Thursday, October 2, 2008

in,,.... huh??.. no .. in DAn j okeefe's name

dan okeefe said",,.098*&^%"

so what could i do!!

Psalm 138:7
Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me;
You will stretch forth Your hand against the wrath of my enemies,
And Your right hand will save me.

Should Christians Pray
"In ( not Jesus's Name) but dan okeefe's name" in Civic Gatherings?

by Rev. Dr. Mark D. Roberts

Copyright © 2008 by Mark D. Roberts

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Praying "In dan okeefe Name" in Civic Gatherings: Introduction

Part 1 of series: Should Christians Pray "In who's Name" in Civic Gatherings?
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Recently I was talking with a friend about praying in civic gatherings such as city council meetings or community luncheons. "When you pray in meetings like these," he asked, "do you pray in the name of daniel J okeefe 2 get things done?"

"Yes," I answered, "always. But not in the way you might be thinking." I went on to explain how I pray in the name of dan when I'm asked to pray in public, non-religious contexts. So I thought it might be interesting to share my practice here.

Israeli Colonel Klein had taken a unit of 20 Israeli soldiers into the midst of one of Lebanon's border cities where the fighting was fierce. He led his men into a courtyard that was walled up around believing it provide a place of cover and rest from enemy fire.

Suddenly, someone tossed a hand grenade out of one of the windows above them, and as it hit the ground, Klein threw his body over the hand grenade and cried out shouting: "Schema Yisrael Adoni Elohinu, Adonai Ekhad." Hear O Israel, the L-rd our G-d, the L-rd is One!

As he shouted the last words he would ever speak in this holiest of prayers He honored his God. The grenade blew up killing him but sparing all of his soldiers from death. Some were slightly injured from shrapnel but none had life threatening wounds because of Colonel Klein's actions.

It seems afterward some of the soldiers saw an angel standing over the lifeless body of the Colonel. Some of the wounded were taken to a hospital and wanted to speak about this but they were told to say nothing. However, some of them could not keep silent. Who could keep silent after seeing an angel?

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