Tuesday, January 26, 2016

thermotron -- Sam Kinison - I'm Not Worried About Hell- holland michigan pervert and slander

Thermotron training with thomas bannach– no way– really? Roger cannady and assoCiates– neighbor “HOOD” liars and thieves

Thermotron training with thomas bannach– no way– really?
Yes Thermotron management training–
thomas bannach — it’s ok to lie cheat defraud and slander you r co workers  a little bit every day–
if you don’t like that — WELL then you have an Attitude   problem
Roger cannady and assoCiates– annual review– hey why give a engineer a annual performance review — in the air port lobby– in denver colorado– 
Roger cannady  — Oh that;s right–if you don’t like it–
well i will accept you resignation–
Gregory V Johnson– wellll they told me to make it hard on you — so you would “Quit”

Thermotron – Donut Hell–Backstabbing bosses and callous co-workers


Backstabbing bosses and callous co-workers

by chota
How can I become an asshole in five easy steps?
Have you ever thought that deep down you really were not a nice person? 
If no, this guide probably is not for you.
If yes, congratulations, you’re well on your way to becoming an Asshole!
If you follow these easy steps, you will be able to ensure that people think of you as an asshole, and not as a mere jerk, putz, loser or boor.
Featured Videos
  1. The Simpsons – Donut Hell

    Homer sells his soul to the devil for a donut and is sent to the ironic punishment
1…Step One: Have Impossibly Refined Sensibilities
This is the most essential step to becoming an asshole, and probably the most difficult.
It requires an amount of study because you will need to know your field.
Faking is not an option;
 a fake will be held up as an object of scorn and as a pretentious moron, which is clearly not your objective.
I’d suggest specializing in a particular area, like food or music.
 While General Assholery is spectacularly impressive,
it requires nearly a lifetime of study to properly attain.
Knowing your field means knowing it utterly; if you intend on being a Food Asshole, you’ll not need to be able to instantly tell the difference between a good Chateau Lafaurie-Peyraguey and an indifferent Puligny-Montrachet, you’ll need to be able to expound to your host or hostess on why the former would have been a much better choice to serve with dessert.
2….Step Two: Use Really Big Words
This is a much simpler step in your ascendance to Divine Asshole. All you’ll need for this is a thesaurus and a dictionary.
Take some common place words and replace them with obscure ones, instead of “beauty” say “pulchritude”, instead of “childish” say puerile.
Make certain that you are properly using your new obscure words; loudly correct anyone who uses them improperly.
3….Step Three: Choose Something To Hate
It doesn’t matter what, as long as it is something almost universally loved. Don’t hate the French if you’re English.
Don’t hate the Backstreet Boys or N’Sync, or you may be mistaken for a wit instead of an asshole. Whatever you do decide to hate, make sure you know enough about it to hate it properly, I’d suggest hating something in your field of expertise.
If you’re a Food Asshole, hate Italian Cuisine, if you’re a Music Asshole, try hating Mozart or The Beatles. Make sure that whatever you do hate, is common enough to come up in casual conversation; if you’re an Art Asshole, don’t hate Gustave Caillebotte, as it’s hard to bring conversation repeatedly around to lesser-known impressionists.
Step Four: Always Manage To Turn Conversation Around To You
No matter what the topic of conversation is about, make sure you play a starring role in it. If someone is complaining about their hateful and psychotic ex-boyfriend, tell them all about your evil ex, who was way more evil and psychotic then theirs. If you don’t have an ex, make one up.
If someone manages to mention something remotely related to your field of expertise, monopolize the conversation. If possible, turn the conversation back to the thing you chose to hate in Step Three and complain loudly about it.
Step Five: You Are Always Right, Be Secure In This
This is the culmination of your training as an asshole. Once you have mastered the first four steps, you are ready for this.
When someone decides to argue with you about the merits of the thing you hate in step 3, intellectually bludgeon them using the words you learned in step two.
This should not be especially difficult if the hated item is one in your area of expertise from step one. Resort to ad hominem attacks deriding your opponent’s intelligence.
Don’t be overly concerned about being clever, witty or eloquent; you are an asshole after  all, not a bitch.  Image
If you manage to win the argument either by logic and reason or by your opponent leaving in disgust; be an ungracious winner and taunt your fallen foe.
If you carefully adhere to the above steps, you will be a Supreme Asshole in no time.
While you may not have many friends,
you can be secure in the knowledge that being an asshole is always better than being a jerk or a loser;
they not only lack friends, they lack style.
date a engineer at thermotron– smile

Sunday, January 24, 2016

thermotron -- Are you calling me a liar?!- holland michigan church going whore

How To Identify A thermotron Pervert-- meet daniel j okeefe, the 1/4 acre sunset king-- - Oh My God - If Murder Was Legal


Gee get help at thermotron Tamers Kennedy and alison-- at Work- 

thank you thermotron

homas bannach & roger cannady assoiates--Thermotron- it is your job to train the new hires

ok start here

Roger Cannady national service manager thermotron 1983/1986

Instructional Designer at SAIC/USSOCOM
Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida Area
As a LinkedIn member, you'll join 225 million other professionals who are sharing connections, ideas, and opportunities.

  • See who you and Roger Cannadyknow in common
  • Get introduced to Roger Cannady
  • Contact Roger Cannady directly
Roger cannady had a tough time at thermotron-- 

he was fired for approving too much lying cheating and stealing..

and because of the high turn over-- with thomas bannach-- it was other
employee's job to train the new hires-- 2 weeks with mark lamers in
holland michigan just didn't cut it

Thomas bannach as the
west coast manager-- said it was ok to lie cheat defraud and miss- lead
the new employee's ..  and you could embezzle a little bit every day

Thomas W Bannach  

w bannach was a wird  and perverted old man when he worked for
thermotron -- he like to call his co-workers Gay behind their back-- 

the word on the street -- is he was trying to get some action 

instead of 

playing the Game with Dick head -- Daniel j o'keefe

when asked if they wanted to go into "thermotron "management" the reply was" No-thanks--

 because tom Bannach bragged that being a liar , slander, thief and robber was "OK"

 because all companies were like Thermotron and  "corrupt"" 

How To Identify A thermotron Pervert-- meet daniel j okeefe, the 1/4 acre sunset king--

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

thermotron management training - 4 year old- i got it here

what's it like working at thermotron ??

Meet Mitch kerr and John Dane.. at all tempengineering san jose CA..

John dane was the "youngest Field service engineer" in the history of thermotron at 17 years old..

Ya he was told "just lie 2 the customer" tell them U ..R.. an EinGINeer !!

wehn mitch kerr as asked how BIG ws the EMbezzlement when he was there??

not quite the $10,000 or the $20,000 dollars.. and remember you shoulc be able to make at least an extra $150.00 at every equipment "Start-Up"

when Thomas Bannach was the west coast manager..

DEAN TRIPP said.. they like people who are dishonest and backstabbers..

and "GO Heavy" on your travel time hours and your labor hours!!

and the Customer "deserves " a Free Lunch !!

Gregory V Johnson (mitch kerr's replacement .. )


bragging - definition of bragging by the Free Online Dictionary ...To talk boastfully. See Synonyms at boast1. v.tr. To assert boastfully. n. 1. A boast. 2. Arrogant or boastful speech or manner. 3. Something boasted of. ...
www.thefreedictionary.com/bragging - Cached

he wasn't as big a thief as hil sysbesma.. thomas bannach's church going buddy !!

and hil said he wasn't as big a thief as some guy named "neville"

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

thermotron Bad Friends 2015- it's OK to b currupt- you backstabber

meet Daniel Joke efe the pervert and Queer on sun set lane

it's ok to lie cheat steal embezzle and defraud and assinate the character and murder eny one who you don't like

thermotron former employee

thermotron -- thomas bannach and more perverts-- Pull yourself together man!


by prevert

Contact Tamera Kennedy--- for your own opportunity to be a liar and a thief at THERMOTRON

Elaine Johnson-- 30 years as a -- VP of pros-ta-tu-tion

Human resourse expert

Holland, MI

thermotron management training

by daniel joke efe

bannach when he was the west coast manager — he said Roger cannady and
associates, let

him do his “own thing” and besides he “pay–ed his dues”
when he worked for Bob –less– Wiley

and Bob Wiley told his “inner
circle ” that they could lie to him — about the co-workers — on the job

so long as they didn’t get him in trouble —-

thomas bannach said
every service technician was a manager and they could lie cheat steal

defraud their co workers and the customer a little bit

so long as they did it behind their back— because every one he know is like that!!!

This allowed Thomans bannach

 to defraud 90 % of his co workers— and drum then out!!

Dean tripp said thomas Bannach was a lier and thief when he worked for him– and then he really didnt have good character–

BUT Mark Strain — said Bannach was the “most honest — lier slander and thief ” that he has ever met!!

thomas bannach — asked an employee– if they wanted to go into
management at thermotron–

that Emoloyee– said — hell no– you r a lie and cheat– why would i want that??

Thomas Bannach said “it OK to be currupt and lie cheat and embezzle” because every one is like that !
V Johnson in the San Fransisco office– agreed with his and spent 3
years robbing the customers and defrauding his co workers–

this was duplicated in the Seattle office with dan DePurdes and the sales staff and support staff in that location–

and of course the Conoga park area– where new hires lasted about 6 months–
and it was “YOUR JOB” to train the new hires– as Roger cannady and
thomas bannach — DECREEDed–

Yes and the Alcoholic Sales man was a thrill– also– he came in as a abusive lyer and pervert–

It appears that the Human resourse personall like tamer Kennedy-with 18
years- and some other some

other thermotron whore and protrostute with
30 years– fits the retarded verson– as Thomas Patterson

said– they are
just “rubber Stamps”

when Roger cannady was defrauding his co workers– they were — in on the Game!
Berry Wright — who replaced thomas bannach as a west coast manager–
said to his co-workers–

Gee don’t you think thomas Bannach is a nice

the answer of ” nooo tom B is a liar deceiver and a slander thief and pervert “protector”

Welll Berry Wright only lasted about a year.. as the thomas Bannach thermotron replacement
yes lying cheating stealing –libel and slandering — conspiracy with intent
to defraud — so to build a

case against your co worker- is the way —thermotron
management at thermotron functions—-like the many child

 i advoided in the roman catholic– church growing up–

 so is
holland michigan dutch and christian reformed– same character –

and thermotron relay’s on people not “exposing” the former perverts and
Queers– but as Roger cannady and his Associates — harrashed and drumed
out defrauded — 90% of the people– employed –

just as Gregory V Johnson was fired 4 robbery thief and embezzlement– from
the next company ENSECO — where mitch Kerr said — he wont’s find work in
this valley — and the environmental chamber gang–and every onel knows
he was thomas bannach and roger cannady’s co conspirator and
false wittness– just a regualr thermotron lyer and thief–

as Gregory V johnson bragged — it dosen’t matter what you do or say about any- one– or who you rob – steal or murder –

so long as you get away with it — and blame it on some one else
one should get the idea that they are who they are and what they did

thermotron west coast hycroprites- bob wiley training
by ubigdummy
i was told in 1971 and warned about hollan michigan church goers-- --
as bill wybenga said-- it's easy to find someone to lie 4 you at  thermotron--

and as thomas Patterson said-- if you don't go along with the lies -- then they attack you--

John tenBrink said-- gee i didn't want to lie but they told me 2 !
I have the unfortunate ability to spot liars often immediately however this skill only serves to protect me.
When I say liars, I do not mean the average person who tells the occasional
lie or a person who may tell more than occasional lies but the extremely convincing, glib perfect liar who has no tells and is an
expert at knowing what people want and how to give it to them.
When they are caught in a lie, they create a better lie to cover it or use
their emotional power of

manipulation to minimize it so those who know
don’t care.
I have met several liars at the workplace, one who defrauded the company of thousands of dollars and took advantage of
other co-workers and prior to that I informed all of my co-employees and
the boss
that he was an untrustworthy liar and I stated facts that
proved my case yet they were ignored.

 In in

other situations outside of
work and the outcome was similar. People are animals; emotional

not rational and when you present the truth they ignore it.

can spot a normal liar but it is pathological or sociopathic liars that
are rarely caught and

unless you have evidence that can’t be ignored
then don’t even bother.

You’ll look like an asshole and the liar will use their abilities to disparage your reputation