Thursday, December 4, 2008

STEALINg and SLANDERing at thermotron

Did you ever borrow something only to discover it years later in a dusty old box in the garage? What about that library book that you never returned? You’ve just broken the eighth commandment. How can you fix it? To find out listen to Truth For Life with Alistair Begg.

Recent Broadcasts I Was Only Borrowing It, Part B
Thursday, December 4, 2008

thomas bannach and gregory V Johnson .. Hil Sysbesma.. roger cannady.. dave waterfield.. bragged how they could lie and slander their co-workers..

What ever makes thermotron look good.. is ok...

It tommy boy and gregory.. bragged that it didn't matter what slander you said about anyone..

call up alltemp engineering and ask .. mitch kerr.. or john dane.. or marrty rich .. or bruse butler.. or mark strain... or dean tripp..

as i told .. Bill Bench.. at Russles technicial products.. when he asked .. Why did you Quit at thermotron?"

well .. thomas bannach was lying to everone and lying about everything!!!

and his pet's did the same thing!!

this is expected when U have a person in management .. with out any training!!

ya call up ed flowers.. in california..he 'll believe anything .. dirty...

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