Tuesday, May 19, 2015

thermotron management training Harassment Seminar - elaine johnson thomas bannach

thermotron sales...man.. never change

ya i got an e mail... from mr Bo Bjarno.. and i guess the 2 years he worked for thermotron .. were less that satis--factory...

BUT ... he came on the sein..sean..seen...on...sight..

the same way... he left... thermotron..

He arrived .. by.. Drumming out Joyce Palmer... and creating a drama .. and hassle.. in the california off.. with thomas bannach... the west coast reginal ... liar and dispatcher..

this was followed... by 4 other personal.. changes... in the course of 2 years...

this is an example of the type of job ... that thermotron Human resourses.. does.. in holland michigan..

people like ... Tamera kennedy... or BOB..the. Barber...Elaine johnson 

ya the next was .secretary was ..Von..... followed by chryl (black).. then virginia Norris..then a temp-- after they moved the office  follow by... her replacement.. after 

bo bjarno..thermotron sales engineer and liar and drunk and embezzler and more

was told to "HIt the door.. "

and don't let it hit you in the ASS...

nine months ... later ... i was drummed out....

when... Thermotron's Human Resourses..people like tamera kennedy...and Elaine Johnson 

they called me up and asked ... what i wanted for my

5....YEAR AWARD...???...!!!!

i asked them... and said...

i think i am being drummed out by thomas bannach...

because gregory v johnson... is stealing more and lying with new lies...

but everyone... denies... they are the problem...

So thermotron Human Resourses....

why don't you ... call up thomas bannach... and ask him....

because thomas bannach....ALWAYS ...LIES...... 2.....ME!!!!1

ya it's like talking to a Sales ...Man....

As mike... Barrs... said... when i was later working at Russles Technicial Products..

"If a sales ...man...lips are moving... then U know he is lying...

and at thermotron... lying... cheating...deceiving.. and defrauding people...

is the game plan...


as the bible says..... the thermotron thief comes to "lie, cheat , and steal"

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

thermotron management training - I've got no strings- it's OK 2 B currupt

Mark lamers thermotron semen training - Hail science!


thermotron former employee holland michigan pre-vert



Thomas Bannach had 30 years as a thermotron employee–

and 3 years as a manager on the west coast — he provoted

lying,cheating sateal , embexxleing, miss-leading the customer and co

workers– so he could assassinate their character — and murder them–

Gregory V Johnson — bragged how — as a false wittness — he and Bannach– libled ,slandered- all the employee’s in that office–

and how he robbed the customers and his co workers– but he said he

wasn’t as big of a thief as Hil Sybesma– thomas bannach’s church going

holland michigan embezzlerImage

He went on to ENSECO chamber company– where it only took 3 or 4

months — to get fired there– and as Marty  Bunn said he went to his

house on the weekend to find him– and fire him–

talk to Tanera Kennedy or

Elaine Johnson at THERMOTRON Contact Details

Elaine Johnson at THERMOTRON Contact Details – find the Job Title, Phone#, … Job Title Vice President Of Human Resources; Phone (616) 392-1491; Email …
for your opportunity– When — the thermotron manager’s were informed of the robbery thief and embezzlement–
they drummed out those co workers– so as Thomas Patterson said

about thermotron when he replaced Bob Wiley as the national service

manager– WELL when you expose the liars thieves and embezzlers–
then the thermotron management will attack YOUImage