Wednesday, January 5, 2011

thermotron F ield service training includes bonus's

remember 2 -- take the customer to lunch.. he deserves it !@!

yes at Thermotron .. you will be taught that "every-one" is the manager .. and this includes your being a Tattle --tail!! (back biter-Bannach) (or leading some one astray) to get more bonus points!!

you will learn the fine art of deception and lying..and the skill every-one enjoys the most.. "Embezzlement" and don't worry about the Preventive -maintenance contract!!

just put the the approved hours and take the rest of the day off!!

(besides except 4 changing solonids.. this equipment is really

" Run --till-- failure"

just go to the beach if you are on the west coast in california..

go visit the guys at All temp engineering .. mitch kerr and john dane are friends of thermotron former employee's... or maybe Hil Sybesma is available 4--lunch...

(it is easy 2 find former thermotron employee's and hey they know you are a lier -2"

Li´er (lī´ẽr)
n. 1. One who lies down; one who rests or remains, as in concealment.
There were liers in a ambush against him.

But watch --out--- Hil Sysbesma may LIE to you and say "Geee i for got my wallet!!

Be sides ... "
Who's gona ---Know??

The theory of the frequency response of ellipsoidal biological cells in rotating electrical fields


Sybesma, An Introduction to Biophysics, Academic Press, New York (1977).

And regardless of what they tell you.. the "west Coast Regional Manager" is nothing more than an "over-rated" service dispatcher !!

it's good 2 be in management at thermotron.. .. if you need help.. remember!!

u get all the dick you can eat 4 lunch!!! or at happy hour

and pump the customer all you can .. to get the in-side-track !!


Noun 1. tattle tale tattle tale - someone who gossips indiscreetly

blabbermouth, talebearer, taleteller, tattler, telltale

gossiper, gossipmonger, newsmonger, rumormonger, rumourmonger, gossip -

a person given to gossiping and divulging personal information about others..

at thermotron.. EVERY-One is a Manager and tattle-tale

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