Thursday, March 18, 2010

dANiel j no"keefe.. CEO... extroadanair

interesting 2 note that Daniel J. NO'keefe can walk UP-right..

SAFETY CAUTION: Never ever compromise with your safety and of others, while dealing with No'Keefe's for any purpose


I have a rubber boa that I're had for about 5 months, and I was wondering how often they shed, he has shed once already, and i dont know when to expect it next.

I also cought a snake in Lewiston Idaho around july, and me and my mom are discussing weather or not it is a rattle snake, it was about 10-13 inches, light tan with black lines along the sides, square-ish shapes on the back, a band around it's eyes, and a defined pattern on it's head.

plese clerify. thank you.

photography of No'keefe's is an organised effort under controlled conditions; with lots of patience and precaution.

As getting esthetically pleasing photographs of wild NO'keefe's

is often exceedingly difficult

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