Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Truth Project -- Extended Trailer Thermotron lying cheating and stealing is normal

Thomas patterson is finally

Retiring from ESPEC--- as a sales-- manager
Tom Patterson
Mar 28

to me
I have retired from ESPEC. If you need to contact ESPEC please use:
Thank you.
He got his start at Thermotron after Daniel J o'keefe drummed out Bob (less) Wiley..

and a a replacement manager for Bob Wiley-- the National Service Manager--
He instructions were to lie, cheat , and defraud his co-workers-- find something that you can blame on them and make a big deal about it-- and if they complain -- so what!! lie to them again.

Thomas patterson heald this position for about a year-- then Daniel j O'keefe -- performed the same evualation on him--- and the "game was over , the gig was up!!

So thomas Patterson Quit because he said he didn't have "STUPID" written on his forhead..

BUT Thomas patterson was a smooth liar and deceiver  when he held that position--- 

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