Tuesday, February 9, 2016

thermotron Evil Stewie- management training pervert training

thermotron manager training – Thomas Bannach

at thermotron — the standard of why — is holland michigan church goers called
the west coast hypocrites  —
thermotron is the only company that had a gate keeper — that told new employee’s that “Good people don’t stay and work here for too long”
or as another said– gee is didn’t want to lie– but — they told me too
or another — well all companies are Corrupt
or another — well i have that same problem as the manager– i want to lie cheat deceive and steal embezzle — and i still want people to like me
or maybe — the simple– it dosen’t matter what you do or say– so long as you get away with itImage
and BLAME it on some one else
and the list goes on____ and on— and on—–

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