Monday, December 8, 2008

just get the customer drunk!

Ya on the west coast and beyond .. the motto was "just get the customer drunk and find out how much budget they have..

then go to a tittie... bar...

as thomas bannach and gregory v johnson said" it dosen't matter if the equipment works or not" YOU are supposted to "convince the customer to sign off.. and accept the junk... because it's covered under warrenty!!

thomas bannach said "What is Truth?" lying is easy !!

rumor.. and in-U -endo...

Lying can be easy to do in the moment, but it can be very destructive in the long run, and we end up being bound and chained by the consequences. Does the truth really matter? Listen to the next edition of Truth For Life with Alistair Begg.

Recent Broadcasts The Truth Matters, Part B
Monday, December 8, 2008

Some kind of shady business dealing?
James . , Oct 15, 2003; 03:32 p.m.

So I'm selling my binocs, and get this email from someone supposedly in the UK. He states he'd like to buy the binocs, and has a "debtor" in the US who owes him $6k. So he'd like me to give the debtor my contact info to have the debtor send the $6k, then I cash the $6k cashier's check, then give the balance minus purchase price to an "agency" who will handle shipping the binocs, in addition to taking the balance.

So what's going on here? Laundering? Bogus check trafficing? This arrangement conveniently keeps this person out of the loop. I said I'd think about it if I get to let the check clear.

Input is welcomed. Sounds a tad fishy.

Sheldon Hambrick , Oct 15, 2003; 03:34 p.m.

Calssic scam! Been going around lately. Run like HELL!!!

Sheldon Hambrick , Oct 15, 2003; 03:37 p.m.

I guess I should elaborate. The “cashier’s check” will be no good. Even though your bank will take it, it will later bounce, and you’ll be out the balance, and your gear.

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