Tuesday, February 9, 2016

thermotron holland michigan O'Jays " Back Stabbers "

Thursday, May 7, 2009

what does a holland michigan whore look like ? can U tell the difference ?

Ya thomas bannach .. is a true beliver in Hmmm... ???

Dean Tripp one of his bosse's .. said tommy boy... would do what is ever EASEST !!

Morals and Ethical behavior ... did not carry much weight !!

Hil Sysbesma was hear to say... that He had the same problem as tommy boy..

in that He wanted to lie .. cheat and defraud people when ever necessary...

but he still wanted people to like him...

Yes these are true examples of why ... the Dutch and Christian reformed churches.. are know as


they smile to your face... and then they..

"bear false wittness against their neighbor"

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