Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Thermotron management Convicted Embezzler Called 'Liar, Thief'

yes get your start at thermotron

and then go to ESPEC-- and then the sky is the limit

thermotron fred plont

any way

.i was talking to turner's old company EST, and met stan van lear, and russ barns..

now see i do know a few people who still seem to be good people..
unless i am wrong.

( and i didn't even add dick alverson to this obviously growing list)

As i told management there before, i was not interested in working there when tom bannash was there ( they fied him, or rather told him to leave?)

because tom bannash promoted lying cheating stealing robbery embezzelment employee harassment and slander..

I asked him and roger cannary and danny boy.. if thermotron was just a money laundering company for the maiafa..

I also asked them how much they budgeted for thief and embezzlement.. and danny boy got mad at me when i filed a claim with the labor commision ..

I ended up with five pages of #**%++@$%^ and if i don't *&^% then #$%^&*(_, and further more .. business is business..

heck greg v johnson MINI tom bannish .. robbed over $50,000

yes that is fifty thousand dollars..

and he says he wasn't as big as thief as hil..

who i talked with last month..

(tom bannash was big on telling employees to lie and defrad each other and make it hard on them)

dean trippp said bannash wanted to build a case against every one..

Don't you know tom bannish is an evil man? Oh wait as selly in parts and logisats or mark lammers or hmm it's just politics.. to lie cheat and defraud people.

Just as greg v johnson daily robbed customers.. as well as his co-workers

he was a neighbor hood thief in pasadena ca where he grew up, and showed me different places he robbed.

Every one in that office told bannish this but you Can't tell a Dummy anything ...

that's why they are called dummies

so he drummed out the 5 sales support staff and every one else.

When tom bannish comes to town there is an increase in robbery thief and embezzelment and lying.

( same thing with greg v johnson)

birds of a feather flock together.

But this should be common knowledge..

just as fred plont plont tells me gee isn't every one a lier and a thief?

According to fred that is all he and the sales staff did in colorado.

So do you know any one else that has good character in this business?

Dan O'keff only seems to hire liers thieves and slanders as his management staff.

(roger cannery, dave water in the field, tom bannash, etc) a

nd even you had your turn..

When thermotron shows up .. you have to safe guard your facility..with the peity thieves,liers and embesslers nothing is safe.

mark lammers said to me

"didn't i know good people don't work at thermotron for very long"

Hil sysbesma defined thermotron management as being "petty and vindictive"

Bob wiley set the standard and dan o' keff further developed it.

So do you know of any places that hire good people ?

or is it an industry standard?

Over the years I have found I don't like working with liers thieves and embesslers very much..too cut throat for me.

If you are not one of them they attack you.

So, if it is wrong for me to identify them ... opps... i am sorry.. they are all probably gay.. and believe it is just a life style..ha ha ... laugh laugh..

ya being a lier and a thief is just a life stlye..

Well Tom bannish told me all you people were stupid and would believe what ever lies he said..

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