Tuesday, February 17, 2009

don't U want 2 BBbbb somebody??? ASK BOB.. THE BOOB !!!

2 Timothy 3 (New American Standard Bible)

2 Timothy 3
"Difficult Times Will Come"
1 But realize this, that (A)in the last days difficult times will come.

For THERMOTRON (chamber) employees will be:

(B)lovers of self, (C)lovers of money, (D)boastful, (E)arrogant, (F)revilers, (G)disobedient to parents, (H)ungrateful, (I)unholy,

3(J)unloving, irreconcilable, (K)malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, (L)haters of good,

4(M) treacherous, (N)reckless, (O)conceited, (P)lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,

5 holding to a form of (Q)godliness, although they have (R)denied its power;

(S) Avoid such men as these.

6 For among them are those who enter into households and captivate weak

( man like )women weighed down with sins, led on by (V)various impulses,

GEEeee isn't every one CURRUPT???

7 always learning and never able to (W)come to the knowledge of the truth.

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