Sunday, January 3, 2016

thermotron -- management --Possum Lodge Word Game "Service"Roger Cannady & Associates “former thermotron national service manager”

Thermotron– management training with — Marcia
Cannady …. Roger Cannady is one of the most intelligent, experienced men
I have ever known. I would have never finished high school like I did
without him

by thermotrononedummy

Winston tries to adopt a child to carry on the
family septic sucking business. Red turns a car into a castle, complete
with turret. Mike and Walter turn a basketball competition into an
adventure. Dalton finds out that surfing the internet leaves a trail.
Other Handyman Tips – using a toy train to vacuum a rug, and a quick
clean-up idea for bachelors who eat alone.

Roger Cannady & Associates “former thermotron national service manager”


and thomas Bannach west coast liar and slander-- he drumed out everyone in the san jost office, and seattle office - dan deperdus- and the konaga  park office--

as gregory v johnson said -- just lie and tell them what ever they want to hear- 

becasue it dosen't matter what you do to any one

Roger Cannady has excellent innovation, design, development, communication, and training skills

IF you are an IDOIT… or are not smarter than a 5th Grader …

He is an (IN) experienced manager, instructional designer, e-learning developer, curriculum
developer, platform trainer, and consultant.

Outstanding “Hands On” technical abilities and subject matter expertise in a wide range of subject areas:

Masterbation is his speciality… when he was at thermotron..

Thomas Bannach bragged that Roger Cannady “let him do his own thing”

which in summary was “it’s OK ” to lie cheat deceive and defraud your co-worker and customer .. a little..–bit—every–day !!

Yes all the Liars ,, thieves, embezzlers ..and Back stabbers at
thermotron.. really liked Roger Cannady’s Hands–off– management –style..

“Roger is passionate about adult education.

all the liars said you are supposted to tell Roger Cannady..

“what ever-HE-wants-2-hear !! it dosen’t matter if it is True –or–Not !!

He was know 4- Keeping– people– IN-TH–DARK–


As Dean Tripp said when roger cannady was there “It Really didn’t matter if you did a “good” job or a BAD job any more”

and as Hil Sybesma was Quoted as saying

“the More you do the More you HAVE to do now !!”

and the “Less you do then the LESS you have to do now”

He is dedicated to keeping informed about emerging theories and tools available to support and improve his work

of getting some of your money.. and staying out of prison

Posted by at 2:30 PM


Marcia Cannady said…
You are the liar and backstabber. Roger Cannady is one of the most intelligent, experienced men I have ever known. I would have never finished high school or excelled in college like I did without him. You need to watch your smart mouth. He worked at Thermotron in the early ’80s… the math (if your ignorant, slanderous a$$ can). Yes, I am his kid but what you are saying is just FLAT OUT WRONG. You’re lucky I take after my father, otherwise I’d be looking for you.
August 17, 2013 at 2:00 PM

mark metwo said…
you might talk to hil sybesma– or dean tripp or gregory v john son, or?? any number of people– or any of the many people– who had any dealing with him

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