Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Big Bang Theory - I Am Truely Screwed


uuubigdummy said...

Submitted by one true christian
April 17, 2015
Vision of the ten lamps
The Lord said to me: Half of those that say they know me in the time of the end are liars.
They have never been lit with the fire from heaven.
They are burning with the strange fires of Mystery Babylon.
They only pretend to know me.
Their lamp shall be put out in outer darkness and there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
But those who are Mine shall shine forever and burn with the brightness of my glory as the stars. For they are lit from My throne and fed with my oil and shall never go out.

uuubigdummy said...

Thermotron management a job for you
Where did John tembrink get his morals and values maybe from thermotron and Tom bannach and Tom Patterson and Randy hurtus demonstrated that fack is the one who has a good time on the job Bob Wiley said it's ok to lie to him about the job and the customer and your coworkers:when John tembrink begging Bob Wiley to go to a training service week, John tembrink spend the week drinking with the customers. And Tom Patterson said John tembrink falsely filled out his working hours,an embezzlering 5,000 to 10,000 was ok, being drunk ok smoking pot was ok, John tembrink found where he fit in.Z Mark lamers said good people don't work with them for very long, Tom bannach said it's ok to be currupt,and deceiving everyone