Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Former employee charged with embezzlement from 5/3 Bank.--thermotron management training

embezzlement training was and is normal at thermotron..

Thomas bannach had 30 years experience at thermotron-- and 3 highly over payed years on the west coast as a manager--

but he knew every-1 was a good "YES" Man-- when they were embezzleing on a daily basis--

and when you complained about it-- (as tom patterson ) said-- they the thieves attack you--

ask roger cannady or dave waterfield or ronald wiley about it--Gee all the offices on the west coast stood out like a "sore-thumb" with high expenses-- when thomas bannach was there as stated by dave waterfield--

well when everyone is encourged to be a liar and a thief--

What do you expect--- thermotron-- where are service engineer's are liers and thieves..

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