Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Certainly, had TEN RIGHTEOUS men actually been found, and had the cities of Sodom and Gommorah been spared,

Ten Righteous Men
It is perfectly true that only Lot and his daughters were spared from the destruction of Sodom and Gommorah. Lot's wife perished, because she "glanced back", perhaps yearning for the comforts of the old, familiar life, and for that yearning, she was turned into a "pillar of salt".

Such total destruction of Sodom fuels our notion that homosexuality is more heinous than heterosexual sins, or theft, or murder, or even sins which many people forget about such as pride, sloth, envy, and gossiping, backbiting.

But people OFTEN FORGET about the prior intercession of Abraham with God. It is ESSENTIAL for us to remember this episode of Abraham's intercession on behalf of Sodom and to learn several fundamental principles from it.

First of all, it is very likely that the reputation of Sodom's sin had spread far and wide (just as everyone knows about a city such as New York City or Las Vegas), so Abraham surely was not ignorant of the nature of the people on whose behalf he interceded.

God initially agrees to spare the entire city if only FIFTY righteous men are found. Notice very carefully that God only asks that they be RIGHTEOUS, and makes no mention of their religious persuasion and denomination, or that they be Jewish.

Indeed, there WAS no Judaism in Abraham's time, since it was before the time of Moses and the Laws.

We all know that Abraham succeeds in reducing the requirement from fifty righteous men to ten righteous men.

Certainly, had TEN RIGHTEOUS men actually been found, and had the cities of Sodom and Gommorah been spared,

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