Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Uuu Can't ..Do... THAT... !!!

aT THERMOTRON.. and the training they give you..

you are not allowed to .. expose... your co-workers .. who steal and rob.. the customer, or even rob you..!!

As thomas Patterson said..

"Gee... when you complained that they were "high" and drunk on the job.." they ,,the management.. "ATTACKED" UUuuuu !!!

mitch kerr at all temp engineer ing..

will call you a "back stabber"

IF YOU.. THINK ROBBING THE CUSTOMER.. and your co w2orker.... not part of the job...opportunity !!

as will dave durham.. or john tenbrink.. and thomas bannach.. and hil sysbesma.. consider it normal;;..

because thermotron and all companies.. are CURRUPT...

Even Randy (dumb as they come) Bunn... from ENSECO.. california service company.. would hire the thieves and embezzler's

from thermotron's STABLE... of liars and ..deceivers..

ASK... ALLTEMPENGINEERING... in san hose..eee. .. john dane..

california people seem to "TAKE IT IN STRIDE!!!"

Ya... fred plont will is another 1..

but it all starts at the top with... Daniel J. Okeefe..

with the thermotron ....."MOTO"

Lie to the customer ..cuz...every-one does... it..

and LIE to the employee.... CUZ... every-one does it..

make sure the "numers LOOK ... GOOD..!!

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