Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Thermotron field service engineer Practicing Psychology: Pinning Down Criminal Psychopaths - For Dummies

Practicing Psychology: Pinning Down Criminal Psychopaths - For Dummies

Thermotron does win the hightest score for developing many of the Psychopaths in the environmental chamber business.

Roger cannady and his gang lasted about 3 years , but Thomas W Bannach his gang lasted for over 30 years.  Thomas Patterson finally retired in 2013, and his motto was 1.  after you lie cheat and defraud the 1st 500 people -- it will get easer.

Thomas Bannach bragged that everyone was a liar cheat and slander -- so practice it every day

Thomas Bannach's pet thieves-- started early in life and started robbing the neighbor homes--

and with thomas bannach as manager on the west coast in california -- they daily robbed the thermotron customers-- and their co workers.

Hil sybesma said that Grevory V johnson had Bannach "around his little finger"

Because thomas bannach libled and slandered hi co workers who were not in agreement

Hil Sybesma taught lying cheating and embezzling , and progressed to a hight level than Gregory V Johnson-- as the rate -- was about 20,000 per year

thomas bannach harrassed and drumed out all his co workers who were not in agreement with him..

No Big deal-- good help is hard to find!

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