Tuesday, January 8, 2013

chanrob@juno.com--The training provided by THERMOTRON, how was it

yes i worked at thermotron-- -- the training with thomas bannach another "PET"
he bragged that you Have to lie cheat deceive and defraud --
 every one a little bit every day  to fit in
this is why mark lamers said "that good people don't stay there every long"
gee the thermotron training -- the seminar was ok---
but when John tenbrink was there he spent the week long training drunk so that Bob wiley the National service man didn't give him a "certific" but john tenbrink was a pet-- so it's no problem -- he thne worked at sexton and ESPEC -- with bob wiley drunk -- and then with that trainin he went to ENVIROTRONICS--
so you see the training at thermotron as a DRUNK -- can get u into SALES--- where the Big money is anyway
thermotron embezzlement training
he nice thing about hermotron is that when you do the equipment start-up you can milk each job for a week or 2- and remember 8 hours customer time is 12 hours shop time. so you can get the over-time pay
2 months ago
fred the punk

preventive maintenance

even with a new presedent .. who has been there 30+ years.. still you can't count on the management team for support
2 months ago
By chanrob@juno.com
2 months ago
The training provided by THERMOTRON, how was it? Did you find it helpful? How long did you work there?

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