" either behind a veil or at your option "face to face." One should be mindful that it is common to be uncomfortable, and that is part of God's intent. The fact that we MUST!!!!!! Confess our sins, hopefully will be a deterrent to furture sins. Having said this it is important that one Confess all Mortal sins and the number of times committed. The Confessor may ask a few questions in order to determine the degree of "cupability." which effects the seriousness of the sins.
In order for a sin to be "Mortal" in must be
1. Serious matter
One must know that it is a Mortal sin
BEFORE committing it, and
3. Still desire to commit the sin anyway.
Some examples of Mortal sins are sex outside marriage, use of Contraceptive sex, abortion, ruining the reputation of another, excessive greed and many other things. [Really a seperate topic].
The format is enter the Confessinal, "make the sign of the cross" "Bless me Father for I have sinned, it has been [time first Confession, two weeks ect.] since my last Confession. I have sinnes in the following ways. [full and complete disclosure]. Fatehr may ask clarifying questions? Reply honestly. The Absolution is granted, "pennace" is given, Father will bless you and tell you to "Go in PEACE!"
A final NOTE: Mortal sins are so serious that unconfessed they will send one to Hell for eternity.
One may not receive Catholic Holy Communion unless they are "in the state of grace" [w/o
Mortal sin on ones soul. 1 Cor. 11:27-29.
Some examples of Mortal sins are sex outside marriage, use of Contraceptive sex, abortion, ruining the reputation of another, excessive greed and many other things. [Really a seperate topic].
The format is enter the Confessinal, "make the sign of the cross" "Bless me Father for I have sinned, it has been [time first Confession, two weeks ect.] since my last Confession. I have sinnes in the following ways. [full and complete disclosure]. Fatehr may ask clarifying questions? Reply honestly. The Absolution is granted, "pennace" is given, Father will bless you and tell you to "Go in PEACE!"
A final NOTE: Mortal sins are so serious that unconfessed they will send one to Hell for eternity.
One may not receive Catholic Holy Communion unless they are "in the state of grace" [w/o
Mortal sin on ones soul. 1 Cor. 11:27-29.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Friday, December 7, 2012
Thermotron - "Monster Lizard" Mechanical Assembly
The primary purpose of this position is to provide assembly service to teams, departments, and other areas in the company. Work independently; using basic hand and power tools assemble pre-determined components, assemblies, and parts kits from work orders.
Manufacturing Support- Mechanical Assembly focus
Production Apply By:
Fri, 11/16/2012 (All day) Location:
Holland, MI
- Be able to read, follow and give direction based on schedule.
- Follow instructions and complete job assignment.
- Communicate and interact with department contact persons.
- Use basic math skills to perform job assignments such as measuring, counting, and completing reports.
- Wire assembly: Following direction given, pull wire through sealtight to prepare wire assembly.
- Float tank assembly: Following a diagram and written directions assemble plastic float tanks using small hand tools including knife, screwdriver, wrench, and tap.
- Window assembly: Using precut widow channel, stuff channel with desiccant material. Following direction given, assemble channel into rectangular shape using precut corner pieces to hold in place.
- Heater frame assembly: Assemble brackets, insulators, and heater frames following given settings and prints and using spot welder.
- Heater building: Measure, cut, coil and string coiled wire through pre-built heater frame according to print. Measure electrical resistance using meter.
- ACS Assembly: Mount electronic components on printed circuit boards according to prints, diagrams, and instruction given in department.
- ESA Assembly: Cut and prep wire, crimp wire, debur, and install brackets using hand or power tools or automatic crimper.
- Machine Shop: Using hand or power tools, drill and tap, debur, cut stainless steel, copper, or other materials.
- Motor Balance: Following step by step instructions, balance small horse power motors and fan blade assemblies.
- Able to read, decipher, and follow written instructions.
- Able to use a tape measure or ruler to determine proper lengths of material to be cut, using fractional and decimal based math.
- Able to use basic math skills and count accurately for determining proper sizes of materials to be used, completing time cards, counting material and parts.
- Able to lift and move materials and tools weighing 1 lb. to 40 lb., occasionally lifting and moving objects weighing 25# to 50#.
- Able to perform body movements and physical coordination consistent with variety of assembly processes: bending, leaning, sitting, standing, climbing, arm bending and extension, finger and hand control over small to medium size parts, push and pull exertion.
- Able to work in confined areas.
- Able to climb ladders and work at moderate heights to assemble products.
- Able to recognize and identify color coding on electronic parts and wiring.
- Demonstrated ability to complete business forms, paperwork, timecards, and production information in a timely, accurate and detailed manner.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Cult Tactics & Mind Control - B.I.T.E.-- Thermotron learn how to be a winner by the book
BBbb some 1 at thermotron
GED required -- some college might be necessary-- to learn how to think on your feet
GED required -- some college might be necessary-- to learn how to think on your feet
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