Tuesday, December 28, 2010

TBBT - Best Bazinga Ever?


edward_george1 said...

did you get my memmo or were u bannashed
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thermotron former employee and embezzler
November 17, 2015thermotron11
Fred Plont
Thermotron field service l – Lonely Sarcastic Guy-
working with a Dummy 2- fred Plont— career criminal


get your training at thermotron– Fred Plont– the good – old – Boy–

Yes and Roger Cannady and associates

let Fred Plont do what ever he wanted — and his training with Ed Flowers-in colorado – was a continuation of the training he got with Thomas bannach and mitch herr and John dane– at All temp engineering and ENSECO — it’s no — wonder his attituded was

Gee — Isn’t every one a liar and a thief? (embezzler)

when i worked at thermotron
interesting thing about holland michigan and thermotron, is that the
managers i dealt with all Bragg with liers and deceivers..they are..

when ROn Wiley was the thermotron west coast manager, dispatcher, “good old boy”

was working at Litton Ind and just set up an test lab for them in
Oregon i hired and trained the new staff and when

Ron Wiley sent up 3
thermotron field service technicians, all 3 combined barley made up one complete person..

But they have to get their training somewhere.. one customer at time…

Ron Wiley dispatehed a unskilled and un qualified employee from
washington state to perform the start up on an vibration shaker..

his only training at thermotron was they told him it was “roundand blue ” and it fit under the chamber..

after a week of trying to get it to work.. he concluded that the logic moduel was bad..

40 hours for that..

But he did know where the “Hidden Buttons” were on the chamber temperature controller..

the 3 other field service engineers Ron Wiley dispatched didn’t have a clue..

when i asked if he could do a operational performance over view for the 13 men i had hired in the test lab ,

Ron wiley and Dave waterfield said thermotron no longer does that for customers..

Ron Wiley asked

if i remembered Berry Wright who was a Tom Bannach replacement

.. and
he quit thermotron when dave waterfield gave him a Dan O’keefe review..
policy .
. find some thing they did wrong and make a big deal about it..
so u don’t have to give then a raise.

. he quit as the West Coast


Fred Plont had a lot of backstabbing words to say
about that … but as i said to fred Plont.. “what’sit to u ?”

freds reply was ” Well he won’t be able to find a better job where u
don’t have to work very hard”

as fred’s claim to fame is being a lazy
lying 2 faced back stabber and embezzler.. u can see why he is a long
ter m
Thermotron employee..

Heck.. Bob Wiley hired him twice!!!

any way… because Holland Michigan is know as the West Coast Hipocroits..
and Thermotron is a great place to see all the different types of liars, thieves and embezzlers,

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Thermotron your time as a lier, thief embezzler and slander

Sunday, September 15, 2013
YOUR TIME as a THERMOTRON Liar, thief & Embezzler
Holland michigan church going Whores
Sunday, September 15, 2013
-DON'T TRUST ME thermotron -- we treat you like family (we don't l;ike) slander is our style
YOUR TIME as a THERMOTRON Liar, thief & Embezzler

contact fred plont-- 4 some special 1 on one

employee training-- or Gregory V Johnson in california -- a bannach "pet" and false wittness

at thermotron you are allowed to steal about 10,000 to 20,000 a year-- just submit paperwork

Wednesday, July 3, 2013
3OH!3 - DON'T TRUST ME--DON'T TRUST ME thermotron -- we treat you like family (we don't l;ike)
3OH!3 - DON'T TRUST ME thermotron -- we treat you like family (we don't l;ike)

get some help from thermotron
remember we treat you like family

uuubigdummy said...

Don't Bullsh*t Yourself!
Crush the Excuses That Are Holding You Back
By Jon Taffer · 2018

OverviewGet the bookMore by authorSimilar books

ISBN:9780735217010, 0735217017
Page count:224
Published:March 13, 2018
Publisher:Penguin Publishing Group
Author:Jon Taffer

:At thermotron Bob Wiley motto was it didn't matter so long as you didn't get Wiley in trouble.
John tembrink said bob was as smart as a fox 🦊. because he believes my lies .
Tom Patterson said he didn't want to say anything about the embezzlers and liar's cuz they will attack you. Gregory V Johnson said it doesn't matter what you say about your co workers.
Tom bannach said it A ok to lie cheat defraud your co-workers and the customer . Because everyone is currupt. And Tom bannach defraud all his Co workers.
Dean Tripp said he would lie about everyone.

Jim Mullen: Rewarding bad behavior: Abusers, cheaters get ahead
Posted Apr 11, 2019 at 4:00 AM

Somewhere today, there will be breaking news that a well-known and/or powerful person has been accused of abusing an employee, co-worker or romantic partner. So here's the question: Did their bad behavior only start after they became well-known or powerful?

It seems much more likely to me that they didn't become abusers when they became powerful, but that they became powerful because they were abusers.

Think about it — isn't the most conniving, evil, creepy, abusive back-stabber in your workplace the one who's most likely to get promoted? Isn't the guy or gal who takes credit for your work, who cuts corners, who breaks the rules and sucks up to the bosses the most likely to skip a grade?

If this is true, then serial abusers are more likely to climb the corporate ladder, the church hierarchy or the military ranks than their more worthy co-workers. How else to explain the college bribery scandal — not to mention the political scandals, church scandals, corporate scandals and Hollywood scandals that are all happening at the same time? How is it that so many ethically challenged people have risen to the top of the heap over the good and decent ones?

Cream no longer rises to the top. At best, it's tolerated down at the bottom. After all, somebody has to do the work while the abusers focus on getting ahead.

So often we hear about famous, powerful people making life miserable for everyone who works for or near them that it's easy to think

uuubigdummy said...

There sure were a lot of memories from T-land.

Some good, some not.
Some things that were going on in the field I wish I had been aware of–but, in retrospect at least it was something to learn from.

I try to follow the “if you can’t say something good…” philosophy so I won’t say too much about Thermotron but the last 3 years seem to have made the problems with that management theory finally have a major effect on their business.

It surprises me that it takes so long for results to be seen from both good and bad things.

I would expect quicker results.It seems to work for us to be aware of the competition but not sell against them or even address them too much in our approach, just concentrate on the equipment and what we will do for the customer.

I have come to learn that there are some bad customers, very few actually, but it’s best just to walk away and leave those to someone else.

Of course I think we could use more service people but I can’t argue against the volume numbers I see coming in.

The trend is up but not by leaps and bounds so we’re still in a holding pattern as far as adding people. I certainly think you would be an asset.

We don’t have a wild crew (unless I’m missing something again)

but then how wild can one guy be? As we get older we get wiser.To thine own self be true.

(and to heck with the rest)I

hope the move works out

uuubigdummy said...

As the former Microsoft VP of HR I can assure you that HR is not your friend. Here's where you should go instead if you're having workplace issues.
Chris Williams Aug 11, 2022, 10:50 AM
Chris Williams
Chris Williams was at Microsoft for nearly 8 years. Chris Williams
This story is available exclusively to Insider subscribers. Become an Insider and start reading now.
When you have a conflict at work, it can be hard to know where to turn. Whether it's a personal disagreement with a colleague, problems with a micromanaging boss, or even fear of looming layoffs, you may feel like unloading your worries to someone.