hil sysbesma was teaching me that ,.. embezzlement was not really stealing .. but it's called working the system..
tom bannach called it... "bury that expense" but everyone steals a little bit!!
so it's A-OK..
Carsten Ullrich's Blog: "How to steal an account" made easy"How to steal an account" made easy. Gosh, I'm a hacker! Yesterday I could have taken over an account at a dating site. But since I'm happily married, ... bloggingullrich.blogspot.com/2007/09/how-to-steal-account-made-easy.html - 77k -
As you should be aware, I am an avid fan of Matthew Good, for both his amazing music and his dangerously blunt political motives. For those of you who can stomach it, I recommend this blog entry for some interesting reading. I know that I hate to hear it, but it's just so satisfying to say "I told you so," or "I was right."
More like "we told you so," if I may speak on behalf of just about everybody I know.
Oh the lies that were told... well just take a look at the site and you'll see what I mean.
How very Orwellian:
step 1: Lie,
step 2: tell people you didn't lie
(i.e. repeat step 1)
; it's really amazing how well it seems to work.
I won't go into a further rant about it because speaking completely from passion is irrational, unproductive and generally quite controversial.
I only want to raise awareness of the subject this time, for the few of you I might convince to read MBlog.
Plus I could type all day, and I have other things to do; specifically, as I mentioned, job hunting.
Oh yes, it is time once again to shine your shoes, put on your best smile and start spooning the bullshit.
The first job posting session for co-op placements begins today, and, surprise surprise, I haven't updated my resume!
Time to describe in 3 bullet points the important things I did at my last job.
Things that will make employers look at it and go
>"oh my god... hire this man immediately,
we can't let his genius go unsquandered."
Where do I begin? No, really where do I begin?
I can't think of anything!
Permanently scarred left arm operating Thermotron unit."
That's impressive...
Well anyway, back to the bright side of things, I did a drawing *pats self on back*. Of course I've missed more of these personal goals than I've made this year *kicks self in ass*, so I'm still not that pleased.
This one is for yesterday, when I would have posted had my scanner not been comatose. Turns out it wasn't the scanner (phew) but the crappy usb pci card it was plugged into. There goes 8 bucks.
So since this is making up for yesterday when the drawing was done and I had the TIME to update, I'll do another drawing later tonight too.
at thermotron... they will send a co-worker to get close to U ... and 2 find out what's reallY going on.. and it's ok to lie aout it!!
this is because "EVERYBODY IS THE MANAGER!..
and there are 3 types of people at thermotron..
1. UsEful IdoIts..(they believe anything !)
2. Spineless Gutless wonders.. ( they will Doooo anything!)
3. MoRoNs. and they will gosop and tell tails..about their co-workers (true or not)
4. lifer's these .. people.. like the uncertainty.. of the action.. and they really can't think about being anywhere. else.. and at the CONCLUSION of their CARREER .. they die and Go to HEll ..