Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Recognition and DIS-trust: is Alive and well in the environmental chamber world

Recognition and DIS-trust: is

Alive and well in the environmental chamber world

In the Environmental chamber world, it's very rare that an employee or a leader can land the trifecta of leaving at the top of their game, leaving on their own terms and leaving with a level of acknowledgement and recognition appropriate for their contribution to their colleagues and employer.

When people have left the company Thermotron and had been employed at for just over a few years, they did so in awkward circumstances.

After a turbulent relationship with their new boss, they reach a point where they ask to ‘back me or sack me' and he chose to do neither. Although they chose to resign, they are put in an untenable situation that leave little choice if you are going to be true to your values.

As one of the successful employee's in the company's short history, they had clearly delivered many years of very profitable results for that Therotron employer.

Given the circumstances of their resignation, they were not expecting the company to put on a grand farewell event but even their very modest expectations were not met.

It was an incredibly disappointing way to finish what had been, for 99% of their years of employment, a wonderful experience.

Of course, as I have since discovered, this experience is very common in the environmental chamber world.

In such a results-driven and ego-fuelled sector,

the departing employee who has either ‘failed' in some way or is leaving to take a position with a competitor, rarely experiences a dignified and appropriate departure.

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