Saturday, July 5, 2008

management stragy..i heard about Uuuu !

at thermotron... they will send a co-worker to get close to U ... and 2 find out what's reallY going on.. and it's ok to lie aout it!!

this is because "EVERYBODY IS THE MANAGER!..

and there are 3 types of people at thermotron..

1. UsEful IdoIts..(they believe anything !)

2. Spineless Gutless wonders.. ( they will Doooo anything!)

3. MoRoNs. and they will gosop and tell tails..about their co-workers (true or not)

4. lifer's these .. people.. like the uncertainty.. of the action..
and they really can't think about being anywhere. else..
and at the CONCLUSION of their CARREER .. they die and Go to HEll ..

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