Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Thermotron where false statements are "KING"

Thermotron managers are "trained in backstabbing"


Thomas bannach would call his co-workers "Gay" behind their backs,, he spent 30 years at thermotron, dispariging his co-workers, and trying to build a case against them.

Roger Cannady the National service manager , who replaced Bob-less Wiley.. went along with it,

until he got "fired".. or "rather drummed-Out"

and when a field service engineer asked roger cannady about the robbery, thief and embezzlement.. roger cannady libled and slandered that man..

WHY?.. Roger cannady has bad character and
because roger is a spineless-guttless-wonder ,

just like thomas bannach !!

who he assosiated with and Gregory V. Johnson and Hil Sybesma who braged that embezzlement and slander is "OK", and Dean Tripp.. and Mitch Kerr.. or John Dane.. and Fred Plont .. Gee isn't every one a lier and a thief??

Roger Cannady & Associates
- Innovation in Education -

Roger Cannady & Associates
15811 Peace Blvd
Spring Hill, FL 34610
(252) 341-8028

, and Dave Waterfield his replacement, and Ron Wiley, said he was a good lier, and the list goes on..

Thermotron... got a "NEW" replacement "LIAR" 4 Daniel J. O'keefe !!

not a problem... it's easy to find a lier and a pervert at thermotron..

Thermotron.. College Education is not needed for management or supervision, or field service engineer, or Sales Engineer, or Branch manager, or National service manager..

What Must A Former Employee Prove To Establish A Case Of Defamation Against A Former Employer?

There are five elements that must be proven by the employee to succeed. They are:

* The employer made a defamatory statement:

A statement is generally considered defamatory if it harms the former employee's reputation by lowering him in the estimation of the community or deters third parties from associating or dealing with him.

* The employer published the defamatory statement to a third party: Publication may be verbal or non-verbal.

* The employer's statement was false: Generally, the duty to prove that a defamatory statement is false falls on the former employee. He must show specific facts demonstrating that his former employer's statements were not well-grounded.

* The employer was at fault in making the false statement: The fault an employee must prove is based on the extent of the employer's knowledge that his statement was false.

* The false statement caused injury to the employee's reputation: An employee must prove that his injuries would not have occurred if not for his employer's false defamatory statements.

What Are Some Examples Of Defamation By An Employer?

remember the "code of silence" and the "i lied 4 Uuu" is in operation.

Consult "Tamera Kennedy senior human resourses" on the thermotron history of "drumming-out-and disparging employee's"

Although you will want to consult with an attorney to determine whether your exact situation is sufficient to support a cause of action for defamation, a few examples of possible situations that are likely to result in a successful claim are:

* An employer falsely portraying a former employee as an individual who discriminated against a certain class of people (i.e. African Americans)

* An employer falsely alleging that an employee made threatening statements, firing him, and then telling future employers that employee had a history of making such statements

* An employer telling a third party that his former employee had done a bad job when there was substantial evidence to the contrary

* An employer telling a third party that a former employee's constant alcohol abuse makes him not dependable as an employee

My Former Employer Made False Defamatory Statements About Me That Has Cost Me A New Potential Job - Do I Need An Attorney?

Your best option is to contact an employment law attorney. Your attorney can advise you of your rights and let you know if you may be entitled to collect compensation in a lawsuit against your former employer.

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