Monday, July 21, 2008

ask A tamer kennedy

thermotron employment

As you should be aware, I am an avid fan of Matthew Good, for both his amazing music and his dangerously blunt political motives. For those of you who can stomach it, I recommend this blog entry for some interesting reading. I know that I hate to hear it, but it's just so satisfying to say "I told you so," or "I was right."

More like "we told you so," if I may speak on behalf of just about everybody I know.

Oh the lies that were told...
well just take a look at the site and you'll see what I mean.

How very Orwellian:

step 1: Lie,

step 2: tell people you didn't lie

(i.e. repeat step 1)

; it's really amazing how well it seems to work.

I won't go into a further rant about it because speaking completely from passion is irrational, unproductive and generally quite controversial.

I only want to raise awareness of the subject this time, for the few of you I might convince to read MBlog.

Plus I could type all day, and I have other things to do; specifically, as I mentioned, job hunting.

Oh yes, it is time once again to shine your shoes, put on your best smile and start spooning the bullshit.

The first job posting session for co-op placements begins today, and, surprise surprise, I haven't updated my resume!

Time to describe in 3 bullet points the important things I did at my last job.

Things that will make employers look at it and go

>"oh my god... hire this man immediately,

we can't let his genius go unsquandered

Where do I begin? No, really where do I begin?

I can't think of anything!


Permanently scarred left arm operating Thermotron unit."

That's impressive...

Well anyway, back to the bright side of things, I did a drawing *pats self on back*. Of course I've missed more of these personal goals than I've made this year *kicks self in ass*, so I'm still not that pleased.

This one is for yesterday, when I would have posted had my scanner not been comatose. Turns out it wasn't the scanner (phew) but the crappy usb pci card it was plugged into. There goes 8 bucks.

So since this is making up for yesterday when the drawing was done and I had the TIME to update, I'll do another drawing later tonight too.

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