Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Monday, October 13, 2008

field service training from thermotron

Ya Mitch Kerrr at all temp engineering , and Good Old Fred Plont from colorado.. gave thermotron employee's training.. dezel washington "training day"

Hil sysbesma was another senior training Holland Michigan Whore BOy

He trained .. his co-workers.. with Dean Tripp, thomas bannach.. dave durham..roger cannary, dave waterfield johhny ten-DINKly WHAT A CREW !! daniel j okeefe has!!

10 dictionary results for: manifest

Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This

man·i·fest /ˈmænəˌfɛst/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[man-uh-fest] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

–adjective 1. readily perceived by the eye or the understanding; evident; obvious; apparent; plain: a manifest error.

2. Psychoanalysis. of or pertaining to conscious feelings, ideas, and impulses that contain repressed psychic material: the manifest content of a dream as opposed to the latent content that it conceals.
–verb (used with object)

3. to make clear or evident to the eye or the understanding; show plainly: He manifested his approval with a hearty laugh.

4. to prove; put beyond doubt or question: The evidence manifests the guilt of the defendant.

5. to record in a ship's manifest.

6. a list of the cargo carried by a ship, made for the use of various agents and officials at the ports of destination.

7. a list or invoice of goods transported by truck or train.

8. a list of the cargo or passengers carried on an airplane.


[Origin: 1350–1400; (adj.) ME < L manifestus, manufestus detected in the act, evident, visible; (v.) ME manifesten < MF manifester < L manifestāre, deriv. of manifestus. See manus, infest]

—Related forms
man·i·fest·a·ble, adjective
man·i·fest·er, noun
man·i·fest·ly, adverb
man·i·fest·ness, noun

—Synonyms 1. clear, distinct, unmistakable, patent, open, palpable, visible, conspicuous.

3. reveal, disclose, evince, evidence, demonstrate, declare, express. See display.

—Antonyms 1. obscure. 3. conceal.

JOKER...MAN.... U... know... what... He... WANTs..

Y sure... destination...UNknown..!!

Field Service Opportunity Thermotron Industries Inc

El Segundo, CA 90245 Aug 18
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Field Service Technician to install, maintain, repair and upgrade our Test Chambers and equipment in a Los Angeles / El Segundo based territory.

We offer an e ... More
Field Service Opportunity Thermotron Industries Inc

Paterson, NJ 07501 Aug 18

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Thermotron Industries is seeking a dynamic Field Service Technician to install, maintain, repair and upgrade our Test Chambers and equipment within

a Northern New Jersey Territory.

We offer an excelle ... More

Field Service Opportunity

Thermotron Industries Inc Baltimore, MD 21201 Aug 18

More like this Thermotron Industries is seeking a dynamic Field Service Technician to install, maintain, repair and upgrade our Test Chambers and equipment

in a Baltimore based Territory. We offer an excellent pay p ... More

Direct Sales Capital EquipmentThermotron Industries Inc

Simi Valley, CA 93063 Aug 18

More like this Thermotron Industries is seeking a dynamic and technical sales person to respresent our Test equipment products in a

Northern L.A./ Simi Valley based territory.

We are the leader in our industry with c ... More

Direct Sales Capital EquipmentThermotron Industries Inc

Baltimore, MD 21201 Aug 18

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

jesus.. and Who R,,,U... waiting 4

Jesus -- the Green Shaman

One day, I was out in my woods, sitting on Hugo's stone, enjoying the sunshine and the music of the trees. In the chatter of the leaves I heard a small voice, and this voice told me a story about Jesus that I had never heard before. It's a story from the little people, so please don't take it seriously. The story went something like this:

A long, long time ago, when Jesus was alive, it was a lot like today. People were suffering and struggling under the weight of civilization. There was a powerful military system running everything. Few were rich and many were poor. Common people had no power at all. It was not a happy time.

When Jesus was about 30, he'd been working for many years, watching the suffering, and thinking. One day he came to realize that carpentry was not the answer, so he set off for the wilderness. Out in the wilderness, he met a wild uncivilized holy man named John, who wore animal clothing and lived on locusts and honey.

John's story was one of baptism and repentance. He called out to civilized people -- the warriors, carpenters, farmers, and priests -- and he begged them to repent of their sins and return to a state of harmony. Those who repented, he immersed in the River Jordan, and thereby opened their hearts to the perfection of Creation.

When John baptized Jesus, the sky opened up, the Holy Spirit appeared in the form of a shining white dove, Jesus was filled with divine ecstasy, and he instantly recognized the infinite beauty and power of the Creator.

Immediately after his awakening, Jesus went off into the mountains for a 40-day vision quest. During that time, his soul was deeply imbued with the perfection of Creation. It was a time of profound healing and growth for him. Many important answers were revealed.

One day, Satan, the King of the Yuppies, saw this scruffy long-haired blue collar pilgrim sitting on a rock in the sacred forest. Satan offered Jesus a free ticket to Consumer Nirvana -- a lifetime shopping spree at every mall on planet Earth. By this time, Jesus was so high on Creation that he just shook his head, laughed, and said "Nah, that sounds like a bad trip, man."

Out there in the wilderness, Jesus found what the people of Palestine had lost. When he finally came back into town, he was floating, glowing, and utterly radiant with holy energy. Folks picked up on this right away, and they asked him what he'd been smoking.

Well, Jesus would just break into a big grin, laugh, and sit down and tell them his story. Accumulating riches isn't the answer, he'd tell them. Wealth is a disease of the soul. Blessed are the humble and poor, and woe unto the consumers.

Another thing Jesus talked about was unconditional love. The Romans ruled the land by using the tactics of divide and conquer. They kept people alone and afraid. Love was the antidote to this tyranny. The miraculous power of love could bring people together, unite them in action, and make their journey easier and brighter.

Jesus told them about the Golden Rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Most of the great theologians of Christendom have never taken a 40-day vision quest in the wilderness, so most of them have completely missed the great meaning of the Golden Rule. This rule doesn't just apply to human matters, it applies to interactions with every species that walks, flies, blooms, and swims.

Well anyway, it didn't take too long before this talk had the priests and generals riled up. We all know what happened next. Jesus got killed long before he could live out his vision. The truth of his vision still stands. His vision still remains to be completed -- and it's up to us to pick up where he left off.

Three centuries after Jesus died, when Christianity became the sole official religion of the Roman Empire, people of many different stories were suddenly all jammed together under one roof. It was like the bar scene in Star Wars. A lot of compromises were made. Christianity became a melting pot of many diverse and unrelated stories.

From the Hellenist mystery cults we absorbed the story of a lord who dies and is reborn. From the Gnostics we absorbed the story that the world is a place of evil, that humans are alien to this world, that the world is our enemy. From the Mithraists, we absorbed the tradition of Sunday worship and fasting at Lent. From the German pagans, we absorbed the notion of Hell, and the celebration of the fertility goddess Ostara -- Easter.

From the Sol Invictus cult of Rome, we absorbed the story of the Son of God being born of a Virgin on December 25. These are just a few examples. The result of this infusion of strange stories is that the story of Jesus, to a large extent, got diluted and scrambled in the confusion.

In 1945, a farmer named Mohammed Ali found an ancient jar near Nag Hammadi in Egypt. Among the contents of this jar was a book containing the Gospel of Thomas. This gospel of Jesus' life had never been edited, corrected, clarified, or blessed by the official Holy Roman Church. Perhaps the words of the Gospel of Thomas are clearer and cleaner. Perhaps they contain less static from pagan cults.

In chapter 113 of the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus is talking about the nature of heaven -- God's kingdom. He said that it was not an event that would occur in the future. Here is what he said: "The kingdom of God is spread out upon the earth, and people do not see it." In other words, Heaven is where your feet are standing.

Jesus was baptized, filled with the Holy Spirit, went to the wilderness, and spent 40 days in the company of the giant trees, the wild animals, the birds and the bees, and the wee folk -- the angels. This experience flooded his heart with profound knowledge that later sent shock waves through the civilized world. Heaven is all around you. Give away your wealth and live a life of unconditional love. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you -- make the forest happy with your songs, and the forest will make you happy.

Forty days in the wilderness -- five vital words -- perhaps the most important words in the entire Bible. Five words that clearly describe exactly where the treasure lies, where the Holy Spirit is to be found, where the mystery of Heaven is revealed, where one can throw off the chains of civilization and find beauty, love, meaning, and salvation.

A weekend trip won't do it. A two week quest won't do it. It takes forty continuous days to unwind, to forget your past, to become purified, calm, trusting, loving, open, and receptive. It takes forty days to begin to catch mind-exploding glimpses of the perfection of Creation, and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Seek and ye shall find.

The interiors of churches are imitations of the wilderness where Jesus quested, the sacred grove. The high walls are the massive tree trunks, and the high vaulted ceilings are the canopy of foliage. The music of the church represents the songs of the animals, the birds, and the breeze. The burning incense reminds us of the fragrance of blooming blossoms. The church is a poor imitation of the wilderness. I encourage you to do what Jesus did -- seek out the real thing. Maybe you'll find what Jesus did.

He is a Prophet born by a miracle of God without a father; he invited the Children of Israel to follow the true path and showed them many miracles.

He is the Messiah and, as the Qur'an says, he is the "word of God" (Qur'an, 4:171). Together with his return to earth, the lack of understanding between Christians and Muslims who believe in the same God, share the same moral values and, as the Qur'an says, are closer to one another in love than all other people (Qur'an, 5:82) will be repaired, and these two greatest of the world's religious communities will be united.

The members of the world's third monotheistic religion, the Jews, will also accept Jesus as their true Messiah and find their way to the true religion (Qur'an, 4:159). So the three monotheistic religions will unite, there will be one single religion on earth based on faith in God and obedience to Jesus, His Prophet.

This religion will defeat the atheistic philosophies and pagan beliefs with intellectual means; thus, the world will be saved from wars, conflicts, racial and ethnic hostility, cruelty and injustice.

Progress Is A Pipe Dream

Progress Is A Pipe Dream

The story of progress -- that each generation is better than the one before it -- is about 200 years old. These 200 years have been the most tumultuous and destructive years in the history of the planet. In fact, the history of civilization is not a story of progress, but a story of continuous decline.
The Christian tradition begins in the Garden of Eden of the hunters and gatherers. The Fall symbolizes the dawn of civilization. Yahweh, a Semitic storm god, could see that farming was destroying Creation. For much of the Old Testament, he urges his Chosen People to destroy the hideous cities of the defilers of the Earth. But the farmers beat the nomads, and the Christian prophets tell us that we are now sitting in the shadows of an onrushing Armageddon.

In the Norse myths, it's the same cycle. The human gods conquer the powerful forces of nature, rule for a while, then are destroyed by the revenge of nature at the battle of Ragnarok.

The ancient Greeks saw human decline as a series of historic ages. Hesiod writes of the Golden Age: "They lived like gods, free from worry and fatigue; old age did not afflict them; they rejoiced in continual festivity." This was followed by the Silver Age, a matriarchal era of agriculture, when men obeyed their mothers. This was followed by the Bronze Age, a patriarchal era of war -- "Their pitiless hearts were as hard as steel; their might was untamable, their arms invincible." This was followed by the Iron Age, a time "when men respect neither their vows, nor justice, nor virtue."

Today we live in the Toxic Age. The planet is overheating, there is a massive hole in the ozone layer, species extinction has become a global epidemic, the remaining forests are being furiously destroyed, the fish in the ocean are almost gone, our soil is pouring into the sky and sea -- and every day we teach our children stories of wonderful progress, and the glories of civilization.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Former employee sues, cites harassment

Former employee sues, cites harassment

thermotron .. counts on former employes to disguise

disguise Definition
dis·guise (dis gīz′)

transitive verb -·guised′, -·guis′·ing

to make appear, sound, etc. different from usual so as to be unrecognizable to disguise one's voice

to hide or obscure the existence or real nature of to disguise an emotion
Obsolete to alter or disfigure

Geee it's allll Gooooddd.....

Devil in Descize
This is lyrics from www.lyrics007.com
f/ Killah Priest, Shanghai the Messenger

Look beyond his colors, look beyond his skin
Look beyond the way he moves, look deep within
Look beyond his face, look beyond his smileI am warning you he's a Devil in Descize

Look beyond his riches, look beyond his fame

He's only using you for his own game
cuz anything he do, anything he say

you just can't trust, he's a Devil in Descize

He's a Devil in Descize, he's a Devil in Descize
He's a Devil in Descize.. *fades*

At THERMOTRon employee harassment was considered normal, and routine.. When thomas bannach was there..

he drummed out 90% of the employees.. ..

and as he said about dan deperdus... and others..

GEEeee I G U E S S HE WASN'T A S U V I V O R !!!

and Gregory V Johnson.. Bragged that he was thomas bannach's false wittness..

Restored a Pearl Harbor survivor photo

Tony P. Welch says management did nothing when he informed them that five white male co-workers had repeatedly made racially discriminatory comments toward him.
Lindsey Nair

A former mail handler at Roanoke's main office branch has filed a discrimination lawsuit against the U.S. Service, saying management did nothing when he informed them that co-workers and direct supervisors had repeatedly made racially discriminatory comments toward him.

Tony P. Welch, who worked at the main branch on Rutherford Avenue Northeast from 1996 until 2002, claims the harassment came at the hands of five white male co-workers -- the same men accused in an earlier lawsuit of harassing a female employee.

Among other things, Welch claims that the men referred to the 1998 dragging murder of a black man in Jasper, Texas, and asked him, "What if that were you behind that truck ... do you want to go on a Texas truck ride?"

The five men were not named in the lawsuit.

Service spokesman Bob Anderson said Friday that he was trying to locate the attorneys assigned to the Welch case. However, he said, "I'm sure they will make no comment on a pending case."

A call to the Roanoke office was forwarded to main branch supervisors, who did not call with a comment Friday.

The lawsuit filed last week claims Welch began to suffer harassment in the summer of 1998, shortly after a sexual and racial harassment complaint was brought against the post office by Deborah B. Freeman, a black female employee at the same branch.

Welch's complaint states that he was besieged "by the same group of white males" who were accused of harassing Freeman.

Had Freeman's case gone to trial, Welch would likely have been a witness, said Freeman's attorney, Elizabeth Dillon.

Freeman's $1.5 million lawsuit against the postal service ended with a $140,000 settlement and a promise that she would be made a window clerk at the Hollins branch post office, according to the memorandum of settlement.

After she was moved from the Hollins post office to another position, Freeman filed a breach of settlement complaint against the Service and is waiting for a judge's decision, Dillon said.

Freeman did not want to comment for this article because she is still involved in litigation.

Welch first filed a federal lawsuit in December 2004, saying he had been terminated from his job at the office for inappropriate reasons.

On Oct. 11, 2002, he was fired for being absent without leave. That lawsuit is still pending.

His Maryland attorney, Morris Fischer, said Thursday that he plans to file a motion to combine Welch's 2004 lawsuit with the one filed last week.

Welch claims in his latest complaint that he was subjected to racial jokes about ebonics and Oreo cookies.

He also claims that one of the white male co-workers yelled "I'm spooked!" when he walked past Welch, while another shook his genitals at him.

In addition, Welch says, supervisors made inappropriate remarks as well, calling him "boy," making references to sending him "back to the plantation" and telling him someone would "crack a whip across your back."

Welch also claims that his supervisors denied him a request for a long lunch to attend church one day.

Welch says the harassment eventually stressed him to the point that he became physically ill.

He claims he took repeated action during his employment with the post office, complaining to management, the union and the postal inspector's office.

In return, the lawsuit claims, Welch was threatened by managers or told they could do nothing about it, so he would have to file a grievance with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Welch did file numerous grievances with the EEOC, the suit states, and in August and November 2002, he had hearings before EEOC Administrative Judge David Norken.

Norken ruled in Welch's favor and ordered the post office to pay about $14,000 in lost wages, costs, litigation expenses and compensatory damages, according to the lawsuit.

Fischer, Welch's attorney, said he was encouraged by Norken's ruling but believes Welch is entitled to more than what the EEOC awarded him.

The amount "really is just not a lot of money at all for someone who went through the things that Tony went through," Fischer said.

Welch's complaint does not demand a specific dollar figure.

According to Welch's 2004 lawsuit, the harassment caused him to take about a week of sick leave, then 12 weeks of medical leave, then to request an additional six months of leave without pay.

The complaint states that a psychiatrist diagnosed Welch with post-traumatic stress disorder and migraines, among other things.

After the Service is served with a copy of Welch's latest lawsuit, it will have 60 days to file a response.
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I bit the food, open my eyes

Divide the truth from the lies,

evil rabbis with suit and ties
On Palm Sundays, no longer Mondays, I stay calm on Tuesdays
While crews are sprayed on fatal Wednesdays

As friends lay in coffins, I made it through abortion
and move in caution, the mid-night offerin
and in deep knifes, the peace pipes at nights
Religious sacrifice, pay entyce to an anti-Christ


ya sure u R a liar

Current mood: cheerful
Category: Life

After serious & cautious consideration.....your contract of friendship has been renewed for the New Year 200???? !

It was a very hard decision to make. So try not to screw it up!!! LOL

My Wish for You in 200???

May peace break into your house and may thieves come to steal your debts. May the pockets of your jeans become a magnet for $100 bills. May love stick to your face like Vaseline and may laughter assault your lips! May your clothes smell of success like smoking tires and may happiness slap you across the face and may your tears be that of joy. May the problems you had, forget your home address! In simple words ............

May 200??? be the best year of your life!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

the next level at thermotron

in j_s..us..name,,.... huh??.. no .. in DAn j okeefe's name

dan okeefe said",,.098*&^%"

so what could i do!!

Psalm 138:7
Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me;
You will stretch forth Your hand against the wrath of my enemies,
And Your right hand will save me.

Should Christians Pray
"In ( not Jesus's Name) but dan okeefe's name" in Civic Gatherings?

by Rev. Dr. Mark D. Roberts

Copyright © 2008 by Mark D. Roberts

Note: You may download this resource at no cost, for personal use or for use in a Christian ministry, as long as you are not publishing it for sale. All I ask is that you give credit where credit is due. For all other uses, please contact me at mark@markdroberts.com. Thank you.

Praying "In dan okeefe Name" in Civic Gatherings: Introduction

Part 1 of series: Should Christians Pray "In who's Name" in Civic Gatherings?
Permalink for this post / Permalink for this series

Recently I was talking with a friend about praying in civic gatherings such as city council meetings or community luncheons. "When you pray in meetings like these," he asked, "do you pray in the name of daniel J okeefe 2 get things done?"

"Yes," I answered, "always. But not in the way you might be thinking." I went on to explain how I pray in the name of dan when I'm asked to pray in public, non-religious contexts. So I thought it might be interesting to share my practice here.

Israeli Colonel Klein had taken a unit of 20 Israeli soldiers into the midst of one of Lebanon's border cities where the fighting was fierce. He led his men into a courtyard that was walled up around believing it provide a place of cover and rest from enemy fire.

Suddenly, someone tossed a hand grenade out of one of the windows above them, and as it hit the ground, Klein threw his body over the hand grenade and cried out shouting: "Schema Yisrael Adoni Elohinu, Adonai Ekhad." Hear O Israel, the L-rd our G-d, the L-rd is One!

As he shouted the last words he would ever speak in this holiest of prayers He honored his God. The grenade blew up killing him but sparing all of his soldiers from death. Some were slightly injured from shrapnel but none had life threatening wounds because of Colonel Klein's actions.

It seems afterward some of the soldiers saw an angel standing over the lifeless body of the Colonel. Some of the wounded were taken to a hospital and wanted to speak about this but they were told to say nothing. However, some of them could not keep silent. Who could keep silent after seeing an angel?