Monday, January 23, 2012

Thermotron field service training it's (Ok 2-B-currupt)

Thermotron with thomas bannach (27 years) bragged that it's ok to b currupt.. Because they all are that way.. Well in Holland Michigan that is the case, Tom Patterson at ESPEC agree ed,he got is fstart at thermotron with Bob Wiley, who said just get the customer to sign off on the equipment, tell them it's under warrenty!
this was also the case with Bill Bench at Russles Technicial products,

just lie to every-1 ..

Today, as we reflect on the words of this great religious leader,

we also remember the words of the prophet Isaiah,

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil; who put darkness for light and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”

This is what we are seeing in America, in Holland Michigan

A complete removal and in some case reversal of the moral truths we have known for millennia to promote and provide for the social good!

Truths are such because they have stood the test of time and have proved to be right in all contexts, but even in the church there has been a calling of good evil, and evil good.

If Churches across America leave behind the moral high ground in order to be inclusive and tolerant, the human situation will not improving.

We, the Church, have a role to play in preventing the reversal of moral truths in America.

In order to counter the cultural currents at work in this nation, the Church must not reflect the sinful world.

The Church must rise above the status-quo, accepted, tolerated. We cannot look like the world. We must be the light, the good, the sweet.

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