Thursday, November 15, 2012

thermotron field service training - Hokus Pokus--our CEO eats up his lies continues to back him in every situation

ok get your training

thermotron where -- who ever embezzles the most and does the "LEAST" win's BIG

it is "REQUIRED" to be a good lier and thief to fit in at thermotron--

ask our--- NEW-- CEO-- he couldn't get a job any --where else

thermotron west coast / liars/ embezzlers/ sales man


Bill April 29,9:49 am

Great post!

I have a Vice President who tells us a daily lie in order to prove a point. For the love of God I cannot understand why! Now he is on a “Leadership” kick and he wants us to be better leaders for our salesmen.

How can someone lead when his leader is misleading him everyday he walks into the office?

Better yet, our CEO eats up his lies continues to back him in every situation when the entire time we are having a massive retention issue and he cannot figure out why.

Honesty is always the best policy, but how do you deal with compulsive liars who don’t care how much damage their lies really cause?

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