Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Finding your Idols-- Thermotron idolatry gee i didn''t wat to lie but they told me!!


experience thermotron andIdolatry

Sunday, September 22, 2013

thermotron thomas bannach heckles his co workers, with fred plont the idoit Follower

ya sure

Former thermotron employee

Yes Berry wright asked his co workers about thomas bannach--- what do you think??

well thomas bannach harassed and defrauded 90 % of his co workers-- 

and said it was ok to lie cheat steal embezzle a little bit every day-- 

becasue every one hnows is like that--

Hmmm berry wright only lasted at thermotron for a bout a year---

and Fred Plont the colorado liar and thief-- bad mouthed him because he quit-- 

Oh well-- i guess berry wright didn't like his review-- 

and didn't have "Stupid" on his fore 4 head

Uploaded on Feb 15, 2012

"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness.

 For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. 

And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you."

Thermotron management training - "You Lost Me"-- ya sure

hey stert atart start here

thermotron -- training as a lier slander and thief

iar thief slander

Now is it only holland michigan and the environmental chamber business that holds so many liers theves, embezzlers, back stabbing slanders, and murders??

Shelly in parts and logistics,said slandering and murdering people is OK because It's "Just Politics" She worked with ester H. who ron wiley said her husben died back in 89, Oh well

with all the dishonest people i met at thermotron if she reads the book
"23 minutes in hell"

Bill Wiese 23 minutes in Hell
23 Minutes in Hell by Bill Wiese. Bill Wiese saw the searing flames of hell, ...... Purchase his complete testimony "23 Minutes in Hell" at Amazon.com ...spiritlessons.com/Documents/BillWiese_23MinutesInHell_Text.htm - 103k - Cached - Similar pages

then she and shelly, (even mark lamers, and jerry sinzack) will see where they and most of their co-workers will will spend their retirement years and years..

Well guys,do u know anyone in the business that dosen't evulate that type of criminal behavior as (normal)
say fred plont says " gee p isn';t everyone a lier and a thief!!"

Greed V Johnson , tom bannish's pet..it dosne't matter who u lie cheat and steal and murder ..

so long as u get away with it and blame it on some one else..

he spent 3 years stealing , embezzling and lieing and slandering his co-workers and the customer..

But Randy Bunn of "Enseco" hired him and fired him after a few months..

So the robbery thief and embezzlement that was "OK" at THErMOtRON was not "OK " at the next few companies he worked at..

When dan ok eef, and Roger cannary libled and slandered me when i filed a claim with the labor commision..

they said that i "think i am better then these others.. !! (just because i think lying stealing and robbery is wrong..)

and if i didn't change my ways then they would "fire me"

He spent the last year after bannish and rouloffs conspired to defrad the salesman Bo bjarno. just becasue he was drunk alot.. gee this was normal.

Vergina Norris the final sales support person tom bannash helped drum out .. she left becsue tom bannish and gregory v johnson told her .. they were going to harrass and drum me out again..

dean Tripp said that's all tom bannish wanted to do as a manager .. was to "build a case against his co-workers"

Dean tripp left soon after.. tom bannish's Replacement arrived.. Berry wright..

When berry wright said what do u think about dean tripp?? i told dean lies to me and the customers, falsfies his working hours and travel hours, and he and gregg boy work on each others lies..but really "He 's been retired for the last 3 years .. but he likes the regular check!!

he now lives in farmington NM. and is 75 and waiting to go to hell.

i am surprised that some one hasn't walked into the office of thermotron and offed dan o'keef or jim roulf's for that matter..because it certainly is :"OK" to murder and conspire to defraud and mis lead
your co-workers or any one .. for any reason..

it won't surprise me when some one walkin to the company and shoots any number of those people

Dan okfe "employee attitude survey in the 1985" preceeded the biggest layoff , where as roger cook said he and everyone else didn't know dan o keefe was going to do that..
getting rid of the people who had 5 years or more so they wouldn't get vested in any retirement.

and then a month later hiring new people ..

it's no wonder TP and the gang at Sexton Espec told me that dan K brought a new and greater level of deceite to to industry.

But Ron Wiles told me in 2000 or so that his father started Sexton Espec,

Ron Willey told me way back when he worked in Cabinet that he was a good liar..

I guess he likes to believe his dad was something he wasn't

like most liers i met he likes to believe lies also..

when he dies and go to Hell it won't surprise me..

in the bible in Revelation 18';6 or 18

All liars will find their place in the lake of fire..

(even Bill and hilery clinton..) ha

When Tom Bannish was on the west coast i have never been surrounded by such a big and changing group of liars thieves and embezzlers and slanders..

and when i filed a case with the labor commision .. employee harresment was intensified..

Do you know the number of people that Tom Bannish harressed and drummed out??

Well tom patterson said that "either u go along with their lies or they attack you!!"

it is actually going to be a good thing when they

and a number of other'are dead.. because as they demenstrated .. perverts breed perverts..perverting the truth is OK

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Thermotron--Who's the new president - Peter Hangs Himself--i don't know-- maybe with A--tamer kennedy !--

ok sure

thermotron field service engineer- Peter Hangs Himself-- Who's the new president

Who's the new President,  

What did you say--   Huh?  no-- 

what is in human resources with-- i don't know-- maybe with  A--tamer kennedy !---

 Huh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


her---mo---tron Industries

Location: Holland, MI
Posted: 10/20/2012
Application deadline: Dec 01, 2012
Type: Full-time
Career Level: Mid-Senior Level
Salary Range: Competitive / Negotiable
Number of Jobs: 1
Relocation Available: No

Show all jobs for Thermotron Industries
Aerospace & Defense, Equipment
Use your HVACR and mechanical skills to install,

 maintain and troubleshoot

her--mo---tron equipment

 at our customer sites in a Los Angeles Based territory. 

We have Great Training and support for our Field Service Engneers.

if you know how to LIE-- u will fit right in!!!

Visit our web site for more information about our equipment and career opportunities


The purpose of this position is to continuously grow

revenue and profits through building service sales volume.

 Get senior field service training with FRED Plont  he will teach you how to "Milk" each and every-job!!

That's right --- at Thermotron you can learn

 how to be--COME a MILK--- MAN--


 Actively and continuously involved in preventive maintenance contracts, retrofits, extended warranties, installations, start-up, relocation packages, and general service. 

Service functions include performing quality installations, startups, troubleshooting, maintenance, construction, repair, modifications, overhauls, retrofits, calibration, inspection and servicing of

Thermotron products and like competitor products. 

Must develop strong relationships with customers by acting in a highly responsive and professional manner to meet customer needs.
HVAC / Commercial Industrial Refrigeration Mechanical skills and electrical knowledge

Friday, September 13, 2013

Thermotron training - Oops!...I Did It Again-Thermotron- field service training with Mark Lamers


Thermotron former employee---N Sync - Bye Bye Bye--“Don’t look back, or you’ll turn into a pillar of s–t.”

ok start here

and then -- after thermotron --- fiels service liar-- slander-- cheat-- embezzler

thermotron former employee.. BY---By... has-been's are common at thermotron

thermotron former employee.. BY---By...

Being a Good Former Employee
I am not going anywhere. If I tried to leave my job, particularly right now, I can think of a dozen people who would hunt me down and bring me back. So don’t take this as some kind of broad hint. I just thought about the issue of being the former employee because I had a very funny dream two nights ago where I went back to visit where I had worked at and was scolded by a former boss (who I happen to like a lot) because I was late to an event where they all dressed up in Revolutionary War costumes (go figure, it’s a dream, o.k.?). Jo, I’m sorry, next time I won’t be tardy!

I’ve been a former employee a few times, and I have plenty of experience with former employees as well. The more closely entwined you were with the operation, the harder it can be to change roles.

One new complication is that in our ever-connected, always-on world, moving on can be much more difficult. In the old days, you got in your car and drove out of the parking lot, and that, for the most part, was it. (Though even in Olde Tymes, not everyone excelled at being a former employee, as I illustrate below.) But now people who were in our lives before are just an email away (just as they were when you worked there). The former place of work is often visible right there on the Web, with frequent updates about new projects and activities. An instant message shimmers on your computer screen, and in the moment, it can be hard to remember that you aren’t back in your old office, your old role, your old job.

Leaving is no longer just a physical act, a car door slamming and a wave good-bye; now it’s a commitment to shift your role to that of the former employee. You have to be intentional. It’s possible that’s really easy for you; but at least one of these tips might resonate.

(I am only tangentially addressing the complexities of moving from a last job into retirement. We had a former editor at MPOW who did it all just right and moved on with a well-thought-out plan for her new role . She continues to be my role model. But that’s a post for another day.)

So, Michael-Stephens-style, here’s my top ten list for former employees (or about-to-be-former-employees):

1. No matter how you feel, go to the going-away party, say gracious things, and squeal over the presents. You will appreciate how cleansing this is. (Actually, I adore parties and presents under any circumstances, and have many fond memories, so definitely don’t take this point as a roman a clef. But I do speak from first-hand knowledge.)

2. Make amends before you leave with anyone you were on the outs with. For rationale, see #1. This, I have had to do, and it was good.

3. Do not breeze out of there with the cop-out,

 “Questions? Just call me!”

 Act as if you were traveling to another planet and would be unavailable for oh, say, a few million years; make it hard for them to need to call you for information.

 Document everything you do that isn’t obvious, including all your passwords and usernames, expiration dates, renewal notices, etc. Put it in a folder or binder or something else unavoidable. They may not use it (one former place didn’t open the binder for several months, until after emailing me they realized it really did have information they needed). Nevertheless, it’s the right thing to do.

4. Clean your office. Take everything that’s yours.

5. Return anything that’s theirs.

6. Be sure to say goodbye to the people who made a difference: the accountant.

 The mailroom team. The UPS man who left little gifts at the holidays. The volunteer who showed up even on days like Christmas Eve and the Friday of a holiday weekend. The very young page who quietly showed up on time, shelved the books, and didn’t make a fuss.

7. Remember you don’t work there any more. (This is a particular sticking point with some former bosses.

In talking to other managers,

 I have detected a pattern, rare but real, of “About Schmidt” behavior, where staff have to tiptoe around former bosses who do not quite grasp the “former” part of their new status.)

If you still live in the area, avoid “just stopping in,” at least for a while.

(And if you think you can’t, interrogate your motives.) Even if you have plenty of time on your hands, don’t offer to volunteer; it might be hard to say no to you, and your motives may be more complicated than you realize.

8. Watch your social interactions very carefully.

Think before socializing with former employees. Likewise, if you were in a significant role and you are suddenly befriended by an employee from the former library, think through what’s going on. It could just mean that a former employee wanted to socialize with you and didn’t feel free to do so before, which is a benefit of moving on, but it might not be motive-free.

 Be careful about “casual” email exchanges, which might not be as casual as they appear. Above all, bells should go off if you are approached by staff asking you to offer your opinion on a workplace issue.

9. Refrain from criticizing changes that take place, even if you vehemently disagree with these changes, even if these were changes you fought off for years. That means don’t complain publicly, don’t complain to former staff, and don’t complain to the former employer. You can write that long, excoriating email full of juicy bon mots about all the mistakes made in the current regime, but delete it before you send it.

 Then move on. If you find it hard to let go, remember that great line from Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore: “Don’t look back, or you’ll turn into a pillar of s–t.”

10. Every once in a while, check in to say you miss people, that the place looks great, that the new whatsis service is inspired, that you remember the good times, that you learned a lot and took what you learned to your new job or into retirement.

If you’ve been a good former employer, they will be glad to hear from you, and you’ll feel good, too.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Thermotron management training --- lying is OK---Not that there's anything wrong with that

At thermotron

Bob Wiley set the standard for a management style straight out of Hell--

Bob wiley said it was ok to lie to him about what was going on -- and slander and defraud you co workers a little bit-- so long as you didn't get him introuble..

John TenBrink-- always did this to his co workers-- he would miss lead them and defraud them -- and tell that he would "talk" to Good --old-- Bob--

Thomas Bannach went a bit farther down the road to Hell..

He said every one was the manager like him---

and That it is normal to lie,cheat, defraud, miss- lead, slander your co worker -- and embezzle a little bit-- because EVERY ONE HE KNOW IS LIKE THAT !!


And you were supposted to tell every on that he sure is a nice guy

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Thermotron training Thieves hit dozens of Holland Township businesses


when i was at thermotron
i asked them

the management team  thomas bannach, roger cannady, Dave waterfield and Daniel J O'keefe what they budgeted for the thieves---and embezzlers

because when you are working with the thieves at thermotron and the management team looks the other way-- well then you just have to wonder--

BUT as Thomas Patterson said -- well when you complained about working with the thermotron thieves-- then they "the management team" attacked you  Ha ha

The thermotron thieves-- call that being a backstabber-- Dave Durham was another --- who looks the part also, with john tenbrink-- as so Dick alverson -- said he know about the thieves

Thermotron career - M&M's- good candy ---bad people

weel you don't get much for 10 bucks an hour

Thermotron Jobs

11 jobs at Thermotron

Thermotron product support shelly says it's just politics-Manufacturing Jobs That Don't Require a College Degree

worry-- you are trained to it in

Thermotron customer service Antonia Fast Worker

Manufacturing Jobs That Don't Require a College Degree

July 2011

There are jobs all over the place for people with experience, good skills and a college degree.

If you don't have all three of those, particularly if you don't have a college degree, landing employment can be trickier. Here's an idea.

Thermotron Industries in Holland is holding an open interview day on July 13, looking for as many as 20 people to work in its assembly areas.

No college degree required - although you have to have a high school diploma or a GED and it helps to have gone to community college because these jobs require the ability to think.

You don't need a Education to work at Thermotron..Just a GED

Thursday, January 3, 2013

l: Idiot Boy-- manager training thermotron - the next step


Field Service Engineer Refrigeration HVACR

 Field Service

Field Service Engineers. (Refrigeration) From preventive maintenance, initial chamber start to emergency breakdown repairs, the UK Field Service team provide expert assistance throughout  the life of our equipment.

To that end we need more Field Service Engineers.

(they arn't really engineers because all the engineering is done at the factory-- we just call them that)

So, If you are a qualified refrigeration engineer and are looking for more of a challenge than you are currently getting, and have a hight school degree or a GED.. then this could be you BIG break!!

coupled with the security that comes from working for a strong world leader in its field,

don't let the fact that we are a HIGH turn over company bother you, or that good people don't work here 4 to long

we've made some changes sense then ask (Mark Lamers), and finally daniel j o'keefe is gone-

- So-- it's All--- GOOD!!!

 contact us now for more information.

To apply for either position email your application to: tkennedy@thermotron.com